Confession Point

When you must confess!

I was 15 year old boy when it happed. By far it was the most embarrassing thing that has happed to me in my whole life.

Being forcefully stripped in front of girls was most embarrassing experience for me. These senior boys did just for fun and because girls were there willing to watch. I knew they were going to strip me and would be able to do anything to stop them. Even when it horrified me to have my dick exposed, I couldn’t stop myself for getting an erection. I got held in front of five girls with my hard dick sticking out in front of them. I had never been forced to stand there half naked with girls flicking my dick and grabbing my dick. I felt like had been stripped and left with no secrets to hide. The worst was that I would have to see all those girls every day in my school and embarrasse myself all over again every day. Part of me must have gotten turned on by it, because when pulled my pants back up and walked away, I found out I was dripping wet with pre cum.


Im 16 and i was living in a house with my cousins this was about 5 years ago , i was walking past the bath room and noticed my 7 year old cousin (female) was naked in the bathroom i walked into the bathroom and closed the door and started to abuse her she didnt know what i was doing but i did and i loved it and i would do it again i touched her and one thing leads to another….


I was 30 when i fucked an 11 yr old girl. Now I am hooked and need to find another young girl to fuck. I want to try a 9 yr old next, if anybody has one I can utilize please confess so we can share.


8th grade was amazing… I moved to a new country, had a girlfriend, and was pretty much cool with life! Things changed earlier that year when I was in a cab going home and the driver took a detour and abused me sexually. I think i could have stopped it but at the time i was just so shocked that i didnt know what to do…

I never told anyone… things that crossed my mind that my parents would be upset with me… i dont know why they would but its still there…

another thing is the place i was living deals on a lot of taboo in a bad way so it wouldnt be good for me

me and my girlfriend broke up, and now at 20, i have not had a real girlfriend, and also i have no idea if i even like girls or guys, complicated but i dont know… how am i supposed to figure out things!?!?!


It’s hard for me to even hug my boyfriend because I was molested as a child and have an extreme dislike of being touched.

I’ve never told anybody and I don’t intend to.

I wish I could tell him why I always take off after we hug or why we can’t fool around even though I really want to.

I hope my molester fucking burns in hell.


Im Raymard from Philippines, my Mother is a Grade 6 Public School Teacher here, She had a 2 student which I fell In love with their name is Ms. D and Ms. C i’m 18 yrs. old But even though they were only 12 years old, they had sex with me multiple times… I can’t resist them, they had beautiful body!!!


I am a 13 year old boy. Well from like 5 to 7 my stepdad would strip me and touch my penis. I think that’s why I am gay and look at gay porn. Well anywho I remember one time I wanted revenge so when he was sleeping I went and pulled his underwear down and saw his hairy dick! He then woke up and yelled at me, it was so embarissing and I did this at the age of like 9! We also had a neighbor who would suck me and I would suck him it was hot


i have molested a few of the females in my family… not all of them… theres one i will not touch… because i like her…… i dont like the others… by the way they are children. it feels good. i like when the way they look with my penis inside them……. i lie to them and tell them to kiss my penis…… and i cum in there mouth…… i force them to swallow. none of them are my children though…… i dont want to fuck my children up… just my brothers and sisters children.


once several years ago I babysat for my pastors several young childern… as the night continued of I began a tickling match with hisduaghters age 6 and 11, I got excited by this and began to rub and grind againist them- the 11 year old seemed to know what was on and enjoyed it , as it continued I strongly foddled her vagina over her cloths – which she squealed and moaned with pleasure to, soon the 6 year old was begging me to “do what ever your doing to her to me”- this woke me from the speell I was in and I slowed things down right before I went down her pants- I enjoyed this alot and still think of it sometimes- I like little girls bodies okay- I don’t want to hurt them or even have sex with them but I love thier soft bodies- I was 25 when this happened and I moved away from that family shortly afterwards and have no contact- sometimes I know early teenager girls are flirting with me and want to kis them- This was the only time I felt things I did were inappropreiate- and am considered in shape /good looking- I am very sucessful with mature (of age) women

— troubled


im 7 yrs old n my uncl put his weiner in my hand


one night my cousin from another state stayed with my family.We slept in my room.He rubbed my boobs & my pussy and i pretended to be asleep.I was too scared to confront him.I was scared that i would get pregnant(i was young and stupid).We were 11 yrs old then, we still pretend nothing ever happened and have never talked about it.I’m 17 now.
