I feel like i need to….well here it goes
Im happy, sad, angry, loving, caring, but most of all…im empty. I have been for very long and until recently it was getting better. From my first love and first lover, not feeling completely loved by my family and just recently finding out that my little sister is 7 months pregnant…and thats only the topping on this poisonous cake.
Family…i have so much to say about that one word. Its everything that i crave but everything that i’ve never had. I’m more scared than anything to experience it. I need to get over my abandonment issues but its not that easy.
Ooohhh i miss him so much but most of all i miss the friendship..the true friendship..I need a friend like him during this time…but maybe HE took him out of my life for a reason, so that i can develop into a strong woman…which is needed for a strong man. i will never forget you B. A.R. H. I am gratefull for everything that has happened between us and hopefully if im down in san jose i get to see u play football 1 day…….
i will take everything that i will learn from my past and everything that im experiencing presently and apply it to my future.
1:49 pm on January 1st, 2011
i want to have kinky sex with a willing and also kinky female..i want to wear female underwear while fucking her and i want her to squat over my face and pee on me..
6:23 am on February 1st, 2011
Was I the only one who read the title as ‘titless’? o.O