I’ve been distancing myself from her since the last time I saw her (which was Thanksgiving). We’ve made passes at each other and have gotten intimate. Last year in August, I told her I was falling in love with her and she told me she was falling for me, too. Things didn’t go anywhere after that and I moped for a while. I didn’t want to be reminded of it, hence the distancing. Anyway, I got a phone call last night. She asked me to come over so we could talk. I didn’t have any plans, so I went. We talked for a little, and then she decided to kiss me. And if that wasn’t enough, she had to lean in so close that her body grazed mine. Fuck. It’s happening all over again. I can’t help but love her. She’s so intelligent, witty, beautiful, humorous, she’s everything I could ever ask for. We’re perfect together. But she hurt me so much. I want to settle down with her. I want to sleep next to her every night. I want her to read her favorite books to me and vice versa. I want HER. And for some reason she’s not willing to give herself up right now. Am I wasting my time?

1:55 am on February 10th, 2009
It sounds like she wants the feeling you are providing her. It feels good to know that you want her so profoundly, but maybe thats all she wants. The feeling, but not anything else. I hope thats not the case, but it sounds like its a possibility…
4:22 am on February 10th, 2009
yes… yes, you’re wasting your time.
10:03 pm on February 13th, 2009
It sounds to me like you are wasting your time. If she wanted to make a commitment to you, then she would. Although it may be difficult now, I think that you should move on with your life.
10:12 am on March 31st, 2009
Yeah… you are dude. Sorry. 🙁 Just tell her that if she doesn’t give herself up you’re finished wit her, maybe she’ll come around.
6:24 pm on April 10th, 2009
sounds like she’s playin you. happened to me before tons of times. they fuck around wit u, flirt, use you, sleep with you, buh thats about it, shes acting like she loves you back maybe because she just likes having you around buh usually bitches like that just leave after a few fuck dates. trust me. i would know.
9:59 am on April 16th, 2009
Forget about her. She’s just going to jerk you around. Might be her fault, might be because young women are taught that shit. Either way she’s no good for you. Mourn the idea that you loved so much and find a nice lady that will hold your hand and read with you. Hold out for someone kind that will love you.
7:46 am on April 19th, 2009
I’ve been through a similar situation recently. In my case, it was a waste of time.
He was attracted to me, maybe even in love with me. Everybody thought so, the signals were really clear. He tried to get close to me, but he was very afraid of it. I thought that it was because he had a previous wicked relationship and that he was afraid of getting hurt, afraid of letting himself go. It was very obvious.
I tried to clear the situation, to know what he did want from me: to be close or not. Finally he said that he didn’t want to see me, but he is very sad because I left.
He played with me, he used me to feel himself somebody.
So, if she really wants you, she will reach for you. She will make the effort; she will show you. Protect yourself, though, just in case. This hurts so much I don’t want anybody to feel it. Ever.
7:06 pm on July 25th, 2009
3:35 pm on July 26th, 2009
This = a waste of time.