my fiance has emotionally checked out of our relationship. i know he’s been under a lot of stress and has been traveling a lot lately, but it’s lasting a long time and i feel like i have no one around me. damn it, it gets lonely.
i’m considering having an affair with someone that i met online. he’s traveling through my town in a few months and we have discussed meeting and… yeah. i don’t know what to do. in five years when i’m married i could either be kicking myself for not going for it, or hating myself because i did. i don’t know what to do.

3:30 pm on February 13th, 2007
#1849: It kills me that whenever a woman faces a little difficulty in her relationship, the first thing that comes to mind is having an affair. Maybe you should try growing up and stop being so selfish. Better yet, break up with your fiance and spare him the future heartbreak of foolishly marrying a deceitful little slut like you.
4:36 pm on February 13th, 2007
#1850: the only thing I can say that may help you is this. How would you feel if he found out? Would you be ashamed and never able to speak to him again? or would YOU be able to explain to him why you did?
Also, sometimes you’ll find that people you love can be surprizing. Maybe talk to him about your problem. Ask him why he hasn’t been so loving. Yes a fight will arise, that is unavoidable, but just maybe it will help him see he needs to get romantic. Also he may let you, so long as you love him and this is a one time thing. It’s happend b4.
7:26 am on February 20th, 2007
#1892: Sometimes we as humans really need the sensual touches and caresses of the oposite sex. It is what fuels us sexually inside. To be denied that really takes it out of you. I hope I never fully cheat on my wife, but I have done a few things I probably should not have done. Masterbation just doesn’t cut it sometimes. Take Care and good luck.
10:11 pm on February 20th, 2007
#1897: I have to agree with the first part of what #1849 said, I think it’s so sad that in a time when your fiance – someone you apparently love and want to marry – is "under a lot of stress" you immediately think only of yourself and that you’re not getting laid enough. Has it, for one single second, occured to you that the reason he is working and travelling so much is because he is planning for your future together? Do you imagine he enjoys being stressed and away from home? and now, to top it off, the woman he loves is going to screw some idiotic stranger off the net because she is "lonely". I think it’s time you got off the computer to your little fantasy internet man, got yourself a reality check, and tried to help the REAL man in your life through what is obviously a hard time for him