I confess to being out of control. My 14 yo daughter’s friend swims in our pool with a very showing bikini that arouses. She is built, cute, and innocent. I am not so sure about innocent because she has given me a cute grin when I was obviously and uncontrollably erect at times. A couple of times she even pushed against me as to say hey I know what’s going on; or maybe it was a coincidence? I often see most and sometimes all of her firm and pointy tits. And it’s not to hard to see her toe if watch, but I try not to stare and get caught. She would be better covered in under clothes. I would never allow my daughter to wear such a suit. I try to be as cool as possible, especially because my daughter is right there. Luckily the wife is rarely around. So what do I do? I know she is too young but she is too hot, revealing, built, cute, etc. to totally block out. I confess to her visiting when wife and daughter are gone to the point I think of planning a vacation for them. Or maybe I should take a new job, sell the house, and move us (the family).

I slept with my best friend’s ex-boyfriend, several times.
The first time he and I were together it was because of a threesome with me, her, and him (they were still dating). I was really drunk that night and didn’t know any better; I was kind of mad at her for letting it happen.
Later on, they broke up, and he and I began hooking up. I thought I really liked him and he liked me and we had a future, but I just found out that he was just using me to add another notch on his belt.
Oh, and they took time off for a while from sex after they broke up, but apparently they’re sleeping together again.
I’m just confused and last night I was overwhelmed with guilt. Should I tell her what happened? I just don’t want a big dramatic scene, and I’ll understand if I lose her over this, but I don’t want her to tell everyone and lose other friends as well.
Please help me, my friend is graduating in four days and I don’t want this to stain our last week together.
Well, no one would probably believe me if I told them face to face, and some people just make up things for attention, but, by my heart and soul, all I have to say here is true.
I have always felt a great deal of pain from persistent headaches and unexplained pains, feelings that slow me down. I am so lazy and I speak without thinking, but all of that isn’t me. I am a scholar of psychology, I know that what we think creates the world around us, and my preconceived ideas are getting the best of me. There is a lot to be said about the power of the mind, a consistent thought will become real. I know so much, and I have so much potential, but, by my nature, it seems that I cannot utilize it.
I hate nothing more than hard work. I waste most of my time playing video games to disassociate from reality, but I really want to work more on my psychological endeavors. Heck, I even know all the psychological processes I must go through to alter my reality in such a desired way. I just need some time to think it through, that is what confessing is about, right? Thinking through whatever is on your mind in an accepting and closely listening audience. I live for emotion, and since I feel so little, I have thought of many horrid things as to why I am this way.
The answer is simple, I believed I was a terrible person, part of my subconscious focused on negativity in various areas of my life, such as motivation. I have it all set out for my now: find negative feelings and shift feelings to shift habits, changing my inner world to change the world around me. I think I know why I talk so much now. Even though it hurts to speak and not be heard, I have to feel my thoughts physically manifest. That is a good feeling to me, feeling in the now, feeling real. I have work to do, but work is a nasty word, I hate work; I have a life to fulfill.
I am a really messed up person by society’s standards, but society is impersonal and doesn’t understand emotion. Society is the cookie cutter that makes people feel bad, and I speak out against such things that destroy true emotion, often to be struck down for doing what is right even though it is spitting in the face of what is accepted. I am a lazy person, and there is no need for a ‘why’ to that. It doesn’t matter, it just is. This control, this understanding of thought and emotion, this is who I really am. It is amazing how the power of a little time and effort can snowball into a life-changing experience. A good friend told me, “The key to life is not to know thyself, but to accept thyself.”
There is a girl that I really like and would do anything to have as my girlfriend. But when I get around here I can’t say anything, I’m like a mute. But we have similar friends and when they say something to me I can answer to problem, but when she says something to me it’s just quiet.
Worst part is that I’m a musician, and I end up having sex with random girls after every concert. I do this just because I feel somewhat empty. I know I wouldn’t have meaningless sex all the time if I could have that girl. I wish I could grow a pair and talk to her, instead the only thing my balls are good for is going in random girls mouths. I always feel horrible after I have sex with one of them. I really wish I could go up to that girl and just say SOMETHING I don’t care what I just wish something would come out. Seeing her all day at school really makes for a bad night of meaningless sex.
I have been free from pornography and masturbation addiction for four years now through Jesus Christ. Before the Lord saved me, I thought it would be impossible to ever be free from these wicked addictions that I had. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I refused to stop. I even knew I was going to hell, but I was convinced that even if I went to hell for my sins… it would be worth it.
That’s how depraved I was. But one day in 2005 the Lord killed something within me in the middle of a masturbation session and I’ve never been the same. The realization that I was letting my hand determine where I would spend the rest of my eternity settled on me.
I turned from my sin and put my faith in Christ as the only Savior. I’ve been free ever since, and I now try to help guys that are addicted to porn and masturbation the best way I can.
Soli Deo Gloria, “All glory to God”.
I have never had sex. I am 25 and I think it’s gonna stay likes this because women are so different and play hard to get and act like man have to make a play of love to cweep them away even if it is fake but they seem to need it, and I hate that. I am a shy person, so I am aware that it’s gonna be pretty impossible to get out of this loop of loneliness unless I overcome my fears and play the girls game which seem fake and elaborated artificially and it seems like everybody loves playing them except me.
I think I’ll die a virgin and alone and can’t do anything realistic to change it. Even if I am the only one with this perspective, I am really attracted to girls, even want romance and have lots of crushes on any given time and have tender feeling of love and occasional lust. But I feel we are all indoctrinated to behave one way only in the dating scene, we are just brainwashed by society in the way they want a guy approach to them. I can’t comply to the mating games rules established by media and society, they suck for me. I just want to be natural and have a happy fulfilling real relationship, but sometimes I conclude that women don’t look for averageness on love and sex. They look for adventures risk and pleasures. So I am not able to provide a movie for them cause all I want is simple and real love. I am in big trouble, even considering celibate and even a romance celibate if that definition even exist. Thanks.
I work so hard to make my dream come true, but my girlfriend doesn’t understand how hard it is to start and run your own business. The economy is so bad and I’m lucky if I make a dime in profit.
She treats me with so much disrespect that I can barely stand to look at her and it’s all because of money. She covers most of her bills and food. She covers our rent, which a lot of the time I’ll admit can’t pay. I told her I couldn’t pay but she insisted that I move in.
She drives up the credit card and gets upset that I can’t give her any money b/c she’s in the debt she created.
Recently, I just started making some money to help pay rent but she is so evil with how she speaks to me. I’m sick of it … I’m so damn sick of it! I feel trapped like I can’t get out of this relationship without turning my whole life upside down.
I’ve been thinking about cheating, just to hurt her and make her feel like shit; she’s driving me to it.
Although, it would be better to break-up with her; I don’t see the point of her not feeling the way she makes me feel or worse
I want to wait until I make more money and treat her with the disrespect she treats me with, find another girl and leave. I can’t bare to be with her in my success, when she can’t stand by me respectfully when times are bad.
She doesn’t know business is picking up for me financially.
I don’t know I’m not a bad person . . . maybe I just needed to vent on here . . . maybe.
Its time to just come clean. This whole need for sex thing has kind of hindered me from gaining $100,000 and a new home. I need to let it go. Right when I begin to suceed, sex creeps up and I fall again. The road is getting tougher, I am getting older, and the money potential is getting way higher. I feel a new task coming along this is HUGE, and I also feel that sex game coming back again trying to get me to log on to the same websites and get the same “quick fix” then trying to explain to my girlfriend why it takes me so long to orgasm. Man its getting out of control but its okay because I know its in God’s hands and that’s where it needs to be. I am just ready to move on with my life and physically, let my other half handle anything I need for me. She is willing I need to use that to help transisiton me to the next step. But self-pleasure is not the answer. It is the Question. Why Do I do it? Because of Boredum? Because of depression? Because of Anger? Because Its the Question not the answer. Well know I know the Answer its God and the Question is the same. Why not do it?
i was in love with a guy who loved me back.
but i moved away.
and now he’s seeing other people.
and he tells me that if i were there, he’d be with me.
i won’t move back. no way.
i’m finding it hard to see new people.
i’m feeling ugly, unwanted, and small.
he seems to be falling in love with this new girl.
and as much as i want him to be happy.
i hate him for it.
so pretty much i think that i am suppose to be a nun. yeah i know that sound really weird, but i think i am called to be a nun.
also i really just had this change of heart where i don’t want to drink any more, don’t want to cuss, and don’t want to look at porn and masturbated. i really hate myself for that and i feel like crap. ugh, i have been trying to change myself and i failed.
Eu amo a Mia, amo a Beatriz e amo a Marlene. 3 mulheres, o que há em comum? O facto de todas elas terem passado por uma tragédia ou várias na vida delas. O facto de todas elas serem lindas, o facto de sem saber como acabo sempre por ser essas pessoas que me atraem e que acabo por me apaixonar. Pelo facto de ama-las e sentir o que elas sentiram ao longo da vida delas. Não sei porquê mas todas as pessoas que me atraem no inicio e que mais tarde acabo por as conhecer são uma Bea, Mia e Marlene. Porquê pergunto-me eu? Porquê? Porque acabo sempre por amar esse tipo de pessoas? Será a luxuria a chamar por mim? Se assim fosse porque é que o que eu sinto por elas é mais do que isso? Amo-as tanto. E estou completamente na merda. Porque a minha vida pára por causa disso. Por mais voltas que tento dar. Por mais tentativas que faço para seguir em frente. Por mais iniciativas que invento e tento fazer para esquecer tudo o resto. Tudo acaba por correr mal. Estou farto, de viver nessa merda de mundo, onde o individualismo reina, onde cada está por si, onde ninguém é capaz de olhar para o outro e ajuda-lo. Odeio isso tudo. Ao ponto a que chegamos. Sei que estou vivo mas sinto que tudo morreu ao tempo. As pessoas estão mortas por dentro, e como eu as entendo. A Mia e a Bea foram pessoas que tudo fiz para dar vida…e falhei. A Marlene é mais outra. Porque raio estou a apaixonar me de novo, por alguém que de certeza vai terminar da mesma forma que terminou com as outras duas.
[Translation: Portuguese » English]
I love Mia, Marlene and Beatriz. 3 women, which is in common? The fact that they all have gone through a tragedy or several of them in life. The fact that all of them are beautiful, the fact that I do not know how to always be those people that attract me and for me that I love. The fact that love them and feel what they felt over the life of them. I do not know why but all the people that attract me in the beginning and that later in the know are just a Bea, Mia and Marlene. I wonder why I? Why? Because I always loved by such people? Is luxuria calling for me? If that was why I feel it is more than that? I love them both. And I’m completely in the shit. Because my life stops because of it. For more laps I try to give. It attempts to do more to move on. For more initiatives that invention and try to do to forget everything else. Everything ends up wrong. I’m tired of living in that kind of world, where individualism reigns, where each is for you, where nobody is able to look the other and help him. I hate it. When we got the point. I know that I’m alive but I feel that all the dead time. People are dead inside, and I will understand. The Mia and Bea were people who did everything to give life … and failed. The Marlene is another. Why the hell am I love me again, by someone who certainly will end the same way that ended with the other two.
I was born with a severely disfigured face. i am also mentally retarded. because of this i can be violent and dangerous sometimes, and because my face is so ghoulish looking it can be very scary for people. so my mom and brothers chained me to a wall in the basement where i just watched TV all day and lived on a diet of bar food and candy bars.
One day a bunch of kids from the neighborhood found me and helped me escape. we had a long adventure together, during which i had to pick sides against my own family who turned out to be totally evil selfish bastards, and in the end we were rich, famous, and still alive. well me and chunk eventually shacked up together and from time to time he will give me blowjobs and/or let me fuck him. i think he just feels sorry for me because even though im free to do whatever i want i still just sit in our basement and watch TV all day (and surf da net, obviously).
Anyways, i just wish god hadn’t made me be born a ghoul and gay and not even have a shot at getting into heaven when i die. it is so depressing that it makes me want to take my life, but i would only end up in a worse situation (hell). so i guess i just have to be happy to be alive and try to stay alive as long as i can. the thing is that when those kids “rescued” me from my family my whole world got flipped turned upside down. And I’d like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air.
… ok, even when ppl dont know who i am i feel stupid about saying whats wrong. i cant talk to anyone, i feel stupid about my feelings, i think it might be because when i was younger, when i would cry, my mom would usually say ” either stop crying or go to your room, no one wants to see that”.. but i dont know. i hate the way i look, i am probably have the lowest amount of confidence ever, i always wear my hoodie because i feel like everyone is staring at my “fat” cuz im not skinny but im not fat, im just in the middle, but i feel disgusting, i always see my flaws… i dont even know how to take a compliment, i just feel weird. idk…
my family is so fucked up, and i feel like they hate me. my eldest brother *Abe* ignored me for like a year for no reason…like, i went to my brother *dan’s* house for a cook out and he was there, and he wouldnt even make eye contact with me, and he talked to everyone BUT me… then like 20 mins later he went to sleep… even now, i feel like crying cuz of it… i mean, do you know how that feels, im the youngest out of all my siblings (im 16 now, oldest sib. is 32) and when that happened i was only like 15, it hurt so bad, and he didnt even have a reason to do it… my mom said it was cuz the age diff. (hes like 25) but he was perfectly fine talking to my niece who is 11… and i have like 2 friends cuz no1 likes me, i never tell anyone how i feel, cuz i feel stupid and i dont even have a “best friend” and every friend i have always just leaves me, and treats me like shit, and i never stand up for myself… i hate it… and the person who used to be my best friendjust stopped talking to me, and she left me when i really needed her, …. u know how many times i have actually thought about suicide… more than i can count, i doubt id ever do it though.. i just feeling shitty all the time andhave no one there for me… i cant handle it… i dont know what to do…
and im not trying to make anyone feel bad for me or w/e i just wanted to tell someone even though they dont know me cuz i have never told anyone any of the way i feel and think.. ppl just see me as happy funny stupid acting jess, and they have NO idea about unhappy i actually am…
p.s- im not doing this to have ppl feel bad for me, and i tell u this cuz, even doing this, i feel stupid. =[
I’m a fucking heinous megalomaniac mess that also ends up devoting too much of myself to the wrong people. I try to play tough girl all the time, and my legacy of debauchery and social magnificence preceeds me. However, deep down I really wish I could settle down with just one.. perfect.. dude. I have a serious case of ADD when it comes to the attention of men, so I typically end up screwing myself by not sticking around, or i try to stick around with a nut job. What am I supposed to do?
He’s 17 years older than me, and i know i cant have him, even though he left her when he knew he had feelings for me…and yet i torture myself on a daily basis by spending my time around him, and helping him, and i see how he stares at me, how he thinks of me, and how we connect at times, but i know he will never love me like he has loved other in the past, because i could never be like one of them…
i stole money from my dad, and he has just died. i loved him so much, but i just compulsively wanted things cuz life felt so empty. i also lie about working hard when sometimes i dont always. i also need to stop watching so much tv, but it makes me feel like i have friends.also when i was 8 i was talked into taking something from a store, but then i ran away and never seen her since.
my name is ryan b. and im a 15 year old boy. at least i think so. lately ive been having strange feelings towards my best mates i dont understand i thought only girls liked guys. is there something wrong with me? i want to touch them so bad. and i keep having dreams about putting a friends cock in my mouth.
one night we got pissed and i fondled my friend. i dont know if he remembers but it has been awkward between us lately. i dont want to bring it up incase he tells my friends and some how my brother finds out.
please help me.
So I recently ended a relationship that was 2 and a half years long. That was 2 weeks ago, since then I got a new girl and when we’re fooling around or I’m fingering her or whatever I’ll get hard as can be but the second she starts to do something to me it goes away. I’m 20 years old and have never had such a thing happen to me and have had sex so many times with other girls that I can’t begin to number it and I don’t understand why this is occuring!
well me and my friend were walking to the park because we were bored so we were playing around and we got a lil to playful and started kissing and we both gave each other a weird look but it was good so
we both desided to go to the bathroom of the park and
finish were we left off she wonted to go in the stale
but I didnt wont to so as we were playing with each other and we desided to go a lil further and and right when we were about to get it off (she like had my dick in her hand and i was fingering her to death)
and this elderly lady walks in and sees us Lol she like stops and then just keeps on goin into the stale
like nothing happend lol and then we left (sad)
I have problems expressing my feelings to girls. I have a lot of friends who are girls that i like, but I can never ask them out or flirt with them even if they’re single. I am sixteen and have never had a girlfriend. I’m a hopeless romantic looking for advice on talking to girls. Can anyone help me?
well i dont even know what life i have, First all, i’ve never seen my real mom since i was born, I walk away from my dad house b/c he treated me like a shit. I missed 1month of school b/c my aunt lazy enough to get my transcript from my previous school. Plus, the girl i met online she always drive me insane. She always cheat on me, And yeah i still love her! I dont even have a job yet and im in the house playing games everyday. Sometimes im thinking committing suicide. My heart is full of pain, sadness, and sometimes i dont even know myself anymore. I wish there someone loves me. someone care about me. someone make me happy. I wish there’s someone…GOD HELP ME!
I want someone and almost the entire reason why is that I perceive he does not desire me the way I do him. This is a pattern I have repeated regularly throughout the past six years. I am fed up with myself, because I am completely incapable of having a normal, functional relationship. As soon as I “get” them, as soon as they show a reciprocal interest, I run away. Wow, I have also made some really piss poor decisions over the past four months, and that is adding further complications. I seem so together on the surface; people would be stunned if they knew some of the fucked up shit I’ve pulled.