i am 20 years old and i live in canada. I was 13 years old and i was on my way to a wrestling tournament, ive been wrestling since i was 8 years old. so the night after we got there. We saw all kinds of girls in the pool and they were sexy. So me and my teammates got our swimsuits on and headed into the pool.
so when i was in the pool, the girls were trying to toy with me and all i thought was, that they were stupid bitches. I went to go play some games with them, but then i thought im gonna play a little game on this one girl. So i swam underwater over to her and put my hand on her vagina.
She tells all her friends on me, and the only ones in the pool are my teammates and me, except one of them was going to tell confront the girls. He came up to me and was wondering why i did that. So I told him they were toying around with me so i got them back. I made all my teammates not tell my coach about this so he wouldnt kick me off the team. No one ever spoke about this again.
My cousin used to stay over at our place when her mom was away.. her mom was kind of a druggie hooker type. When I had the chance I went to the laundry room and sniffed her knickers and clothes. I guess its kinda fucked up but the girl was 7 and I was about 15. I didn’t touch her but often I went downstairs and sniffed and licked them, especially if they had shit streaks in em.
when i was a teenager i would have my mates stay over i would make one of them sleep in my bed with me and the other would sleep in the spare bed the one who stayed in my bed i would wait until he was asleep and i would have a little feel of his cock i even managed to put his cock in my mouth several times!