Confession Point

When you must confess!

i beat up an ethnic person and it was great



  1. happy android
    7:07 am on November 17th, 2005

    #169: not a good thing to do.. but beating up (anyone) can be fun sometimes.

  2. i love pussy
    8:08 pm on November 23rd, 2005

    #220: i fucked 3 chicks on the holidays and im only 16 and they where 19

  3. ethnic cleanser
    3:51 pm on December 6th, 2005

    #274: good, continue beating up as many as you can who needs them anyway

  4. thick father
    7:34 pm on December 16th, 2005

    #421: You know, if you maintain an equal distribution of ethnic beatings – across all racial groups – you’ll actually be a better person than if you target just one group. Violent, but fair, they’ll say.

  5. thick father
    11:43 pm on March 6th, 2006

    #802: Hey, ya gotta thin out the herd somehow right?

  6. secret lecturer
    8:06 pm on September 2nd, 2006

    #1262: what ethnicity was it? better have been a black or a asian… those are just terrible 😀

  7. confident crackhead
    11:35 am on January 2nd, 2007

    #1506: fuck niggers

  8. feeble killer
    11:48 am on September 14th, 2007

    #3525: i like to kill feeble people!

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