one night i got off of work late and missed the last bus. i jumped into a cab with an arab driver. like 2 blocks before i got home i offered the cab driver a blowjob for the ride. he was shocked and said wow. then he said sure. i jumped into the front seat and pulled his cock out. not even 3 minutes later he cummed. i opened the door and spit. i said thank you and got out. since then i’ve done this about a good 25 to 30 times with 4 drivers.

My confession is simple. Its about my insecurity. I have been told by EVERY woman I have EVER been with that I have a HUGE penis. Still in my mind it is not big enough. I actually measured it and its a nice size. 8 inches long and about 2.5 inches thick. In my mind I just feel like I need atleast ONE more inch. Is this normal?
I think it comes from when I was in 5th grade. Me and my friends in my apartment building (male and female) would always play truth or dare. One day I was dared to show all the girls my penis. They all INSTANTLY started to laugh at me. Now to this day I look down at myself thinking my penis is not big enough. 🙁
ok so one night when me and my friends were out doing dmt and acid and pot we all went down to the main street , stumbling around, spitting at passers by, stark naked. then we broke into the town hall and had a little 4 some then i cant really remember anything else but we woke up in a sand trap on a golf course, me bum reeli hurt and my throte was sore
and i was sleeping with a duck and 15 loafs of bread
One night I hung out with my boy who is a promoter at this club and he had a table with a few bottles so we got the partying. Then a group of girls he knew came to hang out at our table. They were all fine as hell so I went after the chunky one cause usually thats the easiest one right? She was very pretty and sexy as hell so we go the dancing and grinding.
We started dancing VERY dirty, catching the attention of most of the club. Her hands were all over me up my shirt and shit. I was like “Im in there”, yeah RIIIIGHT! After all that I tried to get the digits and she was like “I have a boyfriend” I was like “I have a girlfriend, we have something in common. I dont wanna take you from him.” She says “I’m here just to have fun, thats all.” Now I’m pissed not because she didn’t want to give me her number but I felt like she was being a cock tease. I didn’t show my anger so I put on a fake smile and when it was time for me to leave I told her it was nice meeting her and when I hugged her I smudged CHEWING GUM in her hair. I made sure it was nice and high so that she couldn’t cut it. AH HA.
Most of my girlfriends have all had threesomes, MFM and some FMF, at my urging. It took some time and some convincing for some of them but eventually most of them wanted to try it, they were just inhibited or never thought of themselves as “being like that”. Once they tried it they all loved it, especially the ones that can take two cocks at once in their pussy. I am white, 40 and SWM in Houston. If you want to do this with your girlfriend or wife hit me up at danvilleman at hotmail or katymountainman at yahoo chat
I miss being a raver. I loved the music, staying up all night and dancing. I got rid of all my candy, flyers, demo cds and “dance” cd’s all together. I want to be a go go dancer. I know I’d be real good at it.
I’m a mom of two now and am dating a Southern man with two left feet. I wish I could convince him to allow me to apply for a GO GO job. I say “allow” cause he’d have to play parent while I’m at work.
My boyfriend causally told me the other night that all of his old GF’s were completely shaved. Actually he put it as- “You ever think about going bald, you know down there?” I said “NO! why?” Then he told me this fascinating coincedence. I got pissed. Was I wrong to do that? I told him only whores shave it all off…and that it’s not a norm. Needless to say, I tried it and now like the look and feeling. I can’t wait to show him when he comes home. I feel like a hypocrate, but I am so compeditive. I not having him think about he’s exes’ shaved hooch!
I am from India and I am new to San Antonio, Texas. I met this girl online and i have lost my heart! I want to say this to her that I like her and I wanna take her out and i wanna give you as much love as you can ever think of…
I know that she does not see me like this and its not possible for some to practically think that I can love a girl whom i met online for just a few weeks… therefore its not exactly a confession.. but i wanna shout this out!!! “I LOVE YOU MY DEAR S.”
That’s right. I’m actually out of my teens (truth be told, I’m also well on my way to turning 21, which would make me an adult pretty much anywhere around the globe), I’ve finished high school, and I’m starting my second year of university.
And yet, the one and only kiss I’ve ever received from a girl was at a “spin-the-bottle” game in junior high.
Well, partly, because I’m unlucky…as pathetic as that might sound. I was absolutely crazy about one girl in my first two years of high school, and during that time at least two nice girls confessed that they had feelings for ME…not knowing that I was busy drooling after another gal. As fate would have it, I got to know one of these girls quite well over the following year…and I started to feel more and more attracted to her, just as quickly as she began to see us as “just friends”. And so on and so forth.
Partly, I’m quite sure, because I’m a fool.
I can’t seem to develop romantic feelings for a girl until I’ve gotten to know her a bit…which is, coincidentally, when you tend to enter the “friend-zone”. At that point, before it’s too late, you either tell her how you feel or you just slip into a comfortable, painless friendship.
And being a coward and a gutless idiot, I’ve yet to tell a girl that I like her, in said moment.
Now? Again, I’m in my second year of university. My friends have all had multiple relationships, some of which have actually been pretty damned serious. Several of them are now so comfortable with the ladies that they can walk into a club/disco and find a chick to get busy with each and every single time. They know what to say to a girl, how to entertain her, how to please her.
Me? All I’ve got down are the awkward jokes and subsequent silences. The small talk…GOD, I hate it.
Seriously: if a girl walked up to me at a pub, told me that she thought I was gorgeous, and that she wanted to kiss me…instead of jumping up and down for sheer joy, I’d probably be pissing my pants. Why? Because I CAN’T KISS WORTH A SH*T, unless I’ve got a crapload of innate talent for it.
Which of course makes the prospect of going out on a first date even MORE daunting. What am I supposed to do? I’m twenty, getting to first base should be almost AUTOMATIC. Trouble is, the real goal should be GETTING SOME, at this point.
But me? I’d be happy with one, miserable kiss. NO TONGUE, for gawd’s sake, or I might have a stroke here.
You know you’re pretty damned depressing when your hypothetical best-case scenario is some secluded area with a chick so drunk off her ass that she won’t notice what a slobby kisser you are :/
And what gets me is that I KNOW that I’m not repulsive, or ugly, or even unfit. I’m six feet tall, in moderate shape. I’ve been told a few times that I’m not entirely bad to look at.
I dunno…I guess I just wanted to get this off my chest. Hopefully, this’ll have some therapeutic effect, and by tomorrow I’ll be screwing like a bunny on viagra 😀
Seriously though…if anyone, ANYONE has every gone through anything like this, send a few words of wisdom my way, please.
Thanks for reading.
I have the password to my ex-boyfriend’s email accounts (along with his facebook, and a couple online sex/dating sites). He didn’t give them to me – I noticed him typing it in one day and remembered. I can’t help logging on now and then to see what he’s up to. I miss him. I realize this is only hurting me, since he’s moving on. Nothing in his emails is particularly shocking or even interesting but I realize it’s still wrong, and I hate being a stalker.
I have problems expressing my feelings to girls. I have a lot of friends who are girls that i like, but I can never ask them out or flirt with them even if they’re single. I am sixteen and have never had a girlfriend. I’m a hopeless romantic looking for advice on talking to girls. Can anyone help me?
I hate my roommates Pat M. and Ralph E. I mean, Pat’s name is spelt Patrik. What kind of fucking crackhead shit is that. Ralph, omg. He talks in his sleep about fucking complaining complaining complaining!! and fucking Vermont. I mean Vermont? wtf. HATE THEIR ASSES. sometimes when they sleep i fart in their faces and take pictures of it. its on my facebook.
I’m a 16 year old girl and 1 year ago this month I had started seeing another girl. I was deeply in love with her and then she broke my heart, we argued all the time and eventually she didn’t feel the same way about me and found somebody else. It took me months to get over her, I’m still not completely sure if I am over her. I could never imagine myself with any other girl but her so I now have a boyfriend.
I thought maybe if I got another girlfriend then I would be forever comparing her with my ex.
Anyway, i do love this guy so much, he makes me feel so happy and special. It’s just really weird being with a man and every time he kisses me, I keep thinking of my ex girlfriend or just girls in general. My boyfriend knows nothing about it and I can’t tell him, it would break his heart.
And what’s more, the other day I went to my friends 18th birthday and I saw my ex girlfriend there, we talked for hours and hours about everything and anything, we had a really good laugh like old times, then we ended up having a bit of a kiss. We both agreed it was a mistake because we’re both with other people now, but it’s really messed me up and confused me again.
After I got out of the Marines…All I can think about is killing people. I don’t hate people. I’m pretty normal…but I dream about hitting men with pipes and smashing Men’s faces into concrete. It’s never about women. I don’t understand…I told the VA but they won’t help me. The USMC says I’m lying… I can’t afford to go to a docter. I’m scared I might actually hurt someone one day…
I had sex with my boss and ever since then i have been in love with her. She is so sexy but she is married and i dont think she want to be with her husband but she cant leave him because of the kids. All i do is think about her all day. The way she smelled, tasted, the sweat on the back of her neck even tasted good.
hi im 15 years old and i always think about getting fucked. ive been mastrubating since i was 10 and im always horny in bed, in the shower, at school, ne where in public. i always keep my pussy shaved and always wear a thong in public w/ mini skirt. a couple days ago i was sitting in a bus and there was only one guy w/ me and out of nowhere i start 2 mastrubate in FRONT OF HIM!!! it felt amazing having his eyes on me. he just kept smirking at me while watching me. and i swear i could hav seen his bulge getting bigger. so now im obsessed w/ it.