I’m a 16 year old girl and 1 year ago this month I had started seeing another girl. I was deeply in love with her and then she broke my heart, we argued all the time and eventually she didn’t feel the same way about me and found somebody else. It took me months to get over her, I’m still not completely sure if I am over her. I could never imagine myself with any other girl but her so I now have a boyfriend.
I thought maybe if I got another girlfriend then I would be forever comparing her with my ex.
Anyway, i do love this guy so much, he makes me feel so happy and special. It’s just really weird being with a man and every time he kisses me, I keep thinking of my ex girlfriend or just girls in general. My boyfriend knows nothing about it and I can’t tell him, it would break his heart.
And what’s more, the other day I went to my friends 18th birthday and I saw my ex girlfriend there, we talked for hours and hours about everything and anything, we had a really good laugh like old times, then we ended up having a bit of a kiss. We both agreed it was a mistake because we’re both with other people now, but it’s really messed me up and confused me again.
5:25 pm on October 21st, 2008
i have a small advice for you: take it easy. =) nothing good will come of forcing it, so take your time. i assume you have plenty left, and if you don’t… well, then a cruel thing to say would be it doesn’t really matter and that you should do what you *now* think is best for *you*. it’s up to you ultimately, though i still prefer the slow motion thing. ^^’
3:16 am on March 7th, 2014
Sweetie, I’m a 32 y/o lesbian mother. Believe me, I’ve seen and done most all of it. And the best thing I can tell you is.
For starters, you really do need to be honest with your new boyfriend. I mean if you are only thinking about girls when you kiss him. Then I would say you are a lot closer to being a lesbian than bi. I know you don’t want to hurt him, but in all honesty that is exactly what you are doing now. As well as yourself.
Truthfully you need to step back away from both him and your ex. Completely reanalyze your life, feelins and wants.Your still young, you should be enjoying life to the fullest while you still can. Trust me, you will find that one true love in time.