Confession Point

When you must confess!

Back when we were in high school….the crowds would gaither in the halls and would cause alot of congestion. My friends and I would grab the girls on the ass while we were in the croud. The girls would have no idea who it was. That was good sport…..those were the days.



  1. tight wasp
    9:37 am on January 3rd, 2006

    #612: I did that too, the funny part is I did it in youth group…..

  2. assgrabber
    3:29 pm on February 21st, 2006

    #764: I did that too but I would blame it on other people

  3. mexican classmate
    7:35 am on May 13th, 2006

    #960: well back in year 2 we used to stick our heads up the girls’ dresses. they used to act like they didnt know. it was cool until one day i copped a big whiff of shit, i dont think she was yet fully toilet trained!

  4. confident crackhead
    11:31 am on December 12th, 2006

    #1351: i love that its anawesome activity

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