I’m a fucking heinous megalomaniac mess that also ends up devoting too much of myself to the wrong people. I try to play tough girl all the time, and my legacy of debauchery and social magnificence preceeds me. However, deep down I really wish I could settle down with just one.. perfect.. dude. I have a serious case of ADD when it comes to the attention of men, so I typically end up screwing myself by not sticking around, or i try to stick around with a nut job. What am I supposed to do?

1:17 pm on January 18th, 2009
adhd can be a great thing but it requires developing routines in your life and you have to learn how to beat yourself at your own mind games. More than likely you have add when it comes to more than just guys.
Trust me this is something i know about. It won’t just go away. š
4:27 am on January 22nd, 2009
amen sister. you’re not alone.
6:57 pm on January 25th, 2009
Settle down and treat yourself better. If you have a perfect dude in your life grab and hold on to him before he is gone. While you may love the attention from other men it will only leave you empty in the end. There is always better in life you need to settle for the perfect guy and be happy. As you grow older you will realize how right your choice was.
5:20 pm on January 26th, 2009
Honestly girl together we would run the s***, well you can’t change until you are aware of the problem, so you’re doing good! Ha ha you know the attention men give you is good for their soul, the right man will come when the time is right, when he does go REALLY slowly. In the meantime it’s ok to accept the love people give, it makes them feel good to love, so it’s almost a favor…. Bless š
7:35 pm on January 30th, 2009
Baby there are times in our lives that we tend to repeat the same old patterns over and over again, sometimes we tend to recite our same old stories to these men in sincerity but when interpreted,many of them think alike and treat the women according to her past and her story. especially if you come with the poor me, please feel sorry for me attitude which tend to work at the beginning because a man will play on this weakness to get in, and cash it in as your Major weakness to get out, because by now he has played on your fears and insecurities, almost reassuring that you are exactly what negativities you or others have convinced you that you are.
2:09 pm on February 6th, 2009
who am i?
5:07 pm on February 6th, 2009
You’re destined for unhappiness. Eventually you’ll become an old spinster who throws diseased cats at passers-by. Your local haunt will be the greengrocers where, much to the amusement of customers, you’ll spend most of your time perusing such phallic vegetables as carrots, sweet potato and cucumbers, looking for ‘just the right one’ ie. the biggest and thickest to all the better fill your foul (once)reproductive orifice.
ALl the best for the future.