Confession Point

When you must confess!

last night the guy i did it with months ago came into my life again and he wanted to do it and i was like no and he would’nt leave me alone and kept touching my uhh yeaa and my butt too and i was like afraid to run because i knew he was gonna chase me and he kept touching me and touching me and i was like omg god please help me and he kept fingering me and i tried to get away but i was too scared and then i threaten him that i will call the cops and my friend then he was he kept following me and i kept walking and i can see it in his eyes that he wanted to raped me and then he left me alone and i ran as fast as i could. then i called my friend but she wasnt there. and this guy he knows where i live and i’m at home alone most of the time and i’m too scared to tell an adult and not here since i dont know any of you. what should i dO? this counts for molestation and attempt rape right? he’s 26 btw and i’m 14 (yes i know very stupid of me)


I slept with my best friend’s ex-boyfriend, several times.

The first time he and I were together it was because of a threesome with me, her, and him (they were still dating). I was really drunk that night and didn’t know any better; I was kind of mad at her for letting it happen.

Later on, they broke up, and he and I began hooking up. I thought I really liked him and he liked me and we had a future, but I just found out that he was just using me to add another notch on his belt.

Oh, and they took time off for a while from sex after they broke up, but apparently they’re sleeping together again.

I’m just confused and last night I was overwhelmed with guilt. Should I tell her what happened? I just don’t want a big dramatic scene, and I’ll understand if I lose her over this, but I don’t want her to tell everyone and lose other friends as well.

Please help me, my friend is graduating in four days and I don’t want this to stain our last week together.


I’ve been with my boyfriend for three years now. I love him, he loves me, we plan to marry and have kids later on … I’m 19. I’ve never been more sure about anything as much as I am sure about how much I love him. But, here’s the thing, I still think about having sex with my ex! I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it.

Sex with my boyfriend Blake is GREAT! But for some reason I still think about Korbin every once in a while. Oh ya, and there’s something I forgot to add, Korbin still thinks about having sex with me too. The reason I know is because we texted one night (we haven’t talked since we broke up YEARS ago) and revealed the feelings we still have for each other and discussed our current situations. I have NEVER cheated on Blake, and I don’t plan to but these uncontrollable “fantasies” are making me feel really guilty! I don’t know what to do . . .


i still have the hots for my high school boyfriend and have fantasies about him–so there!


I slept with my best friend’s ex boyfriend while he was trying to game her up.

I am not really sure about my sexuality


My ex-boyfriend was the first boy i’ve had sex with. He was amazing at it, but every since we’ve broke up i’ve been really horny. I know that there’s other guys that are good at sex but idk..

Every since i lost my virginity and broke up, my best friend has been my vibrating toothbrush.


I have the password to my ex-boyfriend’s email accounts (along with his facebook, and a couple online sex/dating sites). He didn’t give them to me – I noticed him typing it in one day and remembered. I can’t help logging on now and then to see what he’s up to. I miss him. I realize this is only hurting me, since he’s moving on. Nothing in his emails is particularly shocking or even interesting but I realize it’s still wrong, and I hate being a stalker.


I just got busted on a totally idiotic thing I did a few weeks ago, making me so ashamed that I just needed to tell someone to get it off my chest.

I was with this guy for approximately four years. It was not a good relationship, he put me down and cheated on me repeatedly. I always had suspicions, as he would be very secretive about his computer, his email, his chat clients etc… we moved abroad together last year and right before the move, I found out he had cheated and made him confess to it. I decided to let it be because of the move. This guy was very disparaging and manipulative and finally, after a couple of months, I had had enough. I broke up with him, he brought a girl back to our place the same night. I found out he had actually been dating her and another girl for a few weeks before the breakup. It was pretty bad, first he tried to get me back, then he became controlling, even more manipulative and violent. Finally, he moved back home and I decided to stay on my own.

So, I have this stupid habit of googling people’s names. Childhood friends, family, myself, exes, my partner’s exes etc. And I’ve googled this guy a few times. Recently, I found him on a dating community. I registered a user, using my own email, to look at his profile and then immediately afterwards deleted the account. Little did I know that this community notifies its users everytime an aim contact opens up an account. And, he emailed me today, tellling me to stop spying on him. I denied ever doing it (though I did it a lot when we were together, to try and find evidence of his infidelity). He emailed back with a picture of the notification he got when I registered, and my username is his visitors’ log. So what do I do? Deny, deny, deny! I said I didn’t do it, but that I had let someone borrow my email account.

I feel physically sick, not so much because of my ex busting me, but because I am behaving like this even though I am with a new person, who is absolutely perfect in everyway and I know I will marry eventually. I don’t understand why I am obsessively looking for this type of information, and it’s not only my ex, I also look for information on my new boyfriend’s exes. Not telling him will make me feel like a crazy person (which I am not, this is a behavior rooted in being cheated on and developing a very low self-esteem) but if I tell him, I will make his disappointed. He would never do anything like this. He is genuinely the kindest and gentlest person I know.

I hate myself for doing this.


I had sex with my ex, and no one knows at all apart from me and him. we had a messy break up because he know likes one of my best friends and shes like him. i went round his the other day, and to spite her we had sex again. he was my first time and its taking me a while to get over him. thats my confession i guess.


I think about my ex every day. I used to just have a crush on him, now I’m absolutely smitten with him and it drives me crazy to know he’s dating someone else. Now that I’m older, I fantasize about having passionate sex with him. He hints at the fact that he still loves me, but I don’t believe him all the time. He’s somewhat of a casanova and an asshole..and I love it.


I think that if I stay “friends” with my ex long enough he’ll want to get back together with me. Deep down I know its not true, and that when he starts fucking some other girl I’ll be heartbroken, but I cant help myself. I cant imagine my life without him.


i cheated on my boyfriend last weekend. i gave my ex a blow job and got some in return. i didnt feel guilty at the time but i do now. but also it was so hot that im afraid i would do it again it the oppurtunity is there.


I think my ex boyfriend is isane and threatens to kill alot and I tell people and no one believes me and I am frightened


I have a crush on my ex that I dated for two years that now hates me and everyday when I see him he calls me a bitch but I still want to go out with him!
