Confession Point

When you must confess!

im inlove with this one guy but one of his friends likes me too.. and he makes the guys i like lifes misreable



  1. canadian president
    12:00 am on November 30th, 2005

    #239: if u like the friend who likes u …….then do him a favour ask him to go away from you…for his own good.

  2. waiting step-grandmother
    4:55 pm on December 8th, 2005

    #302: A good kick to the balls should set him straight. If not, tell him to fuck off or you’ll go to the police with an harrassment claim.

  3. responsible monkey
    12:49 pm on July 7th, 2006

    #1165: listen to #302

  4. confident crackhead
    11:21 am on December 14th, 2006

    #1426: fuck you ass hole

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