I’m a 22 y/o male and a transvestite. My mom is totally cool with me wearing her old clothes, high heels, jewelry and bras and panties. On weekends I wear makeup and a wig too. I’m an only child & she thinks I’m the perfect son, and she digs that I’m like her daughter too. What she doesnt realize is I want to make love to her so bad. Mom is only 39, she’s like totally hot, and it’s just the 2 of us. My only kinda GF was 13 and we used to hang out 2 years ago. She used to tie me up and make me lick her pussy and her feet, but said I was too girly cos I was always dressed like my mom. Mom lets me lick her feet and suck her toes and she cant see my hard dick under the dress. She’s the only woman I want, so I dont have a GF. I do fuck around with this hot 18 y/o boy in my nabe who likes me cos I’m a tranny. We suck our dicks and I alwayd leave lipstick on his. I wish my mom would tie me up and make me her sex slave. I wish I could dress like a woman all the time. Most of the neighbors know I’m a tranny

I used to pinch my mother’s panties until,she found me wearing them one day. After that sh e would wear them then leave them in my bed for me to masturbate in them. Later she would pull up her skirt or dress to give me a look at`what she was wearing and ask me if I would like them. Most times I did, particularly if they were black or lacy. She woud also allow me to wear her skirt and garter belt with a frilly underskirt.
yesterday at work all of us in the security dept. had to strip down to our undies for a drug inspection. it was all males so no problem there, it was funny though, there were 12 of us, most of which are fat slobs they were wearing boxers, me and three others are slim. 2 of them were wearing mens regular briefs, the other one had on a tiny mens bikini, and me wearing a pair of womans fruit of the loom bikini panties. funny thing though none of the people i work with seemed to notice, but the guy doing the drug search did.