Confession Point

When you must confess!

i am terrified of guys, like if i never have to speak to a guy again thats fine by me, im not a lesbian or anything but guys really scare me, and everyone thinks im retarded for it



  1. god
    3:34 am on November 16th, 2005

    #133: Why are you sacred of guys? Just treat them like you treat your girl friends and you’ll see they are okay. Seriously, try it!

  2. korean rabbit
    3:35 am on November 16th, 2005

    #135: just all my interactions with guys have been bad ones and i act liek a RETARD when im around them lol

  3. Mr. nice guy
    7:43 am on November 16th, 2005

    #158: like ‘god’ said, just act normal.. build up your confidence and self-esteem.

  4. Whatever...
    8:11 am on November 16th, 2005

    #159: What happened to that sweet little comment posted by "Daniel"??? And this "Mr nice guy" is being so sweet…he’s giving me diabetes.

  5. Whatever...SUCKS
    3:56 am on November 19th, 2005

    #197: Dont force it. Go at your own pace and start with group outings. oh and Whatever…SUCKS

  6. MsFun
    8:11 am on November 22nd, 2005

    #202: Myabe you really are a lesbian and don’t even know it! Try it out! :)~

  7. responsible gerbil
    5:14 am on November 26th, 2005

    #229: They dont need you you to talk to them they just want there dick sucked!

  8. bored
    3:26 am on December 4th, 2005

    #259: #229 is right! Are you cute?

  9. waiting step-grandmother
    3:50 am on December 28th, 2005

    #574: lol @ 259

  10. public printer
    11:24 am on January 17th, 2007

    #1569: go touch it

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