Confession Point

When you must confess!

disclaimer: true story

my sister is 3 years older than me. grew up in a very sheltered normal chinese american family.

there are a lot of fake stories out online, but this one is 100% nonfiction and to this day I have an insatiable incest fetish and think about it.

my older sister is 5’4″, perky C-cup breasts, solid ass, always been on the cheer team so has always been in shape. honestly i’d give her face a 6/10, if i saw her on the street I would not be amazed/super impressed, but she was skinny with a great body and available for my mega-virgin ass so for all I cared she was a 10/10 – according to my cock at least.

for a while (moving between houses and back and forth) – so multiple years – I fantasized about her. at first it started with using a mirror to look under the bathroom door to see her getting out of the shower, then I started jacking off using her panties, for those of you who have actually done this stuff – you probably know the deep sense of shame and guilt after you nut that I am referring to

but as I got bolder and well, hornier, I began cupping her breasts

for 1 summer, we had to share a twin-bed, best summer ever. it began with me rubbing my pre-cum on her toes and jacking off rubbing my cock on her thighs, poking her tits and even getting my cock up into the folds of her lips (never pressed in at this point). she was a deep sleeper but not comically deep like some of these fake stories drifting around.

the closest to any true action i ever got until later (read on ;)) – was one night when she fell asleep and draped her thigh over my body, my erect penis dripping in pre-cum in-contact with her panties, which were wet from my endless pre-cum. I was so tempted to shove it in, but knew she’d wake. I slowly shifted her knee to fold, forming a tight grip on my cock between her right thigh and right calf, and slowly began to thrust my hips, careful to check her breathing etc. i gently cupped her right breast, kissed her lips, and quickly felt a huge eruption forming in my balls, the cum shot – the streams were landing all over her thigh and a few strands landed right on the now-drenched material covering her panties and pussy lips. i kept thrusting slowly and quickly came again, I felt so so so guilty and ashamed, but couldn’t stop thrusting and quickly came again on her. she didn’t wake from any of this, i was very deliberate, wiped her up as good as i could using my blanket (she had one too). got outta bed, jerked off again to what had happened, and i truly don’t think she had a single clue that anything ever happened or what I had done etc.

she always treats me as a true little brother, I don’t think she’s ever had incestuous feelings just because I don’t think she has that notion in her head. I wish she did, even to this day, I am objectively much more attractive than her, she’s called me hot on many occassions (innocently), her friends have referenced me as the hot brother (I have an older brother too), etc. but it sucks I just don’t think she thinks about incest as something hot or sexual.

anyways, fast forward a few years

things got better when she went to university an hour away, cause on her last summer while in undergraduate, i moved into her apartment on campus for the summer, I took classes and so did she. we shared the same bed and our parents weren’t around. her roommates (sorority sisters) had all left for the summer, so it was us in this apartment, and because we were away from home, she was her normal partying self – she’d come back DRUNK as fuck basically every single weekend, some weekdays too, this was when I began to really be able to explore and do more with her.

I remember excitedly waiting up for her to get back, me pretending to be deep asleep on a corner of the bed. she’d pass out, once I was sure she was asleep, oh my god. she was a really heavy drinker, prone to black-outs type of sorority drinker. i started off really gentle not knowing how asleep she really was, but soon realized I could literally enter her and she would not even know it had ever happened.

i started off slowly, testing the boundaries, sliding my cock between her legs and against her panties which progressed to me sliding off her panties/pajamas/pants/skirt etc, she always took her bra off so i always had quick access to her breasts.

i’d slide my cock against her pussy, which was always wet, but i assume that was from the mountain of pre-cum I always had by the time I got my cock this close to her, I didn’t slide it in until much later (months later)

but I’d grab her perky breasts in my hands, kiss her passionately on the lips, slide my cock on her pussy lips. i kept getting bolder and bolder over the days and weeks, I remember putting lube on and trying to slide it into her asshole, but it was always too tight and I couldnt push it in fearing she might wake up.

i’ve read a few realistic experience stories online, and i can confirm the automatic response of inserting your cock in their sleeping drunk mouth results in a gentle sucking action happening as they are breathing. god just looking down and seeing my sister’s lips wrapped around the tip of my cock was so fucking hot of a sight. I never came into her mouth though, if she ever found out I really think our relationship as siblings would forever be ruined, and that’s assumign she didn’t report me to my parents.

anyways, I was still a virgin at this time (not counting incest, I would remain one until I was 21 years old – 3 years in the future at this time, so I was really really sexually frustrated.).

I took many many pics and videos of me doing this things, but would always delete them permanently out of shame at future periods in time, so I don’t have any anymore unfortunately, but I can play these experiences in my mind’s eye perfectly.

As the summer sessions were ending, a few weeks left of me being able to do these things – I finally mustered up the courage. I remember she went out drinking with some sorority sisters who had graduated and were moving away, she drank really really heavily. got back super drunk, I knew i could get away with a lot.

I slid her skirt off, panties off, jacket off, blouse, bra, she was butt-naked passed-out next to me on that full-sized bed. She shifted and was laying sideways facing the doorway, i layed down naked behind her, shifted my cock to her pussy entrance, rubbed gently, savoring the amazing feeling of my dripping cock head against her hairy (probably didn’t anticipate sex with her sibling haha..), and slowly slid it in, a blanket over us in case she woke up – but at this point if she woke i’d have been fucked either way. I slid my cock in, and to my amazement and disappointment, the wet warmth led me orgasm damn near instantly, all of my cock hadn’t even entered her and I began cumming. I came inside my fucking sister, it was so fucking hot and mind-blowing I was easily able to bat away all the feelings of shame and disgust and otherwise. I gently laid her on her back, propped her head up and let her mouth gently incidentally clean up my cum and her pussy juice down her throat. by now I was too horny to reason with, I gently spread her legs, resting her thighs on mine as I inserted my cock back into her warm pussy. I started gently pumping, watching her perky pink tits gently bounce up and down from the motion, I quickly came a second time in her.

at this point I was worried about the cum in her possibly either resulting in her noticing something in the morning but my horniness took over my rationality and I just kept pumping. I counted, 9 times i came inside my older sister’s pussy. I came 9 fucking times inside her warm pussy.

I slowly dressed her back up, put my clothes back on, and laid her back on her side facing the edge of the bed. I started jerking my cock inches from her face, also using her left hand to grasp my cock with my hand over hers, and I came one last time into her hand, i wiped that away with my hand, and wiped that cum on her tits under her bra.

with her and I fully dressed, I passed out quickly (I remember falling asleep at the desk sitting up, so be as inconspicuous as possible) – -she never mentioned anything the next morning or ever even hinted as to suspicion anything happened. I did get lucky she had been on birth control for years (found out in incidental conversation weeks/months AFTER me cumming in her)

anyways, she’s 34 now and i’m 31. i still think about all these experiences and want to fuck her again so bad. she’s engaged now, and i keep hoping one day if they break-up i can seduce her or something, probably won’t happen. but fuck. i think about these experiences nearly every day of my waking life


Hi, I’m wanting to know in other people’s opinion the best way to tell my sister I want to have sex with her.

We have always been good friends since I graduated high school. Now she is 33 and Im 26. She is a very beautiful girl and has always run around the house in front of me in her bra and panties. One day when I was 13 she came into the living room wearing a see through thong and bra talking on the phone and stood directly in front of where i was sitting facing me. Ever since then I have felt this way. On a few occasions we have had parties at her house with everyone drinking and I would have to sleep with her to allow others places to sleep and on one of those occasions I put my arm around her and started running my hand toward her chest, but I stopped just below her boobs. To my surprise she didn’t stop me she turned her head to look at me as if she was enjoying it. Ever since that night I have always wondered if she feels the same way about me or at least if she did in the moment. I really want to make love to her, but I don’t want to jeopardize our relationship and her being able to look at me the same if I just perceived the wrong intentions. I know I need to do something about it though because it is driving me crazy. She’s all I can think about and in my mind its a constant battle between deciding to tell her or not. Any ideas on what I should do or has anyone else found themselves feeling this way about a sibling?


once I was staying at my friends house we were both 14 and once he fell asleep I started rubbing his cock untill it was hard and then unbuttoned his boxers and let his huge cock spring out then I sucked until he came in his sleep


When i was 14, (horny as fuck, i might add) i had some form of attraction for boys my age. Nothing too perverted.
Without this intention i invited my friend for a sleepover, (a bit tubby over the edges but still cute) while he was sleeping i started to take off my pants and stand over him. It was a hot night so he had no covers on and he was wearing only his underwear.
i couldn’t control myself i started rubbing my dick on his tubby. Then i got a bit further, i gathered up some of this fat rolls and stuck my penis in. I then ran to the bathroom for clean up :P. I’ve done this a total of two times.
I’m now 17 with a girlfriend and my attraction to boys has ceased but i still hook up with the same gender time to time.
But i’ve never been as turned on in my life than that moment.


I’m a boy 18 years old and have a 16 year old sister that I play jokes on all the time. Boys are always hiting on her because she’s very prety. I told my friend I had caught glipses of her naked and she’s a knock out. My friend wished he could have seen her and I told him I could arange it. On saturday mornings my perents leave to do the shoping and I know my sister sleeps late, so I called my friend over to our house. I know she justs sleeps in her panties so it was going to be easy to expose her in front of my friend. I picked the lock open and we both went in quietly and lifted her sheet off. She was sound asleep face up as we looked at her perfect midium size breasts and beautiful long leggs. She just keept sleeping as we were looking at her small panties and trying to see her pussy through them. I think we went to far because we picked up her leggs and yanked her panties off and held her with her leggs apart to get a good long look at her pink pussy. She finally woke up an screamed with embarrassment realicing she was totaly naked and her leggs held spread out. We let her go as she barely covered herself with a pillow. Days past and she never said a word about it. I later regreted what I did to her and now supect she’s waiting to get back at me when I least expect it.


i love to spoon against my wife and slide my dick between her buttcheeks at night while she sleeps.She sleeps nude. At times she will wake up and rotate her ass as i slide against her butt. It feels great when i cum between those nice buttcheeks. Guys, give it a try. Girls, let um.


As a teenager i would have my friends stay over i used to make my friend stay in my bed so when he was asleep i could touch his body and cock i even put his hand down my boxers i wanked myself with his hand, i even got to suck his cock a couple without waking him up now i’m in my twenties i still think about it and i really turns me on even now i’m hard!


when i was 15 my best friend who was 14 stayed over, we shared the bed half way through the night i woke up with him sticking his cock up my arse and wanking me off, the problem was i liked it and let him continue. when i moved he stopped got out of the bed and slept on the floor, we have never spoke about it but i really liked it and would love for him to do it again!


when i was a teenager i would have my mates stay over i would make one of them sleep in my bed with me and the other would sleep in the spare bed the one who stayed in my bed i would wait until he was asleep and i would have a little feel of his cock i even managed to put his cock in my mouth several times!
