As a teenage boy i used to hang around with my 2 best mates we would often stay out all night but when we used to stay at mine i would let one of my mates sleep in my bed top and tail but the more he stayed he ended up sleeping the same end i would often wake up with him cuddling me and even touching me sexually which i didn’t mind in fact i enjoyed it we would often have a little cuddle and feel of each other during the night but the morning it was like nothing had ever happened our other friend never new what we had done or doing and i think if he had i dont think he would have spoke to us again he is really homophobic and hates gays.

My favorite fetish fantasy is getting tied up, thrown under a toilet chair, and mounted on a wooden device called a trap, and having a girl I’ve been having a affair with sit on the chair and piss and shit on my face. I wish her dog would mount my ass and fuck me till it cums, till i cum too. The thought of it’s knot stuck in my ass turns me on. I wish she’d make me eat her shit and drink her piss, not letting me get up.
While still ready, I wish she’d have her friends come over and use the toilet, humiliating me while some guys from a local gay club would pound my ass without me knowing it, leaving loads of cum in my ass. Then have my girlfriend fill my ass, with everyones piss. Then she’d drain everything out of my ass, all my shit and peoples piss, into a funnel with the end tied to my mouth making me take it all in. I’d then like to get fucked by her 30 inch strapon, making me take every inch in my ass until i scream for mercy, then she can fist my tight ass up to her elbow, slowly sliding her other arm and fist inside it while another friend of hers puts her filthy feet in my face making me lick them clean.
I’m a guy.
My sister is very very hot, I sometimes imagine and dream of fucking her hard and up the ass, cumming inside of her.
I am an 18 year old male and i have been in love with my twin brother since i was 10 years old. We are now 19 and i am still completely in love with him. We have been fooling around since we were 10 and we started having sex when we were 12 or 13.We go to the same school and since were the same age we have some of the same classes. Sometimes we text each other and meet in the boys bathroom to have sex among other things. I know its wrong but it feels so right. He is everything i have ever wanted in a man. We have always been so close and i never want this to end. My parents don’t know. They caught us once when we were 14 kissing but they haven’t brought it up since. Is a good idea to tell my parents about my brother and I’s intimate relationship? Or will it cause the demise of my family?…..Comments?
First of all, i’m a 22 y/o bisexual GUY. I’ve dated girls my whole life (because its the thing to do, right?) until a year ago where I decided to experiment without telling anyone.
Over the course of the summer I slept with 4 different guys. Mostly good experiences but it was just sex… no romance, just pure Fuck. September came and I met a new guy, we were so much alike in so many ways that he eventually became my first boyfriend. I liked him, everything was cool at first… then he turned psycho on me. That guy had ISSUES.
I’m a nice guy, i don’t like hurting people, he totally used that against me. He was very mentally abusive with me, he would manipulate me in ways that I still don’t understand. Everytime I tried to brake up with him, but he would take out the “I’m going to kill myself if you brake up with me” card. And more shit like that.
One night he had a party at his house, towards the end of the night, he was drunk and threw fit. He got jealous cause I was flirting with girls. but nobody knew we were dating. We had mutual friends which made keeping it a secret a touchy business, it was part of my tactics, but he wouldn’t get that. He called me names, just saying really hatefull things that I’m not used to hear. so I threatened him to leave and brake up with him (cause c’mon, he had been treating me like shit for 2 months at this point) So he threw me on his bed and pined me, holding me by the neck, he was choking me, begging me not to leave him. I’M 22, HE WAS 19, I am bigger, stronger than him, but I…. its like I couldn’t do anything.
Its then that I thought to myself: “that’s how beaten wifes that still stay with their abusive husbands feel like…”
…. man I erased so much of this from my brain I’m having trouble recalling the events properly, it was so bad.
somehow, he manipulated me into staying. He played with my feelings and my head. Since when do you hear about abused 22 y/o guys… I was so ashamed of myself.
To break up with him, I had to take a break. I visited my parents for 2 weeks, in a town 10 hours away. I sent him an e-mail from there so he coudln’t show up at my door and … I don’t know what he could have done.
In the end it worked. I broke up with him. Today I have a girlfriend that treats me well. I’m happy but still a little shaken. I told my mom and she thinks I should go see a therapist… o.O
I am a 22 yo man and my friend is also 22. we both are swimming since we were 10. our parents are long time friends. so when we were 13 i slept over at their house as our parents went to a wedding in pennsylvania (we are from california). we watched porn that night, and it was hot, so we took off our clothes. we were jacking off but didn’t look at each other like if we wanted to do anything. then he started jacking me and than blowing me. i did the same to him. when we were 14 we both had cum, and we eventually started snowballing. Still we weren’t gay. Even now we both have a girlfriend. And I at least wouldn’t try anal sex. it’s grossing me out. but everything else is ok. we are muscular both so doing each other seems to me to be really hot.
Is this normal? I can’t imagine myself doing this to any other man, nor does him. Are there guys who do this?
i had sex with Byron Long the porn star and it was the best sex ive ever even imagine having. its like he touched my soul! i have had terrific sex all my life so i thought! ive never had a small penis, its always been 8′ and up. so i havent been sexually deprived. He is terrific at what he does. not to mention he has the most beautiful penis i will probably ever see that close!!! i spent 3 days in his company and was ready to be his konkubine for life!!! To top it all off his personality is the businesssssss
I was born with a severely disfigured face. i am also mentally retarded. because of this i can be violent and dangerous sometimes, and because my face is so ghoulish looking it can be very scary for people. so my mom and brothers chained me to a wall in the basement where i just watched TV all day and lived on a diet of bar food and candy bars.
One day a bunch of kids from the neighborhood found me and helped me escape. we had a long adventure together, during which i had to pick sides against my own family who turned out to be totally evil selfish bastards, and in the end we were rich, famous, and still alive. well me and chunk eventually shacked up together and from time to time he will give me blowjobs and/or let me fuck him. i think he just feels sorry for me because even though im free to do whatever i want i still just sit in our basement and watch TV all day (and surf da net, obviously).
Anyways, i just wish god hadn’t made me be born a ghoul and gay and not even have a shot at getting into heaven when i die. it is so depressing that it makes me want to take my life, but i would only end up in a worse situation (hell). so i guess i just have to be happy to be alive and try to stay alive as long as i can. the thing is that when those kids “rescued” me from my family my whole world got flipped turned upside down. And I’d like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air.
I work at a club every weekend. The club manager’s girlfriend is out of state visiting her family. A few weeks ago I got the manager and myself really drunk. At the end of the evening I went to my car to warm it up and defrost the windows and he went with me. He told me that he was horny because his girlfriend was gone and I told him I was horny because he was in my car, so I talked him into letting me put my hands down the front of his pants and feel him up. He was very unsure about this and only let me feel for a few seconds. The next weekend I didn’t even ask for permission. I just shoved my hand down his pants and started massaging his dick. He said that he didn’t mind doing this as long as he was drunk. Obviously he’s not gay but curious. This past weekend he let me suck him off which was a lot of fun. But there’s no reciprocation. It’s all one-sided. When his girlfriend returns I’m sure this will end.
I slept with my guy friend. At first I was a bit wary when he told me to bend over and count my toes. But when I got to toe # 4 I felt ok about it all.
So ne wayz we sexored for 14 hours. at the end of it i was shitting out dickskin cause he must have rubbed off in me.
now i’m all aroused and i’m eating chocolate pretending i’m a girl outta 2 girls 1 cup.
Thats all i have to say about that
By Brad Innes.
My name is anonymous but my friends call me doug. A couple of weeks ago this guy fondled me at a party, we were both drunk at least i was. We’re pretty good friends and i dont want this to get between us. I think i could see him as more than a friend but im not sure. What if he wants to have sex. I think it would really hurt my asshole because i tried my sisters dildo once and i pooped blood. Doug and ryan it could work 🙁 help me.
my name is ryan b. and im a 15 year old boy. at least i think so. lately ive been having strange feelings towards my best mates i dont understand i thought only girls liked guys. is there something wrong with me? i want to touch them so bad. and i keep having dreams about putting a friends cock in my mouth.
one night we got pissed and i fondled my friend. i dont know if he remembers but it has been awkward between us lately. i dont want to bring it up incase he tells my friends and some how my brother finds out.
please help me.
I sometimes played around with my best friend about being gay and acting stupid.
The trouble is, we think we’re turning a slightly bit gay. It just comes natural to us and we’re a little worried we might start kissing and getting comfortable with touching each other if we continue our little games.
I personally think we need to stop but we always go back to the same routine and I know for a fact that we both picture it in our heads. I even pictured us naked and in each others arms, calling each other a whore and bitch.
When i was 14, (horny as fuck, i might add) i had some form of attraction for boys my age. Nothing too perverted.
Without this intention i invited my friend for a sleepover, (a bit tubby over the edges but still cute) while he was sleeping i started to take off my pants and stand over him. It was a hot night so he had no covers on and he was wearing only his underwear.
i couldn’t control myself i started rubbing my dick on his tubby. Then i got a bit further, i gathered up some of this fat rolls and stuck my penis in. I then ran to the bathroom for clean up :P. I’ve done this a total of two times.
I’m now 17 with a girlfriend and my attraction to boys has ceased but i still hook up with the same gender time to time.
But i’ve never been as turned on in my life than that moment.
I am a bi male, I haven’t had my first with a guy yet, but I really want to, I get a massage from time to time from a really hot male massuse, he rubs my ass really good and I want him to take it further but I am to scared to ask him too, its hard to tell if he would. I bet if when I turned over with a big hard on he would get the picture. after the massage is over I always jack off in the room when he leaves. I would love to suck his cock and let him fuck my ass, I just cant tell if he would be into it. I think he is married, but he has no problem giving me very good kind of sensual massage, no man could rub my naked body the way he does and not be a little gay. I have a sexy body and have been told I’m hot.
I just want him so bad, there has got to be a way to make this happen…any advice? I don’t want to insult his professionalism or be rejected, but I just dont know what to do. He is the only guy I have ever been attracted too and I can’t seem to shake this crush. How do I let him know without ruining what I already have, If he didn’t want to have sex with me I dont think I could continue going to him for massages, which I really enjoy and I don’t want to stop seeing him, It definitely is the best massage I have ever had even without the “happy ending”, some good advice would be helpful.
i’ve started to have sex with my sisters husband, and its great! only problem is were both male and if she finds out she will kill us! it started after a drunken night out he stayed at mine and shared my bed during the night i felt him touch me which made me hard, i played along with it and touched his cock which was rock hard and hugh i started masturbating him next thing i know he was cuming in my hand so i quickly moved and put his cock in my mouth it was lovely hot cum in my mouth he pushed me back and started sucking me until i cum. it was the best night i had had for a long time we still met now for sex and everytime still feels like the first time and i love it!
I’m a 22 y/o male and a transvestite. My mom is totally cool with me wearing her old clothes, high heels, jewelry and bras and panties. On weekends I wear makeup and a wig too. I’m an only child & she thinks I’m the perfect son, and she digs that I’m like her daughter too. What she doesnt realize is I want to make love to her so bad. Mom is only 39, she’s like totally hot, and it’s just the 2 of us. My only kinda GF was 13 and we used to hang out 2 years ago. She used to tie me up and make me lick her pussy and her feet, but said I was too girly cos I was always dressed like my mom. Mom lets me lick her feet and suck her toes and she cant see my hard dick under the dress. She’s the only woman I want, so I dont have a GF. I do fuck around with this hot 18 y/o boy in my nabe who likes me cos I’m a tranny. We suck our dicks and I alwayd leave lipstick on his. I wish my mom would tie me up and make me her sex slave. I wish I could dress like a woman all the time. Most of the neighbors know I’m a tranny
I am a 13 year old boy. Well from like 5 to 7 my stepdad would strip me and touch my penis. I think that’s why I am gay and look at gay porn. Well anywho I remember one time I wanted revenge so when he was sleeping I went and pulled his underwear down and saw his hairy dick! He then woke up and yelled at me, it was so embarissing and I did this at the age of like 9! We also had a neighbor who would suck me and I would suck him it was hot
Hi I am 16 year old girl from Salem Oregon and I have to confess about the worst time of my life. Last summer I fell in love with this boy named Nick F. we did everything together went to the movies held hands went swimming. But things always felt awkward like he was scared or something. Then one day when we were swimming in his pool I went upstairs to go to the bathroom and after that I thought I would leave him a little love note on his computer but when I turned on his computer I saw the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. It was gay porn. I was in shock the boy I loved was gay. So I sat there for a while and finally he came up to find me and he saw me sitting in front of his computer He stood there wrapped in a towel then after a moment I saw the fear in eyes he started to lie I looked away from him and then he sighed and said “Okay I’m gay” so I asked “why are you going out with me?” he replied “to cover it up I am actually in love with a boy from school named Josh S. and his twin Jake S.” he continued to tell his secret fantasy of them. I started to throw up in my mouth. Finally I had had it so I left and on the way out I ripped the towel off of him and saw his tiny penis I smiled and left him in past.
i think i’m falling for a minor he is 14 and good looking abit mouthy and cheeky but thats whats making me like him i’m in my twenties and married to a great girl but i’ve always been interested in men i just watch him out the window and when he running around in his shorts and his hand down his underwear it makes me horny just thinking about him makes me hard. i hope when he gets older he might want some man on man action and i’ll be waiting.
I’m a 54 yr male, married. I can’t help myself but I like going to public parks and having anonymous sex with other males. There’s just something about showing each other your dicks. I only play with them and let them jack me off for now. Maybe at some point I might suck a dick but not now. I do let them suck me with a condom. I have met a woman who jacked me off and I wish more women would come to the parks and enjoy themselves with each other or other men. I have occasionaly been in a group of 3 men and a woman for the third would be interesting.
Back when I was as young as seven years old, my mother had opened a daycare service inside her house. But I’ll never forget the time when a boy, about the same age as me (at the time), was gay. He told me about sucking his dick and he would do it in return. I never knew what I was doing was gay, in fact, I never knew the term “gay” really existed. So for days after he gets dropped off, we would secretly suck each other off when no one was looking. I couldn’t forget how great it felt, I even enjoyed sucking him. One day my mom caught us in the act and I quickly tried to change the subject by acting like he was trying to fight me. She didn’t buy it. That night when he was getting picked up my mom and his mom were having I conversation, probably about what happened. The very next day I never saw him again, except during school. Now I’m kinda wondering if my mom still remembers it, I hope not, I still do and I won’t forget it. My question is, does that make me gay? I like girls now, I’m not at all attracted to guys.
I have never said this to anyone.
I have always like guys, never really doubted that. but recently i just can’t get the idea of being with a girl out of my head. i find myself wishing things weren’t so strange around the topic of being gay, but i really think i’d rather be in a relationship with a girl. i’ve been watching lesbian tv shows like the L word etc. so maybe im just confused because things on tv seem so perfect. any advice?
well yup thats my confession…
after a very drunken night with a male friend he passed out on the sofa i was feeling horning and had a massive erection i started to masterbate the next thing i remember i was sitting on the floor near my friend i reach to his groin area to feel his cock i could stop myself i undone his zip and started to feel his cock he became erect so i thought he wanted me to continue so i had a lick then i put his cock in my mouth had a little suck i then fell asleep he woke up and ran out he hasnt spoke to me since and he keeps avoiding me i hate my self for what i have done but i really miss him but he wont answer my calls or texts
As a teenager i would have my friends stay over i used to make my friend stay in my bed so when he was asleep i could touch his body and cock i even put his hand down my boxers i wanked myself with his hand, i even got to suck his cock a couple without waking him up now i’m in my twenties i still think about it and i really turns me on even now i’m hard!
I have fallen in love with my brother in laws best best friend who is very straight, we all got very drunk the other night and I was all over him but in a playful way! my girlfriend asked the question. Are you gay? “Err no” I said, but deep down I wanted to say YES! but I know if I did I would lose my friends and family, they are very homophobic!
when i was 15 my best friend who was 14 stayed over, we shared the bed half way through the night i woke up with him sticking his cock up my arse and wanking me off, the problem was i liked it and let him continue. when i moved he stopped got out of the bed and slept on the floor, we have never spoke about it but i really liked it and would love for him to do it again!
I’m a 60 year old man and I have a gentalman friend who is 72. We both have had wives in the past. Sometimes we talk on the phone and the subject gets around to sexual things. We end up masturbating together on the phone. A few days ago we got so turned on while on the phone that we decided that he would stop by my place. We played with each other and I ended up sucking him.
when i was a teenager i would have my mates stay over i would make one of them sleep in my bed with me and the other would sleep in the spare bed the one who stayed in my bed i would wait until he was asleep and i would have a little feel of his cock i even managed to put his cock in my mouth several times!
i’m married with 2 children. before i got married i had gay sex with my brother in law one night after a drunken night out the problem is that was 8 years ago and we are still seeing each other, i want to stop but every time i see him i get a strange feeling inside me, he wispers in my ear what he wants to do to me which makes me excited and fully erect within seconds, i then have to wait until he is ready to meet up for sex which can be weeks or months i’m so feed up, i want to stay in my relationship but having feeling for another man doesn’t help, more recently at work i have fallen in love with one of my male colleges so much when i see him i melt the feeling for him are much stonger than the ones for my brother in law its hurting me inside
I no longer trust my husband.
He has always been “Mr. Perfect” and even though I used to ask him if he looked at porn he ALWAYS denied it. Thus, making me think he might be gay… or just a saint.(not sure which…) Anyhow, recently I found out after five years he is basically a porn-aholic. What is worse I just can’t shake the feeling deep down that he is gay. I would leave him in a heart beat, but a-I don’t have a way to support myself and b-I do love him… DAMN.
Well about 3 years ago while my wife was pregnant I was so horny. I would masterbate but that was not doing the trick. I did not want to cheat on her. I thought well maybe I can just have a guy jerl me off. Sort of a modified masterbation. I found a guy online and we met and he jerked me off. It was ok, but I was really nervous. He asked me to jerk him off to so I did. No big thrill. So I decided for a bit more. I found another guy who said he would suck me off, with nothing needed in return. So I did it. I went to his pace and he did just that. He sucked me until I came and he swallowed. I was nervous but that did feel good. I went back a couple of times and the one time a freind of his was there and he had him suck me off. I went back all together 5 times to be sucked off. Well it has been two years since then and still am horny for being sucked off. I am glad I did this. I had offers from women but that would have lead to intercourse. I did not want that. I myself have never sucked, but can’t say I have never thought about it. Well I need to add that a few months ago I did let a BBW suck on me. She did not make me cum but I jerked off for her. So now I have let 2 men suck me off, a couple guys jerk me off, and a woman suck me and stroke me, and then I jerked off for her. All in the span of around 3 years. I feel bad but I am glad I did not suck a guy or screw the woman or let the woman make me cum.
One night a friend was over visiting my girlfriend and me. We all got pretty drunk and my girlfriend offered to masturbate for us. The next thing is we both took our cocks out and started stroking them while watching her. Then he said that he wanted to stroke my cock so I let him. He did me real good and I shot a huge load all over my girlfriends tits. She loved it and then she sucked him off while I played with his balls. We all enjoyed it but now I feel weird when I see him. I wouldn’t mind playing with him again though.
I was still in High School, I had a big cock and was horny all the time, jerked off at least 3 times a day. My body is small and slim with very little hair, 5″4″,125lbs. My fat cut 7″ cock looked huge on me. I had been jerking off thinking about gay sex lately, I was very turned on by the fantasy of having sex with an older man, and having a cock in my ass.
I got a job working after school and weekends at a antique shop, it was ran by 2 older gay gentleman, very nice gentleman who were always flirting and teasing me. An older very distinguished looking handsome customer came in the store, he was a silver haired fox who looked like he had money.
The owners knew him well, he bought a small end table and asked the owners if I could help him unload it at his house, I thought this was kind of suspicous since it didn’t weigh much but my horniness and curiousity made me jump at the chance. We rode in his SUV to a big house in a ritzy neighborhood and I carried the end table into his house. He gave me a tour, it was huge and very nice, there was an indoor hot tub and he asked me if I wanted to soak for a while, I told him I didn’t have a swim suit and he laughed and told me I could go without, he always did.
I was getting turned on so I started to undress, my tank top came off first and my back was turned to him and I pulled down my cutoffs, no underwear and bent over to finish removing my cutoffs, it was a turn on to expose my ass to him, he watched me climb into the hot tub, my cock was rock hard. I watched him take off his shirt, he had a sexy chest covered with silver hair, he pulled down his pants and underwear in one motion exposing a beautiful 8″ cut cock, very fat. We sat in the tub for five minutes talking, he asked me if I wanted a massage, I moved over close to him with my back to him and sort of sat on his lap, I could feel that big cock, I started moving my ass around until it was between my cheeks, I moved up and down, it felt so hot, made my asshole spasm. He was rubbing my shoulders and back, he reached around and started massaging my inner thighs making my cock twitch, finally he started stroking my cock, I was so turned on it was all I could do not to cum. He had me stand up and started tonguing my ass while stroking my cock, I was in pleasure overload and exploded cum after about two minutes of this.
We went into his bedroom, still naked and dried off, he put his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me to my knees, grabbed the back of my head and guided me to his cock. I sucked on it hungrily feeling it get harder in my mouth, when he was rock hard he guided me to the bed and had me lay on my stomach. He ate my ass again this time harder, getting his tongue up inside me, this made my cock hard again, I relaxed and felt my boypussie open up. Next he slowly inserted one of his fingers , it kind of hurt at first but then I started to love the feeling. Two fingers was next with some lube, he two finger fucked me for along time, I loved how it felt, like I was getting stretched. I was moaning and moving my ass up and down.
He stopped and put his big cock back in my mouth, I sucked him for maybe a minute and he pulled out and rolled on a condom, had me get down doggie style got behind me and pushed that big cock head against my tight hole. He slowly pushed, I thought it was to big and would never fit, all of a sudden it popped in, the sensation took my breath away, it felt so huge and it hurt a little, but I was starting to relax and it was feeling better by the second.
He slowly pushed in until he was deep inside me and moved in and out very slowly to start with, it still burned but the thought of getting fucked, having a big cock inside me was such a turn on.
He fucked me for a long time, after I got used to it and fully relaxed the feeling was pure pleasure. My cock was rock hard.
The pace got faster and harder, finally I came again, without even touching my cock, such intense pleasure. He came and stayed inside me, I layed flat on my stomch with him still inside me, he slowly went limp, slipped out of me and rolled off me.
My name is Cele and I’ve been hiding the fact that I’m gay subtly. I think a lot of the g00ns know but I’m not sure whether to go right out and say the truth. I think I may pack some fudge tonight with my boyfriend Billy for the first time. But I am not sure what to do. Should I tell the g00ns I’m gay and ask for advice?