I secretly desire my mother in law. I even peek into our guestroom window at night when she stays over and have seen her naked. it started when she left her bra in the wash when she stayed at my house, it was large. We once had a conversation about menopause and hot flashes and how she has to ripoff her clothes when she gets them at night. That she does not want to be touched at all until she cools down. I got so aroused and began to shake which she noticed but did not stop her talking about her need to be naked the minute the flash happens. i have been hooked ever since.

I really am developing quite a thing for one of my girlfriend’s best friends. Don’t get me wrong; I love my girlfriend. But I can’t get this other girl completely out of my head. She’s… wonderful. She moved nearby recently, and, although I’d known her before, I’m really getting a chance to get to know her now. We have a lot in common, and, frankly, I just find her incredibly sexy. I wouldn’t leave my girlfriend for her; I just need a way to stop thinking about her so much. I mean, I seriously have fantasies about her. I have had dreams about doing all sorts of glorious things to and with her. Only my love for my girlfriend has stopped me from propositioning her, and there have been days when I fear that might not even have been enough. Even as I write this I’m practically drooling over her. I can’t begin to describe how badly I want her.
I have the most awful confession to make. I am in lust with my own biological mother. I feel terrible about it. I am a happily married man with a young child. I love my wife, but I can not overcome my lustful desire for my own mother. When I make love to my wife I close my eyes when I am ready to cum and imagine that I am having sex with my mother and that I will impregnate her with my own child/sibling. I even masturbate to the same fantasy daily. It has nothing to do with looks – my mom is not an attractive woman at all, and my wife is very attractive. I am just excited by breaking the ultimate taboo with her. I have never admitted this to my wife, although I feel I should. I have admitted it to my mom accidentally. I often spent the night at her house while I was in college (she lived not far away), and she once caught me on her computer reading mother-son incest stories. I admitted that I wanted to have sex with her, which horrified her. She has forgiven me, but our relationship has never been the same since. She is always a little bit on edge around me, and won’t even hug me any more (since it will arouse me). I wish that I could take this lust away, but I can’t. If I could just have sex with her once, I’m sure I’d be fine, but I know it won’t happen. I am sorry mom, and I am sorry to my wife.
I want someone and almost the entire reason why is that I perceive he does not desire me the way I do him. This is a pattern I have repeated regularly throughout the past six years. I am fed up with myself, because I am completely incapable of having a normal, functional relationship. As soon as I “get” them, as soon as they show a reciprocal interest, I run away. Wow, I have also made some really piss poor decisions over the past four months, and that is adding further complications. I seem so together on the surface; people would be stunned if they knew some of the fucked up shit I’ve pulled.