i believe in abstinence but i can’t help thinking about sex. it’s driving me crazy, i think about it a lot… i don’t have a boyfriend but i get hit on a lot, mostly by older guys (it’s disgusting). i don’t want to have sex but i keep thinking about. i’m so confused! arrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh… i want to be a virgin till i get married but i feel like i’m going to lose my virginity soon ’cause my body says i should but my heart and my mind are set on abstaining from sex. i’m sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo scared that i might end up having sex before i’m married. i’m sure that sex will be great and i want to do it with only 1 person and that’s my future husband but the temptation is too great. when i was about 7 or 8 my classmate kinda molested me, maybe that’s why i think about sex a lot. i hate this!!!

11:11 am on May 3rd, 2006
#938: i read about ur situation once. it was real as urs too. but it ended sadly, she was "RAPED". but i don’t think thats ur destiny. about ur body and heart, pls don’t confise both.
6:22 pm on May 8th, 2006
#944: that great that you want to save your self for your husband. but then what? you will find out that you saved yourself for nothing! & it all over in 15 mins. any way! have sex , enjoy sex, just be smart about it and "DON’T GET KNOTED UP!" until after your married!
5:01 pm on May 21st, 2006
#1004: Wait till you’re married. Saving yourself isn’t about the feeling for yourself. It’s the moral and value of you saving yourself. Your future husband is the one that should have the honor. Not too mention the man you marry will enjoy knowing that you kept yourself for him and him only. You’ll feel as good about it as well in the end.
11:40 pm on May 28th, 2006
#1024: So, don’t take adviced from the "virgian distoyer" who tells you "don’t get knoted up" mostly because he doesn’t even know how to spell "virgin destroyer" or "knocked." Save it, honey. Sex may be "nothing" and usually can’t even last a good 15 minutes. But, it IS a big deal, and it will be a much better almost-15-minutes when you do it with someone who loves you and will love you ’til the day he dies.
9:08 pm on June 4th, 2006
#1048: yeah you got to gooooo with da floooooooow
1:12 pm on July 7th, 2006
#1170: have sex, have more sex and enjoy it. your husband won’t care if he loves you. stop missing all the fun and join in
4:35 am on July 10th, 2006
#1175: sex is a natural and beautiful thing, and the reason it feels so good is that you’re supposed to do it! besides if you’re experienced and GOOD in bed it’ll be better than if you’re both virgins and neither of you gets turned on. don’t save yourself for the sake of your husband, do what YOU want. it’s your body and your life, no part of you should belong to another person who you haven’t even met yet! and like 1170 said: if he loves you, he won’t care.
9:10 am on January 3rd, 2007
#1516: u can enjoy sex if u want without loosing ur virginity. dont worry. itys very easy to get all pleasure u want as ur body need..but u can save ur virginity until u want. email me i will tell u how….arbeez_2000@yahoo.co.in
4:05 am on January 23rd, 2007
#1647: have best sex just be safe your husband will love it if you have some experience.
Variety is the spice of life and you will learn loads from different experiences.