Confession Point

When you must confess!

I have a long distance relationship with a girl. We met, fooled around, and now we’re back to long distance. I plan on moving up there to live with her, but I really don’t know if she’ll feel the same before I do that. It’s her first long distance relationship.

What can I do to put my worries to rest?



  1. The blind man
    2:38 am on February 22nd, 2007

    #1915: Talk to her. Communication is key in any relationship. Ask her point blank if you have to "how would you feel if I moved to where you live and we took this relationship to short-distance?

  2. Maddox
    5:34 pm on February 22nd, 2007

    #1937: Totally agree. make the first move, The worst thing in the world is being two or three years down the line and wondering "what if I’d said or done more"

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