i’ve got a stepsister who’s a year younger than me, sometimes she doesn’t wear her bra so you could see her boobs through her shirt. maybe it’s the greatest fantasy of mine to have sex with her, not the romantic way though, just fucking when i feel like it, is it normal? or am i just a horny bastard

Several years ago, when I was 19, I did a thing I’m not so proud of.
Some of you might say I’m lucky, but hear me out.
I was in love with a girl, we used to be together for a couple of years. Meanwhile, I met another girl, which was as wonderful as my love, but in different ways. She was everything my other was not… So we got together, each of them knew that I was dating the other.
I loved both of them, and they both loved me.
But I got them thru manipulation. That’s what killed my happiness. It is a wonderful thing to be love and be loved by two girls at the same time; but never do what I did. I was making them suffer :(.
I feel like i need to….well here it goes
Im happy, sad, angry, loving, caring, but most of all…im empty. I have been for very long and until recently it was getting better. From my first love and first lover, not feeling completely loved by my family and just recently finding out that my little sister is 7 months pregnant…and thats only the topping on this poisonous cake.
Family…i have so much to say about that one word. Its everything that i crave but everything that i’ve never had. I’m more scared than anything to experience it. I need to get over my abandonment issues but its not that easy.
Ooohhh i miss him so much but most of all i miss the friendship..the true friendship..I need a friend like him during this time…but maybe HE took him out of my life for a reason, so that i can develop into a strong woman…which is needed for a strong man. i will never forget you B. A.R. H. I am gratefull for everything that has happened between us and hopefully if im down in san jose i get to see u play football 1 day…….
i will take everything that i will learn from my past and everything that im experiencing presently and apply it to my future.
I am an 18 year old male and i have been in love with my twin brother since i was 10 years old. We are now 19 and i am still completely in love with him. We have been fooling around since we were 10 and we started having sex when we were 12 or 13.We go to the same school and since were the same age we have some of the same classes. Sometimes we text each other and meet in the boys bathroom to have sex among other things. I know its wrong but it feels so right. He is everything i have ever wanted in a man. We have always been so close and i never want this to end. My parents don’t know. They caught us once when we were 14 kissing but they haven’t brought it up since. Is a good idea to tell my parents about my brother and I’s intimate relationship? Or will it cause the demise of my family?…..Comments?
I’ve been with my boyfriend for three years now. I love him, he loves me, we plan to marry and have kids later on … I’m 19. I’ve never been more sure about anything as much as I am sure about how much I love him. But, here’s the thing, I still think about having sex with my ex! I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it.
Sex with my boyfriend Blake is GREAT! But for some reason I still think about Korbin every once in a while. Oh ya, and there’s something I forgot to add, Korbin still thinks about having sex with me too. The reason I know is because we texted one night (we haven’t talked since we broke up YEARS ago) and revealed the feelings we still have for each other and discussed our current situations. I have NEVER cheated on Blake, and I don’t plan to but these uncontrollable “fantasies” are making me feel really guilty! I don’t know what to do . . .
It’s the same deal every few days… I download videos that just about every rational person thinks (or at least supposedly thinks) that nobody should have (underage sex, incest, gratuitous violence, etc.) I get off on having something I shouldn’t have, then delete it, and tell myself that I should never do that again.
When the doorbell rings, if I’m not expecting somebody, I become momentarily afraid that some form of law enforcement has found proof of the things I’ve watched, and could somehow retrieve them from my computer.
Most people believe I am one of the safe people… The kind of guy that you could leave your children with, and not worry… What would they do if they knew?
I’m madly in love with someone who I met through Facebook but I don’t even know him personally and the worst of all is that he lives abroad!!!! I can’t stop thinking about him, and I feel terribly depressed when I don’t have any news of him. When this happens I feel that he might forgot about me, and I even feel that he hates me!!!!
I think I’m becoming obessesed with him and I don’t know what to do to stop this obsession that is driving me insane and I know is not a healthy thing!!!! Every day, I check out his Facebook page to learn what he’s been up to, and I feel awful when I read that he is been involved in some activities on Facebook but that he didn’t contact me on that day.
I hate feeling this way, and I don’t know what to do to change this situation, but at the same time I don’t want to lose contact with him, because it means the world to me.
I used to be somewhat of a man-whore. Never got the girls in high school, then went to college and things just clicked for me. Settled down in a ltr for two years. Now thats over, forgot all my “game”, and remembering all those girls I hurt in the past is keeping me from re-entering that player lifestyle. I’m looking for another gf but to satisfy my libido for now, I bought one of those Fleshlights. Basically, I bought a vagina.
I call myself Elvira, mistress of the Park! I walk around wearing long skirts, no panties, till i spot a man, or preferably a group of men. Then I sit down as if sunbaking, open my thighs, and expose my pussy. By this stage, i’m usually so wet, it’s glistens in the sun. Teenage boys playing footy tend to make the best audience.
Then i walk home and masturbate, as soon as i place the sign at the front door that reads,
‘I can’t come to the door right now.
I’m busy playing with myself,
So if you’d like to watch, just open the door and walk in.
I love to be watched…..and to watch.’
so far, noones stumbled along at the time but just the thought of it there is enough.
should i mention i’m a woman,,,,,,and kinda hot. Well, very hot Ive been told.
There is a girl that I really like and would do anything to have as my girlfriend. But when I get around here I can’t say anything, I’m like a mute. But we have similar friends and when they say something to me I can answer to problem, but when she says something to me it’s just quiet.
Worst part is that I’m a musician, and I end up having sex with random girls after every concert. I do this just because I feel somewhat empty. I know I wouldn’t have meaningless sex all the time if I could have that girl. I wish I could grow a pair and talk to her, instead the only thing my balls are good for is going in random girls mouths. I always feel horrible after I have sex with one of them. I really wish I could go up to that girl and just say SOMETHING I don’t care what I just wish something would come out. Seeing her all day at school really makes for a bad night of meaningless sex.
I hate my fucking life
I graduated and now cant get a job!!!
what the f was the point.
My boyfriend whom I loved dumped me and made me have an abortion in the same week.
I haven’t had a boyfriend since and its been years
I keep on fancying men then I find out they are married with kids or living with a woman.
I am living in a house that the repairs never happen so now the place stinks of rotting timber and mould, and the people that own it have just bought a £60k classic car and drive it around –
I want to get pregnant but cant find a man and today I got a letter back from a fertility clinic I contacted saying they cant help.
What is going on!!!!!!
It cannot get any worse.
I feel like I am going to die an old spinster with noone and broke – some would say join the real world I say if I had a poor education and was a dog fine but I’m neither….
i cant stop thinking about my sister-in-law. at the very least i would love to see her naked.best case scenerio would be to have some naked pictures of her. worst case would be actually having sex with her . i say that because i know how much worse it would make the situation for me. we were really close friends at one time but ive pushed away because i now compare all women to her. i love my brother and i love my sister-in-law and miss them and she is upset that i no longer go to see them. i just cant do it. even though there is some sexual tension between us i dont think she would ever do anything despite the fact she and my brother are having marital problems. i on the other hand cannot say that.though id like to think that i wouldnt im pretty sure i would.like most people she has her bad days and can be a real bitch but on all the other days she is as close to perfect as a woman can get.