well how do i start.its gonna be really long. I am 17,pretty,smart and attractive. I am also among the TOP 5 in my class. Despite all this ,earlier i never got much attention from the opposite sex because i wasnn’t much exposed much.
But lately(like the past 6 months)i am in the limelight. I have made many friends and most of them like me. There have been many people who have fallen for me(i couldnt even keep a track), but there is one special guy. He is now like my best friend. We hang out all the time,we talk over the phone almost all day.
Sometime back he told me that he loves me and i know its true. He’s one of the nicest people i have ever come across in my life. But there is something that always stops me from giving myself to him. I told him that i dont love him(which is true ,i only like him) but the problem is i wont even give this a chance.
At the same time i dont want him to be with anyone else. My problem is that i am completely full of myself.
I am scared that i wont meet new peeple, there wont anyone new falling for me. When there are lots of rumours and controversies about me, i HATE it and i get completely FRUSTRATED(because i never try to hurt anyone and i have no bad intentions),but i know that i will become even more frustrated if people do not talk about me. I become more upset that way. People have started to call me a bitch and now i think i have started to become one.I want all guys to fall for me, i want all the attention to myself. I am so damn desperate for attention…..
here let me give u an example.
A few days back i went to a party with my friends and one of my good friends met a galfriend of mine and
now he is interested in her. This almost made me mad, even though i am not attracted to that guy, i often think of him like a brother. But i cant stand him liking any girl. Maybe i am just way to possessive about my friends.
I know one day i will completely fall apart when i realise that i do not have anyone. I want guys to fall for me but i never say YES to them. I have feeling i will end up alone.
I really wish i could deal with this but dont know how to go about it?
I wasnt like this earlier, i was much more happy and contented with my life. This problem is also not letting me settle down with anyone , i have even rejected true love.(it’s not about sex,i dont want it, just thought of letting u know).
Some people think that all these kind problems start in the family. My parents got divorced when i was 10, i live with my mom, she has a boyfriend. And she is addicted to cigarettes.
I wish i could figure a way out. PLEASE HELP.
i have a secret desire to get raped.I want my boyfriend to rape me and have killer sex with me but i’ll never offer myself to him if he doesnt force me! oh n ya i’m still a virgin
I stole something once, I was only 10, but everyone thought I was such a saint.
i think my mom is the most irritating person in the whole world. I cant stand her!!
i like to watch my wife have sex with other men.
im inlove with this one guy but one of his friends likes me too.. and he makes the guys i like lifes misreable
I’ve been talking to my girl about a threesome and she actually sounds like she’s up for it. I fantasize about the third being her 18 yo daughter – so bad of me.
I have been seeing a woman for a year now. In this time I have pushed the limits sexually with her beyond anything I would have ever imagined doing. Actually I was thinking about breaking it off with her and thought this might be a way to get her to want it to end, didn’t work. She seems to have no limits.
i am a male in love with a guy in the navy stationed in lexington park. he love to blow me n cradle my nuts, but the problem is that he is married to a woman, who has no idea that her husband is gay. troy, i love you !!
am cheating on my fiancee and its tormenting me now
I look for little girls on myspace so i can chat with them.
A friend of mine is in love with me,,,,i didnt accept him but still we are good friends. But i am in love with his best friend who already has a girlfriend(a very serious one).I cant tell anyone(not my friend¬ the guy i like coz ill lose them both if i do).What should i do??plzz help.Confessing to the guy that i like him wont help.
I am a crossdresser and i m embarrased bout it
I am a christian and struggle with masterbation
I masturbated over my german teacher
I’m in love with someone and their best friend at the same time.
i used to be very promiscuous even though i am a catholic
I have a small dick… there I said it.
I am terrified of fans (not people fans coz im not famous, i mean like ur regular bathroom ceiling fan)
i am married and in love with someone online
I’ve been with my boyfriend for nearly 4 years and i cheated on him for the first time the other day. I love my boyfriend and i cant tell him i cheated on him with some other guy because i dont want to lose him. *sigh*
i’ve been with my boyfriend for three years and loves him very much but the other day i went to c this guy and it so happened that he eats my vagina. it was the most wonderful feeling but it still bothers me that i cheated on my boyfriend.
i always wanted to be famous…i always wished everyone loved me for who i am. Now i am really popular but everyone hates me.They call me a BiTcH.I didnt want to be this!! And now its too late.
🙁 I am depressed:(
Love stinks. End of story.
I’ve had lots of pre-marital sex
One time i flashed a really close guy friend of mine because my other friend was doing it. it was really weird=0
im bisexual & dont know how to tell my parents
i have a bad habit of donkey punching girls when i have sex……O WELL!
I had sex with a fat lady twice my age for 10 bucks. But the really sad part is that I actually enjoyed it.
i beat up an ethnic person and it was great
I mastrubate myself everyday.
i ran over a cat and apparently i have to yak on for another sentance coz my post is too short otherwise
i am terrified of guys, like if i never have to speak to a guy again thats fine by me, im not a lesbian or anything but guys really scare me, and everyone thinks im retarded for it
i confess that i have not let go.. altho i said i did… oh and that i hav been drinking behind my parent’s back…
I once though about a person in a manner of which I shouldn’t be thinking about said person
I cheated on my girlfriend with my receptionist
My gf doesn’t let me have sex with her. Sometimes I feel like raping her. I know this is wrong but I can’t help it.
I confess I like reading confessions 😀
I had sex before marriage.
I thought I was weird. After seeing this site I do feel better that there are more weird people than me.
I like to look in the mirror, and put my penis between my legs to see what i would look like as a woman? How weird huh? hehehe
I am not gay but I like to see guys nude. Is this wrong?
I dress up as a cheerleader and look at myself in the mirror. Nothing wrong with that except that I am a guy :).
I find it disgusting to masturbate … but I still doin it.
I have cheated my wife for years… still do! Not sure how to stop.
As a kid I was very mean with my sister. I used to find ways to piss her off all the time. I am sorry for what I did.
My boyfriend’s best friend took me out clubbing for my birthday, because my boyfriend wasn’t feeling well. I wound up kissing his best friend, and loved it. Now I want to either kiss him again or tell my boyfriend he needs to learn to kiss better!