I no longer trust my husband.
He has always been “Mr. Perfect” and even though I used to ask him if he looked at porn he ALWAYS denied it. Thus, making me think he might be gay… or just a saint.(not sure which…) Anyhow, recently I found out after five years he is basically a porn-aholic. What is worse I just can’t shake the feeling deep down that he is gay. I would leave him in a heart beat, but a-I don’t have a way to support myself and b-I do love him… DAMN.

7:30 am on February 25th, 2007
#2076: Before you dump him why don’t you try being a little more kinky with him. Watch some videos with him and act out what you see to satisfy his fantasies, or even yours. Example: If it turns out that his fantasy is a gay experance, get him down on his hands and knees. Put on your big black strap-on and fuck the hell out of his sissy hole.
1:31 pm on February 25th, 2007
#2078: Goodness! I so would… he’s just soooo "perfect" that he won’t let me try anything "different". Any ideas on how to get him over that??
6:52 pm on February 25th, 2007
#2103: All men look at porn and most deny it.
9:29 pm on February 25th, 2007
#2112: I don’t think it’s about the porn. It’s about all the lying.
1:18 am on August 21st, 2009
My X husband looked at porn at first male on male, then he started going to clubs, then started talking on the internet and having male friends. I started to get suspicious and at first he denied it but then he became abusive be very careful if you have a feeling he is gay do not have unprotected sex with him!!! Or just stop all together I did. It was the best thing I could of done the guy he ended up leaving me for now has AIDS and my x does not but he could of contracted it and gave it to me had I not stopped having sex with him. If you are suspicious there are signs contact me at my email meerekat32@gmail.com
God Bless