Confession Point

When you must confess!

i cant stop thinking about my sister-in-law. at the very least i would love to see her case scenerio would be to have some naked pictures of her. worst case would be actually having sex with her . i say that because i know how much worse it would make the situation for me. we were really close friends at one time but ive pushed away because i now compare all women to her. i love my brother and i love my sister-in-law and miss them and she is upset that i no longer go to see them. i just cant do it. even though there is some sexual tension between us i dont think she would ever do anything despite the fact she and my brother are having marital problems. i on the other hand cannot say that.though id like to think that i wouldnt im pretty sure i most people she has her bad days and can be a real bitch but on all the other days she is as close to perfect as a woman can get.


I am obsessed with traps (transsexuals) and constantly fap to thoughts of them. I can’t cum without thinking about one. I’ve been with one trap hooker and want to be with more. And I am married with a perfectly normal sex life, it’s just that I am fixated on traps too.


I have been staying in my girlfriend’s house with her mom and dad because I am going to school full time on a loan and don’t have time to work enough to get my own place. On our 1 year anniversary, I slept with my girlfriend for the first time and took her virginity. About a week later, she went to visit her uncle with her dad. I stayed at her house, so did her mom. Her mom cooked me dinner, and offered me a drink. I accepted. I ended up getting drunk and sleeping with my girlfriend’s mom! As if that wasn’t bad enough, about a month later her mom found out she was pregnant! MY GIRLFRIEND’S DAD HAS A VASECTOMY. My girl’s mom told me that if I didn’t pay for her abortion, she would tell my girlfriend!!!! So I cheated on my girl with her mom right after taking her virginity, her mom got pregnant, and then made ME pay for the abortion!!!

Her mom is a much better lay than her.


i began to fuck with my latin teacher as i was 16. she was 32 and the hottest women i’ve ever seen.

Couldn’t believe it first as she recognized i was in love with her and she called me to her room. i thought she will sentence me or something but she smiled at me and suddenly began kissing me. she was telling, that she wanted it as much as i did, locked the door of the room and began to take of her cloth.

after licking her pussy and she sucking my cock we began fucking on one of the tables. couldn’t belive it. after this, we met several times, even at her’s when her husband, some stupit buissinesman travelling around, who wasn’t able to satisfy her, as she said.

we had an affair until i was 19 and the time, the most bad thing happened. she got pregnant! i felt like a fool ’cause she always tooked the pill, but that was not the biggst problem. this was, as her daughter was born and we had to clear about who’s the father ’cause she ment, she was fucking with her husband at this time.

but it happened as i thought it would: i was the father of the little girl we named cara, as i supposed some weeks before birth. nobody but us two knows, that we had this affair and that cara is my daughter, because her stupid husband even today thinks she’s his child, and that’s what really hurts me, even it is six jears ago from now


I have been in the military for 7 years. Well, a couple of years ago I befriended my supervisor. She is married with two children and her husband happens to also be in the military. Shortly after, she decided to get out of the military but me and her remained really close friends. We used to go out all the time…..out to eat, clubbin, and I used to go over to her house all the time. I would play with her children and me and her husband would make polite small talk when I happened to see him in passing. Around this time, I received orders to Korea and about a month or so later I found out that my friends husband received orders to Korea as well, only to a different base than me (2 hours away). My friend decided not to go to Korea with him due to their children but would be following him to his next base after Korea.

So, one day after I was settled at my new base, me and a friend decided to take a trip up to the other base. While shopping, I happened to run into my old Supevisor’s husband. We made the same small talk, only this time exchanged IM addresses. After I traveled back to my base, I added him to my IM.

One night about 3 months later, on another trip up yonder, I was at a club with a few friends. And there he was. Only this time things were much different. He was very flirtatious, a little touchy. He asked where I was staying and I told him. We left the club, I got my things from the hotel I was staying at, and we headed to his place. After arriving there, we listened to some music, was drinking on some cognac, and talking. Somewhere in between talking and listening to music, he started pulling me closer to him and telling me that he had always wanted me since the day he met me. He started kissing on my neck and my ears and then before I knew what was happening I was being led to his king sized bed.

The next morning, when my brain was clear from it’s drunken haze I thought about what I had just did. I thought it was just one of those drunk-night flings. But he woke up and we started going at it again.

I have taken a few other trips to his base to visit him. And while I always questioned myself as to what I was doing, I simply could not help myself.

Since both of us left Korea, he has IM’ed me out of the blue…telling me that he missed feeling my ass and tits and how he still thought about all the things we did to each other. All the while, I still keep in touch with his wife….his wife who wants to come visit me in Guam where I now am.


I love my girlfriend, but I don’t love her that much.

I only think about her about 10% of the time when I masturbate, and I like to talk dirty to girls I meet on myspace and send them naked pictures (they love those).

Anyway, I managed to seduce a girl who lives in my building and I think I might have a chance to fuck her. The problem is she doesn’t know I have a girlfriend, so if my girlfriend comes for a visit, then I’m afraid she’s going to find out!

If I AM going to get caught by my GF, I won’t cheat on her, but if I won’t, then I think I would love to!


I am married but I still find myself thinking about other women sexually. I even have a certain female friend who often teases me about sleeping with her. I can’t help but think about what it would be like. Now, I am not a cheater nor have I ever been, but I worry that I will not be able to control myself one of these days. I am not sure what to do.


Not really a confesion… Just a great story….

Last Summer my wife and I went to a Nude Beach in Malibu Ca. My wife knew that I had always fantasized about her going topless at a beach. I think we got a little more than we bargained for… in a good way. After about an hour or two, my beautiful, shy, conservative wife finally agreed to take off her bikini top. I think she only really agreed because there were about a dozen nude men(mostly gay)all around us. She leaned back on her elbows, because she knows this positions her perfectly shaped C-cup tits. Keep in mind, she escaped stretch marks after our two kids. It all just went back in place… thank God!

Any ways, as she lay there with he tits on display a tall black fellow walked up to us to chat. Though he was wearing swim trunks, the obvious shape and length of his penis was clearly visible. He asked us the time and if we come here often.. small bullshit, I know it was just to get a better look. My heart was racing because I wasnt sure how my wife was feeling or how she would react. All of a sudden, the man sits down on the sand next to my wife as he contuned to talk about the beach and the police and other banter that I cant remember.

As he sat there, kinda leaning back on his side, our view of my wifes tits were at eye level as she remained frozen sitting up knowing it was the best position for her tits. Both me and the the man continued our conversation each about 2 feet from my wife, just looking across her chest as to pretend to be looking at eachother. Her tits glowed from the sun. The glisten of the tanning butter on her dark chocolaty nipples made them look like candy. We watched and talked as she shook a fly off her hand, making her tits jiggle like jello!!

After a few minutes of this very subtle yet erotic moment, the guy decides that he is going to take off his shorts because “he doesnt want my wife to feel uncomfortable being the only one naked”. We both laughed becuase we didnt think he was serious. Sure enough he did as he said, and now we see why! As he slides down his shorts, his penis bounces out as the elastic of the shorts clear the tip of his semi erect cock! My wifes eyes were glued to the sight,we both gasped. I had to comment to break the ice. WOW I said.. we all laughed.

He then sits back down and asks if he can use our spray tan lotion. My wife leans over and hands it to him. He sprays a few on his chest and legs … then his cock. he hands the bottle back to my wife and rubs the lotion in, stroking his cock a few times as to rub the lotion in. We both were quiet and watched as he did it… It was like in slow motion.

I said as a joke be carefull with that thing.. as it quickly grew to its full length.. standing straight up. He said to my wife, “go a head give it a couple tugs” … mywife looked at me and said “Im sure!!” in half insulted half giggly way. I knew deep down she wanted to beacuse she couldnt keep her eyes off of it. I said ” go ahead honey” “Its not gonna bite”.. “just a few strokes wont kill anybody”!!! She gave me a strange smirk and leans ovr to her left and strokes him with her right hand. I was soo turned on , already hard, I rubbed my cock though my shorts almost coming dowm my leg.

She stroked away as to be going for the gold. What I thought was to be just a quick couple of tugs, turned out to be this lucky bastards day!!! he leaned back looked up to the sky, rolled his head back and lets out this loud progressive moan as he shot this massive load all over his chest….almost clearly up to his shoulders. It was amazing……. She then leans over and say “ok come on your turn” as in lets get this over with… she reaches in my shorts jerks on it like four times and I explode….. We all lay back on the sand in silence… me and the guy just totally drained.


I have a huge crush on my GF’s sister. I want to fuck her so badly! I fantasize about doing her every single day. I want to lick her cunt and ram my dick into her so hard she screams. MMM. She is one hot little bitch. Yum.


i’ve been having a gay affair with a married professional footballer for 5 years. he says he loves me more than his wife but he couldn’t take the public backlash. i’m not allowed to have a boyfriend but what can i do? i love him so much


i fucked a mans wife while he watched, it wasnt half bad but they want me to do it again, im not sure if im actually up for it, what should i say should they actually call me back?


i always look at gay porn and i am straight and christian i masturbate alot any i really im happy


I want to fuck my Wife’s 2 sisters and 2 of her cousins.


My name is Anuraag. I am married since a long time to Kiran. My wife Kiran is quite good looking and voluptous. Right since we got married, I have always had a rather kinky obsession, to watch my wife Kiran, exposing her lovely body to strange men. I started confiding in her about this obsession. Initially she flatly refused. But, over the years, I persisted in keeping on requesting her. Finally, she agreed – but on condition, that I will not force her to do what she does not like. I accepted. Slowly we started experimenting with small semi-exposures on the highways, in restaurants etc. These were not really exposures. It was just a small peek, that strangers would get into Kiran’s blouse, or thru’ her skirt etc. But these were one second peeks. I told Kiran, that I wanted her to expose more….

Read the rest of this entry »


i’ve started to have sex with my sisters husband, and its great! only problem is were both male and if she finds out she will kill us! it started after a drunken night out he stayed at mine and shared my bed during the night i felt him touch me which made me hard, i played along with it and touched his cock which was rock hard and hugh i started masturbating him next thing i know he was cuming in my hand so i quickly moved and put his cock in my mouth it was lovely hot cum in my mouth he pushed me back and started sucking me until i cum. it was the best night i had had for a long time we still met now for sex and everytime still feels like the first time and i love it!


I masturbate to my sister in law’s pics, she sent them to me and knows she owns my cock.


A few years ago, my cousin got a divorce and was fixing her basement so she could take in a boarder. I lived to far away to comute back and forth so she said I could just stay with her for a while. My wife was not to pleased with me being gone for two or three weeks at a time.

When we were kids we used to “make out” when we were together. We never did anything serious but she would grind her pussy into my crotch almost making me come. I think she liked almost getting me off. She is a nice looking girl with really nice tits. Well after a couple of weeks I was begining to have strong urges towards her. One day we went to the hardware store together so she could buy something. One the way back she stopped at a stop sign, I took her by the hair on the back of her head and pulled her face toward mine and we kissed. While taken aback she then kissed me. I explained that the night befor I really wanted to fuck her. I laid down on the sofa bed where she fell asleep watching tv and rubbed my cock against her hand. She said “Why didn’t you wake me”. She had no objection to us fucking.

Well that was all it took, that night slept together and she let met play with her honey hole. With last minute reservations she said she wasn’t sure if we should. I moved on top of her and began rubbing my cock against her wet hole. I felt the lips part and I rubbed the head of it between them and on her clit. She gave in and thrust her pussy on my dick. After a couple of minutes of slowly pushing in and out of her I pulled out and began to lick her wet slit. She shuddered and let out a little whimper. I then thrust my cock back in and we both had a magnificent climax.

I stayed for about five more weeks. I would eat her pussy whenever we got the chance during the day. She would be talking on the phone, I would come up and pull her panties down. She would open her legs and my tongue would caress the lips of her pussy. Needless to say she had trouble talking on the phone.
She would come home from work a few minutes early to beat the kids schoolbus so we coould fuck before they got home. Needless to say I had a great time as we fucked everyday. I returned evey weekend I could so we could fuck. Once when they came and stayed with me for the weekend my wife had to work, she told the kids to go to the school and play. Almost as soon as they walked out the door she had a hold of my dick pulling me towards the bedroom and into her waiting pussy. She is the only girl I have ever met as horny as me.


i think i’m falling for a minor he is 14 and good looking abit mouthy and cheeky but thats whats making me like him i’m in my twenties and married to a great girl but i’ve always been interested in men i just watch him out the window and when he running around in his shorts and his hand down his underwear it makes me horny just thinking about him makes me hard. i hope when he gets older he might want some man on man action and i’ll be waiting.


I’m a 54 yr male, married. I can’t help myself but I like going to public parks and having anonymous sex with other males. There’s just something about showing each other your dicks. I only play with them and let them jack me off for now. Maybe at some point I might suck a dick but not now. I do let them suck me with a condom. I have met a woman who jacked me off and I wish more women would come to the parks and enjoy themselves with each other or other men. I have occasionaly been in a group of 3 men and a woman for the third would be interesting.


i am 32 and currently married to a 41 year old i love my wife very much but i cant help myslelf when shes sleeping i sneek out and masterbatee and cum on my stepdaughter who is 19. She enjoys the taste of me and i stay really hard. she enjoys this on a daily basis but now i am having problems pleaseing my wife I want to leave her for her daughter but she has a good job. what do you think i should do


I am a from Egypt I am married to a decent woman with two nice boys. I cheated on her two years after we married. My wife was the first woman in my life but she just couldn’t be the last. It is her poor sexual apetite and my high sex drive that made sex compatibilty impossible for us. I had some incomplete relations with girls, I mean girls who were virgins and in my country girls don’t give up their virginity but to their husbands, so I did not really had the chance to screw any of them and my wife was still the only open pussy I had.

One of the girls I knew asked me a favor and gave me the phone number of one of her older neighbors who was a widow of 34 while I was 29. She asked me to have one of my male friends to call the widow and try to make her fall in love with him just to drag her attention from some mean guy who exploit her and take her money. I liked the idea and instead of having a friend to do so I called the widow myself but I was not good at starting a relation with women through an accident call. I was direct with the widow and told her the true story and reason of my call but I hid the name of my girlfriend. She asked for a date, at first I refused and told her that I am not after an affair with her. She insisted on seeing me after she stared to like me and my thoughts of life and women. We met and I liked her and she also liked me, She was an image of the old Italian actress name Claudia Cardinally. Most attractive to me was her breasts that must have measured some thing like DDD. She told me that it would be improper for her as a widower to be seen by someone in my company and I offered to take her to my house that was empty because my wife stayed then at her family’s house in anticipation of delivery.

We went to my home, we talked for a while in the middle she took off her coat and my eyes struck by her massive breasts. We hugged and kissed and of course I got erected. I was horny like hell but not yet decided to go on for the very end but I tried to pull up her skirt but she refused because she was minsurating then> I stopped and we left a moment after. After I called her a cab, I recalled what happened and I came to the conclusion that she did not like me and she faked minsturation to excuse and leave. I decided not to call her again to save my face. The following day she called me the first thing in the morning> She was hot on the phone and she expressed to me how much she is attracted to me. To make the long story short we met 3 days later but at her house because I did not feel good about inviting her to my house. I was nervous, but she managed to make me relax and after preparatory expert work on her part I was so erect. She unzipped me and took my cock out and she gasped when she saw it and it was the first time to me to know that I have such a big cock. I felt proud and confident then and most importantly I got harder and hornier.

She laid on her back and had me between her legs with her clothes on but she pulled her shirt up. This time I never tried to reach her pussy but I kept dry fucking her. She started to moan loudly and asked me to enter her and I refused. I had some fears to commit that sin. She begged me to fuck her with my cock but I refused again and told her to try please herself wo real penetrations. She pretended that she would do as told and started playing with my cock and she got hornier and set fire between my legs. I was horny like never before. She managed to take aside the edge of her pants aside and before I realize what was happening I felt the smoothnes, wetness and heat of her her cock eater pussy. I was in heaven and I was so pleased to resist. I postponed fellings of guilt to after I finish and went for it body and soul. I surprised the widow and myself she had a shaking orgasm and I followed her. I was back to my senses but I noticed that my cock was up again and It was my first time to experience this. We had another session, we had another day and we fucked on and on.

That woman made me a pro, I mean before meeting her I thought I was just normal but she told me that I am a man any woman would like to have as husband or a lover. That gave me more confidence and it was a turning point in my sex life> I knew more women and the widows words that I am a freak sex partner proved right with every woman I had.


This happened two years ago. Am married woman working and faithful to my hubby. We are deeply in love and trust each other.This particular incident has made me guilty. Hubby was out on tour, my friend Lisa asked me to stay at her place as she was alone too.We are good friends as we work togather.

We drank a little and was watching ‘Face Off” she asked if i fantasizes Travolta the hero in the movie fucking me. I was shocked. never had thought of such things.She said she did fantasized a few heros fucking her. The topic got hotter and bolder. She also wanted to know that after sex with my husband did i secretly masturbated….. I was shocked but …i was guilty i had done it once or twice but it was my little secret…still i said no to her.I was little horny with the talk..a little shocked as i had not expected this and a little scared as i was never into such situation.

we were talking sex and we kept in sharing a few experiences…as long as it is talking it went on suddenly she took out her vibrator… it was crossing the limits but i was curious to know more I had used it once but it was too noisy and i was scared so i threw it away…but that was almost ten years ago…she came up to me and kissed me…. to make it short i was seduced by my female friend. I had never been with female I was starting to like it the touched were different to that of my husbands and when she licked me…i was on the virge of screaming….it did not end here. She brought a strapon and fucked me. I did not know where my mind was……. did i think of my hubby… She asked me to turn around and i obeyed it… I came three times continuous…. Afterwards she asked me to do her but i politely refused saying i was too tired and went to sleep. She masturbated herself.

I was guilty of cheating my hubby..but I was more guilty for secretly enjoying the whole fuck I was also guilty of not pleasing her after i got the pleasure.


i’m married with 2 children. before i got married i had gay sex with my brother in law one night after a drunken night out the problem is that was 8 years ago and we are still seeing each other, i want to stop but every time i see him i get a strange feeling inside me, he wispers in my ear what he wants to do to me which makes me excited and fully erect within seconds, i then have to wait until he is ready to meet up for sex which can be weeks or months i’m so feed up, i want to stay in my relationship but having feeling for another man doesn’t help, more recently at work i have fallen in love with one of my male colleges so much when i see him i melt the feeling for him are much stonger than the ones for my brother in law its hurting me inside


Well about 3 years ago while my wife was pregnant I was so horny. I would masterbate but that was not doing the trick. I did not want to cheat on her. I thought well maybe I can just have a guy jerl me off. Sort of a modified masterbation. I found a guy online and we met and he jerked me off. It was ok, but I was really nervous. He asked me to jerk him off to so I did. No big thrill. So I decided for a bit more. I found another guy who said he would suck me off, with nothing needed in return. So I did it. I went to his pace and he did just that. He sucked me until I came and he swallowed. I was nervous but that did feel good. I went back a couple of times and the one time a freind of his was there and he had him suck me off. I went back all together 5 times to be sucked off. Well it has been two years since then and still am horny for being sucked off. I am glad I did this. I had offers from women but that would have lead to intercourse. I did not want that. I myself have never sucked, but can’t say I have never thought about it. Well I need to add that a few months ago I did let a BBW suck on me. She did not make me cum but I jerked off for her. So now I have let 2 men suck me off, a couple guys jerk me off, and a woman suck me and stroke me, and then I jerked off for her. All in the span of around 3 years. I feel bad but I am glad I did not suck a guy or screw the woman or let the woman make me cum.


Im married with 2 kids, but have always had a crush on my daughters english teacher. So when it was parent teacher conferences i decided to go full out, make up, skirt, no undies…
the meeting was in the science room and we where alone
i didnt really listen to what he had to say about my daughter which i felt guilty about but was too busy trying to smoothly flirt with him. I opened my legs abit, and i caught him take a glance. He stopped talking because it was the end of the conference. So i got up and went to give him a kiss on the cheek. this i knew was not usual but couldnt resist, it was the longest kiss on the cheek i have ever had. I dont know what came over me but i moved from his cheek to his lips and he kissed me back! so i sat on him with his legs open, i couldnt wait, i unzipped his pants and slowly slided his dick into me. we had the roughest passionate sex i have ever had. It was a fantasy come true. he put me on the desk and went down on me, i returned the favour and he came all over my mouth. i cleaned myself up and said goodbye. Now every time my daughter mentions him i feel sooo guilty but it was defiantly worth it. i cant wait till next parent teacher conferences. i might book him twice.


I have this fantasy and don`t know if it is normal to have something like this or not.I would like for me and my wife and another guy go to a club and drink and dance. Him and I would not get drunk but let my wife get drunk. We`d go home and carry her to bed and i`d ask him to help me get her blouse off of her.I`d pull it off of her and then take her bra off to.She has a beautiful set of 42DD breasts and this should wake the other guy up some.Then i`d ask him if he wanted to stay here as he had been drinking.He would say yes and i`d say “well,get undressed then,you may as well sleep here with me and my wife”.

I`d let a light on in the hallway so it wasn`t real dark in our bedroom.I`d slip her slacks off and pull her panties off,and start sucking her breasts and fingering her cunt.I would see that he is starting to get hard by this time and tell him it was ok if he sucked her breasts and fingered her.She would be moaning slightly by this time and i`d get between her legs and start licking her clit.By this time she is starting to work her cunt and moaning pretty good.I`d crawl out from between her legs and go back to sucking her tits,noticing that he is really hard by now.Damn,it must be at least nine inches long. I`d tell him to get between her legs and see if she could take all of him.He gets between her legs and puts them over his shoulders and starts to slip the head in.As i`m sucking her tits i can see everything that goes on.

He gets about half that big cock in her and her ass comes off the bed and she groans and starts bucking against his big cock.I tell him to put it in slowly,as she isn1t used to a cock like that.He`s pushing it in slowly and i watch until about a little over eight inches is inside her.She is groaning and moaning now and it doesn`t seem to be going much farther in her.I tell him to just push it in gently until it is all inside her.He does and it finally is all inside her.She is groaning and moaning now and her ass is coming off the bed and her legs are tight around him with her heels on his ass pushing him down faster and faster.They`re kissing and she is exploring the inside of his mouth with her tongue.Her moans are getting louder and her breathing is more ragged now.

She asks him if he is close,and he says “hold on,I`ll pump you faster and catch up with you”.He is up on his hands and knees now and pumping the hell out of her,and she is coming up off the bed to meet his every thrust.He then tells her he is close now and she says”give it to me as hard as you can and shoot a big load inside me”.He is now ramming all nine inches in her and her ass is coming off the bed to take every inch of his big cock.He lets out a couple of small moans and stops moving and i can see his body starting to shake slightly as he is overwhelmed by the feelings as his load courses through his big cock.As she feels the first load of semen splash inside her she moans and starts ramming her cunt up to take all his cock.She is moaning and thrasing now and telling him how good his cock and cum feels inside her hot cunt.He starts puching it in and out gently and i can see the cum squeezing out between her cunt and his cock.Omg,what a sight,I`d give anything to see that.

They lay there kissing and she tells him that is the biggest cock she has every had.She said it hurt when it went all the way in,but it wasn`t long until it felt good and she started to work her ass.She gets on her knees and starts kissing him and kissing down his chest.She reaches down and takes hold of his cock and then puts her lips around that enormous head on it.She takes it in as far as she can and there still is about four inches outside her mouth.I think to myself,omg,wish i had a cock like that,she even said if i had one like that i could fuck the shit out of her every night.As he is getting ready to leave she asks if we could do it again.I said “heck yes we can”.I fantasize about this all the time but don`t know what to say to see how wife feels about doing something like this.I`d give anything to have this happen.


I watched a guy fuck my wife once when she’d had too much to drink at a party.


Once i went on official tour to company. In the evening my customer took me to his house. I saw his beautiful wife and 2 yrs old kid. I could not believe the lady as a mother because of her flat belly and sex appeal with perfect curves at top and bottom. After dinner I was ready to leave their house, but heavy rain started and power went off. my friend gave me night dress and told me to stay with them. I was given a room in the upstairs and i was watching rains. When lights came, I saw through the window in next room the lady lying in the bed fully naked and moaning in the next room. I was feeling guilty to watch her but could not control myself and entered in her room. I started licking her juicy tits and spreading my hands on her thighs. Suddenly she got up and saw me, I could not open my mouth. She went and locked the door and lied on the bed. She toldme “come on and get in”. I removed all my cloths and lied on her. I started kissing herlips, mouth, erect breasts, she co-operated moaningly and carrassed me head and back. Then I sucked juice from her wide open wet pussy tits for half an hour. then I penetrated into her wet vagina, she moaned in my ear, fuck me dear. I did not stroke and was going only deeper into her tits. She cried to me please fuck me hard and at the end i started my engine with full speed. We had nice hard fuckings in that night. Next day i could not face my freind, but he patted me and told me you have saved me in that night, i was not able to fuck my wife hard, thanks.


I am in love with a married man that my husband and I meet while swinging. I left my husband in order to be with him but he will not leave his wife. I feel so ashamed yet I know that the reason while I agreed to swinging is because I wasn’t in love with my husband anymore because he was abusing me, physically and emotionally. I have meet the married man alone once and want to continue to meet him. I just don’t know what to do.


I am a 28 yr old woman and I recently seduced a 14 year old boy that cuts my lawn. I admit that I had a few drinks first but I have always been attracted to him. He’s really quite handsome and has a great body for a young man. To make a long story short, I invited him in for a soda and just pushed him back on my couch unzipped and reached into his shorts and sucked his cock until he exploded in my mouth. And what a nice cock he has! I know he totally enjoyed it as I did. I explained to him that it had to be our secret but I’m kind of worried that he will tell people and my husband will find out.


I cheated on my wife of 26 years every year we were married. ANd now that she confessed about a co-worker eating her up and begged for my forgiveness I cannot stop holding it against her and threatening to get a divorce. I KNow she loves me and that she is sorry but I dont want a wife who is “used.”


1972,Florida. My wife (at the time)Diane Rizzo, she now lives in Sabastion,Fla came home to confess that she had been with an old boyfriend all day and had sex with him since 10:00AM. She said she felt guilty and just had to tell me. She sat in the kitchen with her head in her hands and cried while confessing her sins. While she was sobbing and telling me she loved me soooo much I found myself getting an erection. I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the living room where I pushed her on the floor and told her to take off her clothes. I ripped off her panties and climbed on top of her and started slapping her beautiful size 36 ass and telling her she was going to fuck me like she fucked him. She was so taken aback by all this she couldn’t say a word. I told her to lay on her stomach because I was going to fuck her ass until she begged me to stop! Sobbing she said,” please no, please no Dan, you know that’s always been off limits”. I told her to go fuck herself and proceded to pull out my throbbing seven inch cock and force her legs apart. She was fighting me every step of the way but I was going to get my way! I grabbed a bottle of baby oil that was on the table and just poured it in the crack of her ass until it was empty. I finally got her legs open enough to get the head of my dick in her ass when she started screaming at me to get off her! I just kept pushing my hard cock up her ass until it was all the way in. I grabbed her hair and told her,”I hope this hurts you bitch!” She was trying to get away but I held her down and started pounding her ass as hard as I could. As I was fucking her ass she stopped screaming and started moaning, then she started raising her ass towards me and fucking me back! She pushed herself on her knees while softly saying “yes, yes, oh God yes , it feels so good, you fucking bastard, oh God, fuck my ass harder” I could not beleive my ears. Of course that only made me harder and I started slapping her ass as hard as I could. Everytime I hit her she let out a scream. As I was pulling her hair I said,” How do you like your first ass fucking you slut” when she turned around with a smile and said, ” Sorry to let you down Dan but this is the second time today I’ve had my ass fucked and his cock was alot bigger than yours too!” I didn’t know what to say or do, I was in shock (again). So I grabbed her hair even more and said, Well that may be true you cunt but watch this” then I started fucking her like a train and came a bucket load deep in her ass. As soon as I could climb off her I moved my cock up to her face and said ,”Clean it off bitch”, she turned her head away and said ,”Fuck you Dan” I said I don’t think so and grabbed the back of her head and forced my filthy cock in mouth, and told her to clean it off bitch! She finally gave in and started sucking my limp cock clean. Afterwards I told her to pack her shit and get out, This is a true story folks…


i had an affair with my boss, and i think my husband may know about it, what can i do?


I had sex with my husband’s friend.


I’m so in love with my wife’s best friend, I can’t get her out of my head. She’s the one I should have married.


i like to watch my wife have sex with other men.


i am a male in love with a guy in the navy stationed in lexington park. he love to blow me n cradle my nuts, but the problem is that he is married to a woman, who has no idea that her husband is gay. troy, i love you !!


i am married and in love with someone online


I have cheated my wife for years… still do! Not sure how to stop.
