I just had anal sex with my guy. He said it hurt cause it was so tight but I loved it. He was sleeping and I woke him after getting naked. He tried to get on top of me but I squirmed and turned over and rubbed my butt against his big hard erection. It was so good. He had no idea what I had in mind, he just went along with it. As soon as he got it in I moaned so loud and ravenously that he came instantly. I wasn’t done yet and he couldn’t get it up so he brought out my rabbit. Then he flipped me over put the rabbit deep inside me while he sucked my tits real hard. I came so hard that my butt just lift off the bed up in the air. That turned him on and after I was done he was almost hard again. But that was it for me, I think I’m done. Or I just might read more hot confessions and get turned on again and let him fuck me good.

5:20 pm on January 13th, 2009
fucking wierdo
2:00 pm on January 19th, 2009
i came to this website for dating advice on chicks and half this fuckin website is abouts fags like u
5:34 am on January 20th, 2009
I love fucking my gf in the ass too…damn, it’s so tight. It makes me explode like a bad motherfucker!
12:51 pm on May 23rd, 2009
You wrote this on election day?! You bloody slag.
8:40 am on June 7th, 2009
damn your bf is fuking lucky :)…..i got a chubby already