Confession Point

When you must confess!

I confess to being out of control. My 14 yo daughter’s friend swims in our pool with a very showing bikini that arouses. She is built, cute, and innocent. I am not so sure about innocent because she has given me a cute grin when I was obviously and uncontrollably erect at times. A couple of times she even pushed against me as to say hey I know what’s going on; or maybe it was a coincidence? I often see most and sometimes all of her firm and pointy tits. And it’s not to hard to see her toe if watch, but I try not to stare and get caught. She would be better covered in under clothes. I would never allow my daughter to wear such a suit. I try to be as cool as possible, especially because my daughter is right there. Luckily the wife is rarely around. So what do I do? I know she is too young but she is too hot, revealing, built, cute, etc. to totally block out. I confess to her visiting when wife and daughter are gone to the point I think of planning a vacation for them. Or maybe I should take a new job, sell the house, and move us (the family).


I am a 13 year old. I am like a damn fucker, i have a sweet girlfriend and a pretty elder sis…

One night i invited my girlfriend to my house to discuss some work…when she came my parents were at far away doing work+my sister is out shopping with a couple of frens…at first we have no thoughts of sex but after discussing work we still had lots of time. So we ended up in my room having sex…she undressed herself and me then we just started…she spreaded a nice hairless pussy and i fuck her right into it…she groaned and moaned and wow such enjoyable.i licked her cute nipple and got crazy…we kissed and made out for about 3hrs…finaly she cleaned heself and went back home…

This is damn good feeling!


Im 16 and i was living in a house with my cousins this was about 5 years ago , i was walking past the bath room and noticed my 7 year old cousin (female) was naked in the bathroom i walked into the bathroom and closed the door and started to abuse her she didnt know what i was doing but i did and i loved it and i would do it again i touched her and one thing leads to another….


i’ve got a stepsister who’s a year younger than me, sometimes she doesn’t wear her bra so you could see her boobs through her shirt. maybe it’s the greatest fantasy of mine to have sex with her, not the romantic way though, just fucking when i feel like it, is it normal? or am i just a horny bastard


I am an 18 year old male and i have been in love with my twin brother since i was 10 years old. We are now 19 and i am still completely in love with him. We have been fooling around since we were 10 and we started having sex when we were 12 or 13.We go to the same school and since were the same age we have some of the same classes. Sometimes we text each other and meet in the boys bathroom to have sex among other things. I know its wrong but it feels so right. He is everything i have ever wanted in a man. We have always been so close and i never want this to end. My parents don’t know. They caught us once when we were 14 kissing but they haven’t brought it up since. Is a good idea to tell my parents about my brother and I’s intimate relationship? Or will it cause the demise of my family?…..Comments?


(continued from part 2)

After she gave my cock a mushy strokes, she stopped for a moment, then she stared at me for a while. I suddenly felt guilty of what I have done with her. Her innocent-looking eyes were like saying me to stop this nonsense, but her body language conquered what’s inside those eyes and proved me wrong.

She grabbed my member and started to suck. The aura of her lust and desire for me is so strong, as I watched her thrusting my dick like a lollipop and juggling my balls. My lil’ sis, for her young adolescence, turned herself to a woman at that very moment.

“Make come, make me come, please fuck me hard, I want you, I want you right now, quick!”

I didn’t stand a chance against her will, so I readily embraced her to the toilet sink, and positioned her perfectly for a ‘doggy’.

I felt nervous at that instance, aiming to her spot, her wet pussy begging for a penetration..But Bubbles can’t stand the waiting no more, so she grabbed my cock and she speared it right on the spot..!

Then I put my hand on her love handles and started to come..The “Ooh’s” and “Aah’s” began as I deeply come into my slutty sister’s paradise. We both were saying “I love you’s” to each other as we go along..
Then we broke to make another style..

I mashed and ate her breasts like crazy and fingered and fucked all afternoon. While my dick found a new home to her sizzling wet pussy.

We took all of that stolen moments for our desires to be fulfilled. After I fucked her hard, I gave my shot of what my cum tastes like. I let her extract all of its contents like files to WinRar..!

“Ohh…oh, baby..You’re fantastic..I love you, I love you Bubbles..Oh,oh..” I said as she unloaded my cum.

“Yeah..ooh yeah…Fuck me again baby.. Fuck me next time, my lover..”

I didn’t make a promise to her ’cause I don’t want this thing to happen again. But I know, she will haunt me for more.

Luckily for us two, my sexy mom and sister Blossom arrived 7pm. We had ourselves spending time tasting each other and fucked the afternoon long.

We just acted like nothing’s happened as promised.
(To be continued…)


… ok, even when ppl dont know who i am i feel stupid about saying whats wrong. i cant talk to anyone, i feel stupid about my feelings, i think it might be because when i was younger, when i would cry, my mom would usually say ” either stop crying or go to your room, no one wants to see that”.. but i dont know. i hate the way i look, i am probably have the lowest amount of confidence ever, i always wear my hoodie because i feel like everyone is staring at my “fat” cuz im not skinny but im not fat, im just in the middle, but i feel disgusting, i always see my flaws… i dont even know how to take a compliment, i just feel weird. idk…

my family is so fucked up, and i feel like they hate me. my eldest brother *Abe* ignored me for like a year for no reason…like, i went to my brother *dan’s* house for a cook out and he was there, and he wouldnt even make eye contact with me, and he talked to everyone BUT me… then like 20 mins later he went to sleep… even now, i feel like crying cuz of it… i mean, do you know how that feels, im the youngest out of all my siblings (im 16 now, oldest sib. is 32) and when that happened i was only like 15, it hurt so bad, and he didnt even have a reason to do it… my mom said it was cuz the age diff. (hes like 25) but he was perfectly fine talking to my niece who is 11… and i have like 2 friends cuz no1 likes me, i never tell anyone how i feel, cuz i feel stupid and i dont even have a “best friend” and every friend i have always just leaves me, and treats me like shit, and i never stand up for myself… i hate it… and the person who used to be my best friendjust stopped talking to me, and she left me when i really needed her, …. u know how many times i have actually thought about suicide… more than i can count, i doubt id ever do it though.. i just feeling shitty all the time andhave no one there for me… i cant handle it… i dont know what to do…

and im not trying to make anyone feel bad for me or w/e i just wanted to tell someone even though they dont know me cuz i have never told anyone any of the way i feel and think.. ppl just see me as happy funny stupid acting jess, and they have NO idea about unhappy i actually am…
p.s- im not doing this to have ppl feel bad for me, and i tell u this cuz, even doing this, i feel stupid. =[


This is a true confession, I had to get it off my chest.

Well, when I visited my Grandma’s home for Christmas break, my aunt and uncle where living there also. I never met my aunt until the day I visited Grandma. She was hotter than I expected, but she also had hot feet too. Now, I couldn’t just ask her for a foot rub or maybe even worship, so I did the next best thing. At night when everyone was sleeping, I would sniff her shoes and socks endlessly. The stronger the odor the better. Even after she wore them after the family went out sometimes. I feel dirty, but aroused and confused. She’s my aunt, I find her pretty attractive too. I’m kinda sickened by it too, but I fantasize sometimes about rubbing her feet, licking her soles gently, sucking her beautiful toes, and smelling those odors. She’s family and I’m really confused by it. I try to sneak a sniff whenever I visit and it sure turns me on!


My sister is a drunk, and I hate her now. Usually ONLY when she drinks. But she’s NOT a very nice person anymore, even when she’s NOT drinking. She and I were SO CLOSE growing up too. We were the best of friends, and now I don’t even like her, and it makes me so sad. If she wasn’t my sister, she wouldn’t be someone I would EVER want as a friend. Even when she’s NOT drinking she’s a loud foul mouthed negative person. My other sister committed suicide a couple years ago, and I miss her SO MUCH! So you’d think, that me and my last remaining sister would have become closer. INSTEAD, we only grew even farther apart. Last time she got drunk, she beat the shit out of me, becasue I wouldn’t give her a cigarette. We get along just fine, when she’s NOT drinking, BUT I still don’t like her much as a person, anymore.:-( Ugh… What should I do????


well im grounded for 2 weeks, until i learn my lesson, but ive already learnt my lesson, it was worth it! lol

what im grounded for is, well yesterday my mom made this spaghetti dinner, for when dad got home and everyone was gonna eat, i actually like spaghetti meatballs but.. so she made this dinner and she set out all the plates and stuff to get ready, well my dad was on the computer and my mom was in her room doing something, so what i did was, i decided, i was at the table, i decided i wanted to ‘season the food a little lol

with pepper spray

i wanted to season the food a little

season the food a little lol
because its pepper spray, pepper/seasoning! lol

so what i did was i sprayed this pepper spray all over the food, and it was like all over the food, and i havent sprayed that much pepper spray before, well except this time i sprayed this lady in the face at blockbuster

so then what i did was, was i ran up stairs so fast and then locked my room, and then my mom was all like “come down here, you’re in trouble” and then i was all like hiding in my room and they were trying to open the door but it was locked and i started spraying the pepper spray at the bottom of the door but it wasnt working it was just going in my eyes, and then i just hid in the corner of my room

and then my mum grounded me for two weeks, but she said it will be like 2 weeks if i dont apologise

but im not going to apologise


I fucking hate you. Really, I do. I know, it’s hard to hate someone you ‘don’t know’, but trust me, bitch, I know enough. You fucking manipulative cunt. In fact, everyone here fucking hates you. Every single person except for the blind few who can’t see past your cute little facade. Guess what, whore, I saw it months ago. Nobody believed me or saw it then, but they do now. Even J***! You’re the only girl he’s ever truly wanted to just slap across the ugly little whore face. You’re a trollop, a fucking stupid liar who deserves nothing more than the very worst life has to offer.

So you used him for months, pissed him off, ripped his heart out and ate it on the plates he fucking gave you to use. You’re so ungrateful it’s disgusting. Every aspect of you disgusts me and it disgusts… well, everyone. Once again you seem to have pulled the wool over J***’s eyes but you didn’t fool any of us. You seriously think writing a cute nice little letter is going to fix any of the shit you’ve pulled? Um no. You bought yourself what you wanted, another night in his bed. I got to sit back and listen to how miserable you made him, the only reason he tolerated your bullshit for as long as he did was because he’s in love with the girl you used to be, not the satanic whorehound you’ve become. You know, I thought I’d like you. Haha, I couldn’t have been more wrong. I hate you and everything you stand for. I really, truly hope that when your ass does get around to doing that favor you said you’d do (you know, what whole going back to hicksville thing), you’re in a violent car accident or something to the like. I don’t want you to die, no, I want you paralyzed. I want you to suffer. I have never hated anyone like I hate you, ever – and you deserve kudos for that.

Tonight I strongly considered calling out of work, showing up to fighter practice and punching you in the face. If I ever see you again, you can rest assured you will leave blind and limping. God, you’re such an ugly fucking soul. The best part is you think you’re physically attractive, too, but really – you’re not. J*** prefers me over you by far, he always has. I don’t know what he ever saw in you. All he was to you ever was a cheap fuck. Guess what, slut? Cheap fuck or not he knows your game. He’s not that dumb. All you did was buy yourself some time.

Keep in mind, the more time you’re here, the better my chances are of getting to do what I’ve wanted to do for a long time – hurt you. I know my words will go straight through that hollow little head of yours, for there’s not really any brain for them to run into in there. I’m not going to post cute little threats on MySpace and talk tough on MySpace like you do; oh no. I’m not in high school. See, this isn’t a ‘threat’, this is a promise – if I see your ratfink face anywhere – ANYWHERE – I will beat it in. I will not stop inflicting blows on your ugly ass until someone pulls me off. You’d better pray that someone gives enough of a shit to do so, because from what I understand, most people know how fucking ugly you are as a being and would greatly enjoy watching you get the shit kicked out of you. I am not a violent person; I guess T**** was right when he said his sister brings out the worst in people. I know he was right. He turned out really great- what the fuck happened to you? Did Daddy touch you too many times? Guess what, bitch, we all lead hard lives. Nobody feels bad for you, so quit moping you fucking idiot emo bitch. Turn off your Black Parade – nobody is listening. Grow. The. Fuck. Up.

And get the fuck back to the trash heap from which you came.

Stupid, ugly whore.

Oh, what was that you said? If I ever called you a whore again you’d ‘fucking kill’ me? Let’s see you try, whore. The only reason you’re so loved in Tennessee by those sheep you call friends is because they’re either stupid whores like yourself or you fucked them into pretending to like you. Let’s see you make good on your little MySpace threat.

Also, brownie points for failing to call J*** out on MySpace too, because we all know MySpace is serious business. You seriously need to grow the fuck up. Try your hardest to get into that car accident, please. It would do the whole world a favor. I’ll visit you in the hospital and feed you Lysol and bleach through your fucking feeding tubes.



My movements are under surveillance and I only seem paranoid trying to prove it.


Thinking back I know now what caused me to have an obsession with exposing myself. When I was 9 my mother re-married and my stepdad had two sons Brad and Kyle. They were both a few years older than me but we did get along pretty well. I’m not sure exactly when it started but they would walk in on me while I was getting a bath or undressed. I guess I became so accustomed to them doing it that I eventually didn’t mind them seeing me nude or in my underware. They also would be in their underware often and over a couple years I had seen them naked also, quite a few times.

As I developed and started getting older it would happen more often and they would make comments about my breasts and body. They would actually tell me how cute I was and compliment my figure. I started to realize that I enjoyed it when they saw me naked or in my bra and panties and that it aroused me. Leaving my bedroom or bathroom door open a few inches helped in letting them see me naked more often. Naturally I never did that when my mother was at home and I know she would be upset if she knew what I was doing.

I can’t help feeling like I do and have even let their friends see me nude many times over the last year or two. I know for sure that 4 of Brads friends and 5 or 6 of Kyles friends have seen me naked. It gets me so excited that I masturbate just thinking about it. Brad even caught me mastubating once, but that was embarrassing because I know he was watching me for a long time and told me so. My step dad saw me naked also two times that I know of but I don’t think he told my mother about it. I really didn’t mean for him to see me though. I like when the boys see me but don’t want my stepdad or mother to know what I’m doing.


(continued from part 1)

“I respect you as you are one in blood with me.. You see, I love you Bubbles, but not to the extent of seeing ourselves making it up to something.. I’m really sorry.. I don’t wanna hurt your feelings..”

At first I thought the scene has reached its conclusion. Well maybe not because she gave me a kiss that would make me forget being her as my sister. I felt kinda strange.. Her lips were damn soft and warm, with a loving passion. I couldn’t help myself but to kiss back.

I stopped kissing with Bubbles and I attempted to run towards my room. But my lil’ sis just keep on coming.

She inserted her silky smooth hand in my pants. She noticed me already having an hard-on, so she rubbed my briefs containing my member rapidly as if I was getting masturbated.!

At first I was preventing my psyche from thinking of my sister as if I was already making love to her, and have my dick come to life. But my animal instinct didn’t stand the sizzling body waiting to be banged.

“Hihi! You can run from me right now, but you can’t resist me.. I see it in your eyes, Brotha’ Luv!Haha!”

The tension heats up and I got sweaty as my penis is stimulated for a possible.. (Forgive me moralists) SEX..

“Alright Bubbles, you got me, but please don’t ever ever tell anyone about this.. Okay?!”

“Hmm.. Okay. No one will ever know Just you and I.. ” she softly replied.

So she took me to the bathroom. She said that she wants to lose her virginity there.

So at first, we kissed using our lips and tongue, exchanging saliva with one another. Damn! It was really great! I felt how Bubbles needed me to come into her.

I took all of her clothes off except for her bra and lingerie because I get horny when I see girls wearing such revealing suits.

I wanted Bubbles to be like that. I felt the carnal lust of heeding for sex with my own kin. She wore a black tight bra, a T-back lingerie and stockings.
While she wanted me totally naked so I gave it..!

I was like kissing her lips while my one hand was busy mashing her boobs and the other in her still tight pussy.

Then she went down and kneel to suck my penis. My sis was already a great cocksucker. I feel like my cum rushing out of my ‘seminal vesicle’ and towards her innocent face. She was sucking it like crazy!I can’t believe my eyes of what I was witnessing.

Then she asked me to sit in the toilet bowl. Bubbles grabbed my dick and sandwiched it with her cute boobs!
Wow! She was stroking forward and back and I couldn’t help but to watch her doing me a boobjob. I felt really great! My cute sister has really grown up to be one of my secret fucking marionettes!

(continued in part 3)


I think this will be the weirdest incest experience that I will never forget my whole life.. I know its hard to believe on your point of view, but its definitely TRUE. I just can’t believe what happened to my family, and my life will never be the same again..

This is where the story goes:
My parents had their divorce because of their so-called “differences”. My dad migrated somewhere in the US with his new woman. All of my siblings, (including me) are living with my mom in our rented apartment. It’s me with my mom, my elder sister (21), my identical sister (17), and my youngest sister (14).

Since then, it was my mom who took in charge of all the duties my dad left behind. She, by the way, is a doctor, only 36 yrs. old, (I think she was just 15 when she got pregnant with my elder sister). She is now one of the new acquisitions for public hospital surgeons, and practicing her profession in a public hospital.

My elder sister now works as a Nursing clinical instructor in a well-renowned University here in our place. She graduated ‘Magna Cum Laude’ and she got a spot in the top 10 during the Nursing board exams.

Meanwhile, me and my twin sister (both 17, although she was a few hours older) are currently studying in college, also Nursing, where our eldest use to work.

She is far more better than me, academically. A dean’s lister, a candidate for our U’s outstanding students, and also candidate for Miss University. And I’m so jealous with her academic prowess, up until now. She usually beats me up in all of our subjects.. Never did I have a chance to take the lead bet. the 2 of us..

The youngest of the siblings, my ever-so-cute cuddly-wuddly sis. She’s the sweetest and the most thoughtful, esp. to me. Everytime she sees me, she always gives me a lovely hug. She, by the way, got the genes that I never had from my mom: being a ‘brainiac’. All of the are academically excellent except for me.. I felt like I was just a thorn among the bunch of roses. I even once started to think that I was just an adopted sibling. But my mom proved me wrong by showing me the scar that the surgery left in me and my twin sister. I was convinced.

Almost all of them, including my mom, have graduated elementary with a ‘Valedictorian’ in their names. The fact that I can never be like them is what I’m jelling about.

I call my sisters ‘THE POWERPUFF GIRLS’ because of their traits as persons. My older sister being the leader of the siblings, the one closest to mom and being the ‘Blossom’ of the trio.

The boyish image of ‘Buttercup’ lies on my twin sister. She, I think, is more like a ‘boy’ than me. She is more aggressive, more gutsy and more smarter bet. the 2 of us. I’m more like of a ‘shyboy’ type, the ever-silent and the one who is very limited in speaking. She uses to wear black dresses to tell the world her ‘EMO’ side. Nevertheless, underneath that very loose and thick black garment is a one hot, sexy chick that’s waiting to be revealed, I tell ya!

And there was my ever-sweet, loving little sister. The one who’s giving me hugs almost many times a day. Its kinda strange on my side as her older brother for her being too close, but nevertheless fine. She’s currently in high school. We have our everyday heart-to-heart talk where she confesses to me all of what happened, the latest showbiz gossips and more! Hehe!

She had a lot of admirers, from friends, classmates, even teachers bec. of her beauty. I was wondering why she doesn’t go out with even one of the guys who courts her, so I asked. She said to me that she has no time for them. She spends more time in their dance practices (she’s also in their school’s performing arts club).

I always wonder why she gets to have very excellent grades despite of all of their daily practices, and still having the time to study. She is the closest to me amongst of us. She tells me almost everything, except for that one thing that can make our relationship as brother-sister go on nuts: the secret that she has kept, but unnoticeably obvious, her desire of having me as her lover, as in.

One day, I arrived home form school and I’ve noticed her watching TV all by herself. As in nobody’s home bec. my mom and my older sis went shopping. She quickly grabbed my bag and hugged me so tight. I had many things that I have noticed about her that instance.

She wore a sando shirt together with a very short skirt., and seemed she was so sexy. Her tight bra gave her not-so-big but seemingly large boobs a lift for that long clevage effect. She does’nt actually wears such clothes ever since. This is just too revealing for me to see and I didn’t stand the possible lust and sin I may commit form looking with sinful intent.So I asked her, “Why are you wearing such sexy clothes..?”

She answered back and said,

“There’s nothing to be worried about, big bro. I’ts just you and me..! Hihi!”.

“What?! Are you going crazy?! I know you don’t wear such revealing dresses. Are you sick or something?!

“I just wanted to tell you a secret. Come here quickly!”

Bec. of my confusion, we sat on the sofa and she starts to cry. I don’t know what she was trying to say. Then she said,

“Bro, its been a while and I can’t take this anymore. I will tell you my secret but pls, keep it bet. us only.. Sniff.. The real reason why I restrain myself form having a BF is bec. of… YOU..”

“Why me..? I don’t restrict you from having a boyfriend.. It’s okay with me as long as he will never hurt you and your feelings..”

“No.. I mean, you.. Sniff.. I LOVE YOU.”

“Huh?.. Well I love you too, sis. Don’t mention it.”

I felt like it was not what she really meant, so I distanced myself from her. But when I was about to go to my room, she pushed and brought me down, and she tried to strip off my pants..!

“No, that’s not what you meant by that, isn’t it..? Hehe.. Isn’t it..?!”

She moved closer to me, and told me:

“Bro, I wanna make love to you now. Could you..?please..?”
As she makes a cutie smile effect on her face, as if she was only making a joke or she wad just making a fool of me. But she suddenly removed her sando and exposed her cuddly boobs on my sight.

I warned her, “Don’t nake a fool of me, lil’ sis. I love you too, but not to this extent..”

She answered me with a teasing facial expression and said, “Would you mind if you take all of my clothes off..?”

(continued in part 2)


when i was about 8 yrs old i used to sneak over to the neighbours/family friends house and give there dog an errection


My girlfriend is aways looking for fun with me she came over my house one night and she totally gave me a blow job =P.she also rp gts with me.
i love her so much


My name is Anuraag. I am married since a long time to Kiran. My wife Kiran is quite good looking and voluptous. Right since we got married, I have always had a rather kinky obsession, to watch my wife Kiran, exposing her lovely body to strange men. I started confiding in her about this obsession. Initially she flatly refused. But, over the years, I persisted in keeping on requesting her. Finally, she agreed – but on condition, that I will not force her to do what she does not like. I accepted. Slowly we started experimenting with small semi-exposures on the highways, in restaurants etc. These were not really exposures. It was just a small peek, that strangers would get into Kiran’s blouse, or thru’ her skirt etc. But these were one second peeks. I told Kiran, that I wanted her to expose more….

Read the rest of this entry »


About 4 months ago my parents decided to get divorced. It was a good thing: they were fighting alot and it just wasn’t cool anymore for me and my little brother. Some time after that my father moved out of the house and it was just me and my brother and mother. My mother was crying alot at night to the point where my brother and I just couldnt get a funcking night’s sleep.

So one night, like two months ago, I was getting really pissed off at my mother for keeping me awake so I stormed into her room. She was all ‘I’m sorry but I just feel so terrible’. So then she asks me to come lie next to her so she won’t feel so lonely. I thought she meant just lie at the other end of the bed (it was big enough for three people) so I didnt think much of it and thought it would get her to shut up. Then, lying there, she asks me to come closer cause she wants to give me a hug and kiss me goodnight. Now I’m 16 so I thought I was a little old for that but for the sake of getting some sleep fast I rolled towards her and gave her a hug. I noticed right away that I had rolled my crotch right against her hand. It was a really awkward thing but I decided to pretend not to notice, give her a hug and never speak of it. But just as I thought that I felt her hand stroking my groin. It was REALLY fucking weird! I thought at first that maybe she didn’t know what she was stroking – my leg? – so I still said nothing. Then she sticks her hand in my boxers and grabs my dick. Now I’ve thought about this situation over and over since then and I’m still trying to figure out whether it’s weird or not, but it felt really good.

Nevertheless I realised it was awkward so I screamed at her asking what the hell she was doing! She was very calm and told me in a very soothing voice that it was allright and that we could just ‘enjoy eachothers warmth’ or something. ‘Didn’t it feel good when I touched your penis?’ By this time my dick was hard (it had started getting harder and harder after she first touched it) and I had to admit that actually it DID feel good. So she told me to come close to her. I did and she started rubbing my dick again. I came within 30 seconds or so and felt really weird.

I’ve been to my mothers room every night since then. Most of the time she just jacks me off but yesterday she asked me whether I would like to make love to her. Since I was very curious I did. It was heaven . During the day she’s just my mom and we dont ever talk about this stuff. During the night we fuck. I know this shit is weird to most people but I’m ok with it now. Anybody else got a similar experience?
