My ex-boyfriend was the first boy i’ve had sex with. He was amazing at it, but every since we’ve broke up i’ve been really horny. I know that there’s other guys that are good at sex but idk..
Every since i lost my virginity and broke up, my best friend has been my vibrating toothbrush.
2:41 pm on January 6th, 2009
Please let me congratulate you on your restraint. If you ever listened to any advice please listen to this. Take at least six(6) months before you even start to date some one. The reason being that many girls go buck wild(read: become sluts) after a serious break up because they try to fill in that void in their hearts by sleeping with any guy that comes a long. It is a dangerous cycle to get in and if you are not in there please wait until your head and heart clears. Good luck!
11:23 pm on January 9th, 2009
How does that work? Handle first or bristles? Oh and take the advice of the above commenter.
8:22 pm on February 9th, 2009
May I suggest, go to AdultSpace.com, where there are guys on there that will masterbate on YOUR photo while on webcam. This should help you get release. Also, go to an adult bookstore/video store, buy a good “rabbit” vibrator, and use it religiously. Leave your toothbrush for your teeth. No you don’t need a webcam to watch others. And yes you should wait at least 6 months before having another relationship, or even getting a fuck buddy.
6:08 am on February 26th, 2014
good girl. cum for me will you? pretty please? and keep cumming again and again you naughty fox.