Confession Point

When you must confess!

Hi, my name is *@#($*&!@#(*$* and I have the biggest crush on this girl. She is cute, and funny, but here is the thing. She is like 5 or 6 inches taller than me. I come from a short family, but am still taller than most of my siblings. Now, at first, I was intimidated by her, now, I don’t really care. I try not to fantasize about her because I respect her too much, but sometimes I just let my thoughts wander away from me. She is like a sister, but not really. I told her how I feel, and she turned me down. Every now and then I joke around with and do the whole big yawn and put my arm around her, but then we just laugh about it. She can be bossy sometimes though, but still, she is nice, and funny, and beautiful.

I am not the best looking person, I’m the kind of guy that is comfortable around girls and likes to be friends with them, but not for the wrong reasons. This is probably a mistake, confessing this, but I don’t care, it helps get it off my chest. She is nice and likes to come over occasionally, but…………. she will be moving soon, I just wish that I could tell her how I really feel. NOW, don’t get me wrong, I’m 15 and most likely do not know what love is, but the way I feel about her (I’m a guy by the way), it may be love. I am one of those kids who thinks about nothing but sex, and whenever I see her, I see her long brown hair, her blue/brown/green eyes, and her face, it is so beautiful. Ah well, I guess that nothing will happen, but, I daydream about her leaving, me getting on my bike and riding off into the sunset to be a loner. I know that this won’t happen, but oh well.



  1. simple brother
    9:15 am on March 14th, 2007

    #2404: blue/brown/green eyes? All three?
    You shouldn’t give up mate, i went out with a girl who thought of me as her big brother for nearly three years, and i was younger than you are now. Just try and be sweet to her. And if i doesn’t work, then just take comfort in the fact that she’s happy, and she deserves to be.

  2. A guy who lives in New York
    9:35 am on March 14th, 2007

    #2406: Well, first off, her eyes change color, I think everyone’s do that depending on what your wearing. And yes, thanks for the advice.

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