I am a 22 yo man and my friend is also 22. we both are swimming since we were 10. our parents are long time friends. so when we were 13 i slept over at their house as our parents went to a wedding in pennsylvania (we are from california). we watched porn that night, and it was hot, so we took off our clothes. we were jacking off but didn’t look at each other like if we wanted to do anything. then he started jacking me and than blowing me. i did the same to him. when we were 14 we both had cum, and we eventually started snowballing. Still we weren’t gay. Even now we both have a girlfriend. And I at least wouldn’t try anal sex. it’s grossing me out. but everything else is ok. we are muscular both so doing each other seems to me to be really hot.
Is this normal? I can’t imagine myself doing this to any other man, nor does him. Are there guys who do this?
well, literary, my confession is regarding my sexuality. i am a lesbian. my family and friends doesn’t anything about my sexual orientation. i am currently in love with a girl, but i can’t confess my feelings to her cause i am afraid of rejection. i hope someday, i will be able to tell everyone i know that i am gay, and be proud of it.
i fall for the worst boys.
i fall for the ones that cheat, that lie that are just bad for me.
there’s this boy in my 2nd block.
oh man is he sexy.
i dont even pay attention in class anymore.
i just put my head down and fantasize about having sex with him.
hes always telling me how big his dick is, and i want it so bad. but he has a girlfriend, and he talks to a girl that i know. BUT I WANT HIM.
i wanna be the girl he talks to everyday and every night. i wanna be the girl he gives head to and fucks from the back. i wanna be his girl
the sad thing is, just because i fall for the baddest boys, he WILL cheat on me. and i will be the one looking stupid -_-
I really am developing quite a thing for one of my girlfriend’s best friends. Don’t get me wrong; I love my girlfriend. But I can’t get this other girl completely out of my head. She’s… wonderful. She moved nearby recently, and, although I’d known her before, I’m really getting a chance to get to know her now. We have a lot in common, and, frankly, I just find her incredibly sexy. I wouldn’t leave my girlfriend for her; I just need a way to stop thinking about her so much. I mean, I seriously have fantasies about her. I have had dreams about doing all sorts of glorious things to and with her. Only my love for my girlfriend has stopped me from propositioning her, and there have been days when I fear that might not even have been enough. Even as I write this I’m practically drooling over her. I can’t begin to describe how badly I want her.
i dont even know what i see in you. you act like a total fucking jerk to me and then the next minute you are flirting with me, acting like you like me. then you go off and flirt with some ugly whore that i absolutly HATE, and you fucking know that. also, that whore that i was talking about, she has a boyfriend, and yet you fucking go make out with her and hold her hand and shit. and then when you’re with me, you talk about how you hate that whore. what the fuck is your deal?!!?!???
i just dont understand it. you told me that you like me, then you dont talk to me. you have caused me 22+ cuts all over my body. you make me feel like a worthless piece of shit sometimes. and then i cut myself. is the only way i can get my anger out, becasue if i asked you about it then you would lie to me, even though i know the truth. danm, why do i even bother?
Okay, so here is just something that i want to say to someone…..
I fucking hate you soooooo much!! i cannot believe that we every use to be friends. now the only people that like you are whores….just like you. they three of you are sluts. no wonder you guys hang out together. you’re such a dumb bitch! you have a fucking boyfriend! mannnn, i feel sooooo fucking sorry for him! you have him, so why do you still flirt with other guys?! oh yeah, its because you’re a whore. man, i dont know what eooeoie sees in you, or anyone as a matter of fact. i think that they only like you is because they know that you’re easy and you can give them what they want. you have no fucking idea how much i just want to punch you in your fucking face. also, you’re just like your sister. she two kids from different guys! WOW, thats you in the future.
I just want you to know that all the picutes that i have of you in my room, now have a fucking push pin in your ugly ass face. i wish that i could do that in real life. i hope after i get out of school, i NEVER hear from you again! i wish that i have never met you. ewwwww i fucking hate you. and stop flirting with people’s crushes. you’re soo stupid and i already know that you fucking do that shit to make peole mad, and thats why everyone fucking hates you. i guess all the guys want is a whore, and they fucking got it, and that you. so go off and keep doing that. i cant fucking wait until the day you ass gets pregant or a std. hahaha im gonna be laughing my ass of at you. man i HATE you.
I just broke my previous record of 60 guys that I fucked in one week….the record now stands at 94. I constantly crave sex and I love fucking. I’ve masturbated over 50 times in a day because I was so horny…I’m such a nympho that sometimes I wish that I had a guy that is just as horny and is willing to nothing but fuck me….
I have never had sex. I am 25 and I think it’s gonna stay likes this because women are so different and play hard to get and act like man have to make a play of love to cweep them away even if it is fake but they seem to need it, and I hate that. I am a shy person, so I am aware that it’s gonna be pretty impossible to get out of this loop of loneliness unless I overcome my fears and play the girls game which seem fake and elaborated artificially and it seems like everybody loves playing them except me.
I think I’ll die a virgin and alone and can’t do anything realistic to change it. Even if I am the only one with this perspective, I am really attracted to girls, even want romance and have lots of crushes on any given time and have tender feeling of love and occasional lust. But I feel we are all indoctrinated to behave one way only in the dating scene, we are just brainwashed by society in the way they want a guy approach to them. I can’t comply to the mating games rules established by media and society, they suck for me. I just want to be natural and have a happy fulfilling real relationship, but sometimes I conclude that women don’t look for averageness on love and sex. They look for adventures risk and pleasures. So I am not able to provide a movie for them cause all I want is simple and real love. I am in big trouble, even considering celibate and even a romance celibate if that definition even exist. Thanks.
im afraid to be in a relationship because of my penis. it looks big enough to me but im not sure. i measured it with my fingures and it turned out to be about 4 inches and 1 inch thick. AND i have foreskin so it scares me even more because everyone around me is Jewish. i donnot want to be in a relationship if ill get hurt. and i’m underaged.