Im Raymard from Philippines, my Mother is a Grade 6 Public School Teacher here, She had a 2 student which I fell In love with their name is Ms. D and Ms. C i’m 18 yrs. old But even though they were only 12 years old, they had sex with me multiple times… I can’t resist them, they had beautiful body!!!

12:30 pm on September 28th, 2007
#3624: Dear Mrs. Gutierrez, Just a quick note to let you know that your son, Raymard, has been having sex with two of your female pupils in your 6th grade class. He has willingly and openly confessed to these abhorent activities in an public forum. While there are a few teachers in the greater Manila school system with the last name of Gutierrez, there aren’t very many of them teaching 6th grade. Only ONE of those has a son named, Raymard. Please be advised that we have notified the authorities about your son’s disgusting and illegal activities. Please turn in your teaching certificate and unemployment paperwork for processing at the superintendent’s office IMMEDIATELY !!!
3:28 pm on September 28th, 2007
#3637: Hey, it’s me, Raymard again ! I live in Caloocan, Metro Manila, PH If YOU are a VERY horny 12 year old girl who attends class at NAGKAISANG NAYON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL , get in touch with me on Friendster.Com !!! My profile ID is : rjnl LET’S F-U-C-K ! ! !
3:38 pm on September 28th, 2007
#3638: Hi, all you horny little girls! My Friendster.Com profile number is 16730522. Get in touch with me and LET’S F-U-C-K ! ! !
4:14 pm on September 28th, 2007
#3639: I do REALLY need a GOOD fucking! Where is Camille Manire and her SWEET little CUNT ???
5:05 pm on September 28th, 2007
#3645: RAYMARD? Is that you? Remember me from Friendster?
11:03 am on September 29th, 2007
#3647: Mr. Lopez, You cant tell the truth just by reading through his confessions. I know all about psychology and for me that person is actually telling a make up story. Also, you can not just File a petition letter thru the superintendent without any proper documents and/or hard evidence regarding that.
1:57 pm on September 29th, 2007
#3651: Hey!!! I think Raymard’s Story is not true… think of it, You know its very impossible Indeed.
1:59 pm on September 29th, 2007
#3652: u can always ask him about it on
11:46 am on September 30th, 2007
#3657: what is and can i find 12 yr old girls there?
4:34 pm on October 1st, 2007
#3666: I think young Mr. Gutierrez should come back here and explain himself and his actions.
9:50 am on October 5th, 2007
#3687: i want to go to that school and learn how to fuck girlz!!!!!!!!
10:34 am on October 29th, 2007
#3766: Fuck ’em, Raymard! Fuck ’em ALL !!!
9:02 am on November 7th, 2007
#3809: hey raymard! theres a guy on here (#1037) who needs some advice bout how to get wit youing ladies. can u help him out?
10:27 pm on January 6th, 2008
#4087: All yal for real! U are some sick-minded freak. Go to the pshychyatrist immedietly! U need MAJOR help!!!!
11:16 pm on February 24th, 2008
#4259: If you gotta fuck them, I say Fuck them. Fuck those Girls Raymard…fuck them for everyone who can’t. Fuck them upside down, inside out, in the dark, in the park, in the rain, down a drain. Fuck them for truth, justice, and the American way my son
5:17 pm on April 23rd, 2008
#4500: Raymard is my HERO!
6:09 am on May 5th, 2010
Well On a serious note.. What is the harm if a young man has sex with a young girl ?
I am 24 and I would NEVER DARE have sex with a girl that young. But He is not much older than her.
I think the law should make some exceptions like these.
He is a young man . And he is a young girl who asked for it.
Its just an opinion though. I could be wrong!
1:46 pm on November 14th, 2010
so fuckin true raymard…
12 years old is a perfect time for a girl to get fucked…
i am 22yo & had sex with a 12yo girl since she was 11…
cute-innocent face, nice little body & ass, hairless tight pussy…
very bad at blowjob… but i don’t care…
we had anal sex since last christmas… sometimes anal creampie (accidently)… i don’t mind if her boobs never grow… as long as her pussy still hairless…
1:18 am on July 12th, 2011
ohhhh,raymond! i go tu that school and i wanna screw! i am 13 my name is cary chu. CONTACT MEEEE!BTW,my pussy=hairless n tight my boobs=36B virgin? NOOO
1:19 am on July 12th, 2011
btw,manny HIT ME UPPP
9:25 pm on July 13th, 2011
I have been fucking little girls for 20 years and would never have sex with anyone else. I have never had sex with a grow woman, the little girls love it, they moan when i lick them and always ask their moms if they can stay with me…I cant get enough
6:49 am on July 17th, 2011
sex is fine with girls older then 18, with their concent, any girl over that age is fair game, but not 12 year olds…how can you feel so proud about admitting to this…i’m pretty liberated when it comes to sex, but not with 12 year olds, or any age up to 18…children are not ready for that part of life yet…what you are owning up to, is disgusting.
i think you are just saying all this, just to try and scare us, or impress us…it does least i hope you are making it up..if you are not, and you really are serious….then you are sick, and you need locking up, away from society.
find a prostitute, but leave the kids alone.
do yourselves a favour…turn yourself in now, you need treatment…
and that goes for everyone on this part of the site….can you really not see anything wrong in what you are saying?. if you do things like that to them at such a young age, you will be destroying their lives…just because you are having problems with life, dont take it out on the unsuspecting youngsters.
surely you can find a woman of your own age.
stick to adults, leave the children alone.
you know it makes sense.
1:22 pm on July 17th, 2011
i am cary:) nd i lied about everything i put. i was just so horny! raymard is disquisting! nd so r the other ppl who encouraged him! TALK 2 GOD ABOUT IT!HE FORGIVES,I DID
10:19 pm on July 18th, 2011
sorry folks, i have to break the truth to you now, and tell you what everyone should know…you have all been lied to…brain washed….there is no such thing as god…there never has been, and there never will be.
i am sorry if this comes as a shock…but dont worry, start believing in yourselves more, and you’ll get over it.
1:05 am on July 23rd, 2011
hey office pest- GET A LIFE! who died on the cross? who arose the 3rd day? who made the world? who can end the world in a snap? GOD NDJESUS!the REAL ALPHA AND OMEGA,THE CREATER!!! retard! -maybe u were “brain washed” BY THE DEVIL!!! *GOD BLESS*
2:45 am on July 25th, 2011
imm 13 and want sexx soo anyone want innn this pussy? (;
6:53 am on May 11th, 2013
Got pics?
5:43 am on February 26th, 2014
go for it dude. Why do you think all the pedos go to those places/ Asians can get fully fucked up their ass and cunt when they’re 6 years old thats why! And you can fuck them with no rubber and empty your nuts in them too! At no extra cost!