Confession Point

When you must confess!

So recently i got busted at school for having weed. i have been smoking weed for a year now. this is the first time i got caught and it was with a dime of regi. they suspended me for 30 days and i am now on probation. that is retarded. haha btw Oklahoma has the strictest laws on weed.

I then go how and have an argument with my mom cuz i have a cellphone and i am not supposed to contact anyone because i just got into trouble. so my mom says give me the cellphone and i said no why can’t i have it so i hold onto the cellphone and she tell my brother to go into my room and get all my electronics out of my room and my mom says never mind i will go do it and opens my underwear and sock drawer and finds two dubs (12 grams) in there and my dad takes that and flushes it down the toilet after pissing on it. then my mom tell me to come into my room and asks me (as she is tearing up) is there any more i can’t even believe that you would do this. blah blah blah rite so i still have the cellphone and she keeps asking me who i got it from. i aint no damn snitch and im not going to say anyone’s name. So then my dad try to sit on top of me and take my hand out of my pocket which is holding onto my cellphone. and then i punch my fuckin window im so pissed off and then i throw the cell phone and my dad gets off of me.

After this fight my mom is trying to get me into counseling and all this bullshit that i don’t want so i finally get my phone back and i get my truck back and i get my laptop and my ps3 back and im good so i have 100 hours of community service that i have to do. I’m going to do it at goodwill and get some free stuff to make some money on my parents also made me quit my job at the bowling alley. so im making some money selling stuff on craigslist and other places to random people and i start to buy some weed gettin bubba kush and all this good shit smoking like a fuckin boss again now i got a joint rolling machine and free papers so im good at this now and when i smoke i just fucking forget the shit is even in plane sight and when im sober i think of all the great spots to hide this stuff at but it just lapses my judgement and my probation officer finally decides to piss test me and i just smoked that day at lunch and i already know im not going to pass and he asks me is this one going to be clean and i told his ass the truth no this isn’t so sure enough it isn’t comes back hot for opiates and thc i had my toenail removed because it was ingrown and they gave me tynol 3 which was baller status with weed haha so my mom finds out and gets onto me i said i stopped doing it and haven’t since then but i really sometime just have the urge to smoke weed cuz it would be fucking fun but i have a question for everyone what would be a job that you can have and make decent money and smoke weed??


I was 15 year old boy when it happed. By far it was the most embarrassing thing that has happed to me in my whole life.

Being forcefully stripped in front of girls was most embarrassing experience for me. These senior boys did just for fun and because girls were there willing to watch. I knew they were going to strip me and would be able to do anything to stop them. Even when it horrified me to have my dick exposed, I couldn’t stop myself for getting an erection. I got held in front of five girls with my hard dick sticking out in front of them. I had never been forced to stand there half naked with girls flicking my dick and grabbing my dick. I felt like had been stripped and left with no secrets to hide. The worst was that I would have to see all those girls every day in my school and embarrasse myself all over again every day. Part of me must have gotten turned on by it, because when pulled my pants back up and walked away, I found out I was dripping wet with pre cum.


So I have this English prof who is the same age as I am (we’re 32). I emailed him one time to ask if he wants to go out for coffee after the semester ends. He said he can’t because of the rules at the college. I really want to tell him I just want to FUCK the HELL out of him, grabbing that long hair of his and pulling it while he clears his desk and pounds the hell out of me. I don’t know if I should put it right out there like that, or if I should just let it go and figure he doesn’t want me that way? Don’t know what to do, all I can think about is FUCKING HIM!!!!


There is a girl that I really like and would do anything to have as my girlfriend. But when I get around here I can’t say anything, I’m like a mute. But we have similar friends and when they say something to me I can answer to problem, but when she says something to me it’s just quiet.

Worst part is that I’m a musician, and I end up having sex with random girls after every concert. I do this just because I feel somewhat empty. I know I wouldn’t have meaningless sex all the time if I could have that girl. I wish I could grow a pair and talk to her, instead the only thing my balls are good for is going in random girls mouths. I always feel horrible after I have sex with one of them. I really wish I could go up to that girl and just say SOMETHING I don’t care what I just wish something would come out. Seeing her all day at school really makes for a bad night of meaningless sex.


i am a 13 year old girl who has brown eyes and dark brown straight hair i get called an emo, ring girl ect ect.. i want to kill myself in front of my class just to tell them how much pain they have caused im gonna plan my sucidal note soon.


i began to fuck with my latin teacher as i was 16. she was 32 and the hottest women i’ve ever seen.

Couldn’t believe it first as she recognized i was in love with her and she called me to her room. i thought she will sentence me or something but she smiled at me and suddenly began kissing me. she was telling, that she wanted it as much as i did, locked the door of the room and began to take of her cloth.

after licking her pussy and she sucking my cock we began fucking on one of the tables. couldn’t belive it. after this, we met several times, even at her’s when her husband, some stupit buissinesman travelling around, who wasn’t able to satisfy her, as she said.

we had an affair until i was 19 and the time, the most bad thing happened. she got pregnant! i felt like a fool ’cause she always tooked the pill, but that was not the biggst problem. this was, as her daughter was born and we had to clear about who’s the father ’cause she ment, she was fucking with her husband at this time.

but it happened as i thought it would: i was the father of the little girl we named cara, as i supposed some weeks before birth. nobody but us two knows, that we had this affair and that cara is my daughter, because her stupid husband even today thinks she’s his child, and that’s what really hurts me, even it is six jears ago from now


i am 20 years old and i live in canada. I was 13 years old and i was on my way to a wrestling tournament, ive been wrestling since i was 8 years old. so the night after we got there. We saw all kinds of girls in the pool and they were sexy. So me and my teammates got our swimsuits on and headed into the pool.

so when i was in the pool, the girls were trying to toy with me and all i thought was, that they were stupid bitches. I went to go play some games with them, but then i thought im gonna play a little game on this one girl. So i swam underwater over to her and put my hand on her vagina.

She tells all her friends on me, and the only ones in the pool are my teammates and me, except one of them was going to tell confront the girls. He came up to me and was wondering why i did that. So I told him they were toying around with me so i got them back. I made all my teammates not tell my coach about this so he wouldnt kick me off the team. No one ever spoke about this again.


i fall for the worst boys.
i fall for the ones that cheat, that lie that are just bad for me.

there’s this boy in my 2nd block.
oh man is he sexy.
i dont even pay attention in class anymore.
i just put my head down and fantasize about having sex with him.
hes always telling me how big his dick is, and i want it so bad. but he has a girlfriend, and he talks to a girl that i know. BUT I WANT HIM.

i wanna be the girl he talks to everyday and every night. i wanna be the girl he gives head to and fucks from the back. i wanna be his girl

the sad thing is, just because i fall for the baddest boys, he WILL cheat on me. and i will be the one looking stupid -_-


i dont even know what i see in you. you act like a total fucking jerk to me and then the next minute you are flirting with me, acting like you like me. then you go off and flirt with some ugly whore that i absolutly HATE, and you fucking know that. also, that whore that i was talking about, she has a boyfriend, and yet you fucking go make out with her and hold her hand and shit. and then when you’re with me, you talk about how you hate that whore. what the fuck is your deal?!!?!???

i just dont understand it. you told me that you like me, then you dont talk to me. you have caused me 22+ cuts all over my body. you make me feel like a worthless piece of shit sometimes. and then i cut myself. is the only way i can get my anger out, becasue if i asked you about it then you would lie to me, even though i know the truth. danm, why do i even bother?


Okay, so here is just something that i want to say to someone…..

I fucking hate you soooooo much!! i cannot believe that we every use to be friends. now the only people that like you are whores….just like you. they three of you are sluts. no wonder you guys hang out together. you’re such a dumb bitch! you have a fucking boyfriend! mannnn, i feel sooooo fucking sorry for him! you have him, so why do you still flirt with other guys?! oh yeah, its because you’re a whore. man, i dont know what eooeoie sees in you, or anyone as a matter of fact. i think that they only like you is because they know that you’re easy and you can give them what they want. you have no fucking idea how much i just want to punch you in your fucking face. also, you’re just like your sister. she two kids from different guys! WOW, thats you in the future.

I just want you to know that all the picutes that i have of you in my room, now have a fucking push pin in your ugly ass face. i wish that i could do that in real life. i hope after i get out of school, i NEVER hear from you again! i wish that i have never met you. ewwwww i fucking hate you. and stop flirting with people’s crushes. you’re soo stupid and i already know that you fucking do that shit to make peole mad, and thats why everyone fucking hates you. i guess all the guys want is a whore, and they fucking got it, and that you. so go off and keep doing that. i cant fucking wait until the day you ass gets pregant or a std. hahaha im gonna be laughing my ass of at you. man i HATE you.


i still have the hots for my high school boyfriend and have fantasies about him–so there!


I am a really horny girl…always be the first to make the move on my boyfriend every time I want sex. But how do I make him wants me more and more? Sometimes I feel like unwanted.. 🙁


What can I do to get my boyfriend to have sex with me more…? he mostly sitting in front of computer and downloading porns! I think he likes to watch that instead of doing it….IDK.


im 13
never had a boyfriend
relly want one
i never kissed a guy
but relly want to
i have this fantasy
tht i relly want 2 comee true
tht one day in front of everyone at skewl
some boy just runs up to me and
starts makin out with me out of nowher
this is kinda wierd?


… ok, even when ppl dont know who i am i feel stupid about saying whats wrong. i cant talk to anyone, i feel stupid about my feelings, i think it might be because when i was younger, when i would cry, my mom would usually say ” either stop crying or go to your room, no one wants to see that”.. but i dont know. i hate the way i look, i am probably have the lowest amount of confidence ever, i always wear my hoodie because i feel like everyone is staring at my “fat” cuz im not skinny but im not fat, im just in the middle, but i feel disgusting, i always see my flaws… i dont even know how to take a compliment, i just feel weird. idk…

my family is so fucked up, and i feel like they hate me. my eldest brother *Abe* ignored me for like a year for no reason…like, i went to my brother *dan’s* house for a cook out and he was there, and he wouldnt even make eye contact with me, and he talked to everyone BUT me… then like 20 mins later he went to sleep… even now, i feel like crying cuz of it… i mean, do you know how that feels, im the youngest out of all my siblings (im 16 now, oldest sib. is 32) and when that happened i was only like 15, it hurt so bad, and he didnt even have a reason to do it… my mom said it was cuz the age diff. (hes like 25) but he was perfectly fine talking to my niece who is 11… and i have like 2 friends cuz no1 likes me, i never tell anyone how i feel, cuz i feel stupid and i dont even have a “best friend” and every friend i have always just leaves me, and treats me like shit, and i never stand up for myself… i hate it… and the person who used to be my best friendjust stopped talking to me, and she left me when i really needed her, …. u know how many times i have actually thought about suicide… more than i can count, i doubt id ever do it though.. i just feeling shitty all the time andhave no one there for me… i cant handle it… i dont know what to do…

and im not trying to make anyone feel bad for me or w/e i just wanted to tell someone even though they dont know me cuz i have never told anyone any of the way i feel and think.. ppl just see me as happy funny stupid acting jess, and they have NO idea about unhappy i actually am…
p.s- im not doing this to have ppl feel bad for me, and i tell u this cuz, even doing this, i feel stupid. =[


My movements are under surveillance and I only seem paranoid trying to prove it.


my name is ryan b. and im a 15 year old boy. at least i think so. lately ive been having strange feelings towards my best mates i dont understand i thought only girls liked guys. is there something wrong with me? i want to touch them so bad. and i keep having dreams about putting a friends cock in my mouth.

one night we got pissed and i fondled my friend. i dont know if he remembers but it has been awkward between us lately. i dont want to bring it up incase he tells my friends and some how my brother finds out.

please help me.


When i was 14, (horny as fuck, i might add) i had some form of attraction for boys my age. Nothing too perverted.
Without this intention i invited my friend for a sleepover, (a bit tubby over the edges but still cute) while he was sleeping i started to take off my pants and stand over him. It was a hot night so he had no covers on and he was wearing only his underwear.
i couldn’t control myself i started rubbing my dick on his tubby. Then i got a bit further, i gathered up some of this fat rolls and stuck my penis in. I then ran to the bathroom for clean up :P. I’ve done this a total of two times.
I’m now 17 with a girlfriend and my attraction to boys has ceased but i still hook up with the same gender time to time.
But i’ve never been as turned on in my life than that moment.


I hate my roommates Pat M. and Ralph E. I mean, Pat’s name is spelt Patrik. What kind of fucking crackhead shit is that. Ralph, omg. He talks in his sleep about fucking complaining complaining complaining!! and fucking Vermont. I mean Vermont? wtf. HATE THEIR ASSES. sometimes when they sleep i fart in their faces and take pictures of it. its on my facebook.


Im Raymard from Philippines, my Mother is a Grade 6 Public School Teacher here, She had a 2 student which I fell In love with their name is Ms. D and Ms. C i’m 18 yrs. old But even though they were only 12 years old, they had sex with me multiple times… I can’t resist them, they had beautiful body!!!


I’m a 15 yr old chick. And lately I’ve been fantisizing over one of my teachers at school. She’s female but she’s so hott. All the things I wanna do with her. She makes me so horney


i confess that i do know the reason for why my cousin doesn’t talk anymore. His classmates were shot dead and when the soldier came for him, he killed the guy and ran to his house. He was terrified that they would come and kill him, so he cried and told his parents he didn’t want to go back to school. After that, on the boat to the other city, his ship was almost bombed and he had to hide in the forest for 3 weeks and he ran a huge fever. From that day on, he can’t talk. I CONFESS I KNOW!


I want to confess that when I was in elementary school I choked a kid… I got enrolled into the reading aid program when I was in like 5th grade and i taught this young kid, he was like a 2nd grader. He viewed me like the older brother he never had, I do not know why but I grew to hate this kid. He looked up to me and I despised him. I’d chase him off when it was lunch or recess, i’d choke him at times to tell him to keep away from me. I had built up anger and rage from my own familial problems.

I realize that I was just a young stupid kid, but now that I have taken some psychology classes I see how badly I probably effected his psyche. I feel horrid about it every day. Yet I know there isn’t anything I can do… Apologizing would only expunge my guilt, it would do nothing to help him at this point if I even knew where he was or what his last name was even.

I do not know what I seek in this confession, all I know is that I wish I could take it back. But of cource, that is not posible… I guess because there is nothing else I can say or do. I’ll say apologize anyway…

I’m sorry Andrew… I hope you turned out ok…


I have fantasies about my history teacher. I see him everyday and it drives me wild. He’s married and has two kids, and I’d never do anything about it, but a girl is allowed to dream, right?


I was still in High School, I had a big cock and was horny all the time, jerked off at least 3 times a day. My body is small and slim with very little hair, 5″4″,125lbs. My fat cut 7″ cock looked huge on me. I had been jerking off thinking about gay sex lately, I was very turned on by the fantasy of having sex with an older man, and having a cock in my ass.

I got a job working after school and weekends at a antique shop, it was ran by 2 older gay gentleman, very nice gentleman who were always flirting and teasing me. An older very distinguished looking handsome customer came in the store, he was a silver haired fox who looked like he had money.

The owners knew him well, he bought a small end table and asked the owners if I could help him unload it at his house, I thought this was kind of suspicous since it didn’t weigh much but my horniness and curiousity made me jump at the chance. We rode in his SUV to a big house in a ritzy neighborhood and I carried the end table into his house. He gave me a tour, it was huge and very nice, there was an indoor hot tub and he asked me if I wanted to soak for a while, I told him I didn’t have a swim suit and he laughed and told me I could go without, he always did.

I was getting turned on so I started to undress, my tank top came off first and my back was turned to him and I pulled down my cutoffs, no underwear and bent over to finish removing my cutoffs, it was a turn on to expose my ass to him, he watched me climb into the hot tub, my cock was rock hard. I watched him take off his shirt, he had a sexy chest covered with silver hair, he pulled down his pants and underwear in one motion exposing a beautiful 8″ cut cock, very fat. We sat in the tub for five minutes talking, he asked me if I wanted a massage, I moved over close to him with my back to him and sort of sat on his lap, I could feel that big cock, I started moving my ass around until it was between my cheeks, I moved up and down, it felt so hot, made my asshole spasm. He was rubbing my shoulders and back, he reached around and started massaging my inner thighs making my cock twitch, finally he started stroking my cock, I was so turned on it was all I could do not to cum. He had me stand up and started tonguing my ass while stroking my cock, I was in pleasure overload and exploded cum after about two minutes of this.

We went into his bedroom, still naked and dried off, he put his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me to my knees, grabbed the back of my head and guided me to his cock. I sucked on it hungrily feeling it get harder in my mouth, when he was rock hard he guided me to the bed and had me lay on my stomach. He ate my ass again this time harder, getting his tongue up inside me, this made my cock hard again, I relaxed and felt my boypussie open up. Next he slowly inserted one of his fingers , it kind of hurt at first but then I started to love the feeling. Two fingers was next with some lube, he two finger fucked me for along time, I loved how it felt, like I was getting stretched. I was moaning and moving my ass up and down.

He stopped and put his big cock back in my mouth, I sucked him for maybe a minute and he pulled out and rolled on a condom, had me get down doggie style got behind me and pushed that big cock head against my tight hole. He slowly pushed, I thought it was to big and would never fit, all of a sudden it popped in, the sensation took my breath away, it felt so huge and it hurt a little, but I was starting to relax and it was feeling better by the second.

He slowly pushed in until he was deep inside me and moved in and out very slowly to start with, it still burned but the thought of getting fucked, having a big cock inside me was such a turn on.

He fucked me for a long time, after I got used to it and fully relaxed the feeling was pure pleasure. My cock was rock hard.

The pace got faster and harder, finally I came again, without even touching my cock, such intense pleasure. He came and stayed inside me, I layed flat on my stomch with him still inside me, he slowly went limp, slipped out of me and rolled off me.


In high school I was smaller than the other guys and this one teased me all the time, saying I should’ve been a girl. It got worse and one day after school he fucked me in the shower room. I secretly liked it, but I told him I hated him for doing it.


Every night I jerk off to two of my teachers and 40 other girls I make believe that they r on top of my dick. Just last friday no1 went to my skool and I walk in and I tell my teacher if she wanted 2 go somewhere else and we went 2 a room where noone could see us and she jerked me off gave me head and rode my dick she will be getting married this summer and she said that she likes my dick better than her fiances. I am going to try to fuck my other teacher. They really kno each other so mayb a 3way will happen.


i’m a charming guy but I’m in high school so I live with my parents. which means no girls till university…… i’m so horny and I can’t wait till this september. which will be the beginning of freedom!!! and more work…….. so horny. good thing I got a girlfriend so we can have a house warming fuck… YAY!!!!


There’s a girl at my school who I see like ones a week and every time I see her I get all nervous and stuff. But when I think of her at times like these, I just wish I’d get my act together next time I see her and tell her how I feel. Life’s too short for this kind of sh*t!


Back when we were in high school….the crowds would gaither in the halls and would cause alot of congestion. My friends and I would grab the girls on the ass while we were in the croud. The girls would have no idea who it was. That was good sport…..those were the days.


one time in eighth grade while we all were at break during lunch I found a frog in the school yard. I took it back inside to show my friends but by this time it was time to go back to class. The frog needed to go back outside. While on my way out there was a backup of kids leaving the lunch room and coming in. This one girl was coming in and I was going out(she was all wayz running her smart mouth about something) there her mouth was flapping away, I took the frog and stuck in her mouth just long enough for her to see it was a frog. She freeked out! I kept my cool and walked out to the school yard to release the frog. She was still screaming something about a frog in her mouth but had no idea who did it. I never did hear much from her mouth after that. Becareful where your mouth is open a frog may show up.


ive liked this girl named amanda from my school for a year and she has a boyfriend and its looking serious, but we are friends and not that close but good enough. but i want to be more to her so what should i do?


I masturbated over my german teacher
