I love my man and i have allways enjoyed giving oral to him soo much. The problem is I am self-conscious and I was pretty sure I was awful at it. So I kept on insultinghim and insinuating that I disliked it, I guess so that he would not bag on me. He has had a history of experience with women and he is the only man I have had any experiences with. By the way were both pretty young. Now as a result he wont let me give him oral and it has affected our relationship on so many emotional and “physical” areas. I told him the truth about it all but he thinks I am lying and wont bother with me at all saying he doesnt want to go through the same shit again. I feel that I have rejeted him in a bad way and offended him. Nothing I say or do helps. I want to satisfy his “urges” but that is completely off limits and my very sugestion angers him. I know I deserve the rejection he is giving me. Now everything is messed up and all I do is try to fix things. My confssion is that I want one of those “easy” buttons from those tv comercials but yet still I dont because this experience has allowed me to open up to him on so many levels even though it seems he doesnt belive me in any of them.

4:54 am on March 24th, 2006
#815: Well you insulted him. I do not know the comments you made however he feels rejected now. If he’s been acting like this for awhile now and he hasn’t had any relation with you he’s either beating off in over drive or hes found someone who will suck his dick without calling him names or insulting his johnson.
12:57 am on March 31st, 2006
#834: maybe you do suck at blowing thats why he’s rejecting you.
9:10 pm on March 31st, 2006
#839: I think #834’s got something there. how did you blow him?
6:18 pm on April 22nd, 2006
#884: I think maybe you don’t know how to blow properly and he didn’t mind you practicing until you insulted him. So either catch him off guard and start kissing him all the way down or get him drunk and for sure he will let you blow him.
2:10 pm on May 23rd, 2006
#1017: Same shit happened to me, hes a fag. Dump his ass. Hes probably cheated on you too and that is why he had a change of mind.
2:22 pm on May 23rd, 2006
#1018: #1017 doesnt make sense, shit bitch prob doesnt even know what they are talking about
1:23 am on December 17th, 2006
#1444: you’ve apologized, you’re sorry, but he won’t forgive you. if he can’t accept your apology and trust you, why should you date him? people need to be able to forgive each other in relationships. otherwise, what’s the point?
9:16 pm on February 27th, 2007
#2200: Duh blame it on the President just like everyting else
Democrats go to Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2:27 pm on April 17th, 2011
maybe you should try having a long convosation with him in the shower and maybe suggest it in there or just try talking things out with him it could work