I really am developing quite a thing for one of my girlfriend’s best friends. Don’t get me wrong; I love my girlfriend. But I can’t get this other girl completely out of my head. She’s… wonderful. She moved nearby recently, and, although I’d known her before, I’m really getting a chance to get to know her now. We have a lot in common, and, frankly, I just find her incredibly sexy. I wouldn’t leave my girlfriend for her; I just need a way to stop thinking about her so much. I mean, I seriously have fantasies about her. I have had dreams about doing all sorts of glorious things to and with her. Only my love for my girlfriend has stopped me from propositioning her, and there have been days when I fear that might not even have been enough. Even as I write this I’m practically drooling over her. I can’t begin to describe how badly I want her.


12:55 am on March 26th, 2009
I know it’s hard at times, but you have to be strong so you don’t screw what you have with your girl.
7:02 pm on April 4th, 2009
Sounds like you’re trying to do the right thing. I believe we have a lot more control over our thoughts/behavior than we give ourselves credit for. There is something called Cognitive Therapy which basically means if you let yourself think it it will be true. So realize that you do have control over your thoughts. Everytime an inappropriate thought comes in your head immediately replace it with something else. Eventually the thoughts will go away. But if you keep chanting “this girl is so hot, I want her” over and over in your head…
8:14 pm on April 8th, 2009
everything posted thus far is horseshit! fuck this new girl and get on with your new life. some people say cheating is bad, but what you have to realize is that when you get older, you’re gonna regret not doing this girl a lot more than a few guilty feelings
1:53 pm on April 22nd, 2009
are ya married yet? are ya going to regret the ‘what if’ if you end up tied down to your current gal? is this other girl interested in you, and how much?
if it’s just a ‘i want to f*ck her, but i love my girlfriend’ then don’t. however, if it’s a ‘i’m not sure about my girlfriend, to tell you the truth, and i’d like to f*ck this other girl and explore my attraction’, then do it. you only have 1 life…
my husband and i have been married for 15 years and have 2 kids and are very happy… and he was once my ex boyfriends best friend… our relationship began with a wild, illicit sex affair, and i broke my ex’s heart.
i’d do it again in a heartbeat…
1:55 pm on April 22nd, 2009
dude, if your obsessing over her that much, you don’t love your girlfriend as much as you think.
12:59 am on May 4th, 2009
this is a really hard situation that i also had to go through… when i dated my first gf i wanted her friend so bad and wasnt really interested in the gf… but i took what i could get at the moment and after a few months i loved my gf very much! just make it through, its probably just a phase. if not, you could maybe try hypnosis? or you could just fuck the new girl’s brains out… every day… no, 5 times a day…
6:47 am on May 5th, 2009
mate and the end of the day if you try and proposition this second girl, there is a strong chance she will tell you where to go and then go and spill the beans to your girlfriend. for the most part women stick together, so unless you want to screw it all up, just make do with fantasies!
3:52 am on May 21st, 2009
Want Her Out Of Your Head? Put Your Mom’s Face On Her. And If That Doesn’t Work, Seek Professional Help.
12:34 am on June 7th, 2009
i say bang her man. who cares if you lose your gf just get another one.
11:03 pm on June 18th, 2009
she probably likes you too
8:18 pm on July 13th, 2009
Ithink we got the same problem but the diference
i don’t give shit in your case is a girlfreind but am talking about my wife ,if she will never know she can’t be hurt ok.
6:53 am on August 12th, 2009
Screw her brains out. Your GF is only friends with her to make sure she has the jump on that girl’s attraction for you. This chick is in the middle, tug her your way. Fuck her and she’ll shut your girl out and you will be sly with it. Then dump her and never admit to ya girl.
9:54 pm on August 31st, 2009
Fucking your partner’s best friend doesn’t have to be a relationship ender. It just needs to be something open and accepted by all parties involved.
Try asking your girlfriend how she feels about a more open, polyamorous, but still committed, relationship, or even just about threesomes.
Go at a slow pace though, just in case you think your partner might lose their temper and end the relationship.
We don’t have to follow the guidelines that society deems as acceptable and necessary for our relationships 🙂
12:42 am on September 2nd, 2009
SOLUTION: Buy a ski mask break into her house and rape her just don’t talk while your fucking her. Duct tape her eyes so she don’t recognize you and TEAR IT UP… I mean fuck every hole she got inside out except her mouth cause she might try to bite your shit off… Fully explore her pussy ass and titties to the best of your abilities, bring a camera and take pictures of that shit if you want so you have something better than memories. Don’t feel bad btw cause she asked for it by being so hot.
4:16 pm on September 10th, 2009
put one hand on your head and the on your penis. Now which is smarter the one on your penis or the one on your head? Have more sex with your girlfriend.
2:34 pm on September 29th, 2009
If you want her, you have her. If you are wanting someone else, your girlfriend is obviously not giving you everything that you need.