Confession Point

When you must confess!

I think my ex boyfriend is isane and threatens to kill alot and I tell people and no one believes me and I am frightened



  1. Itoldyoutheywouldn'tbelieveyou
    7:58 pm on February 8th, 2006

    #752: You weren’t supposed to tell anybody

  2. What a dumb ass guy
    6:45 pm on April 22nd, 2006

    #900: Well you should get rid of his ass!!

  3. responsible monkey
    1:07 pm on July 7th, 2006

    #1168: yeah, you are gonna die and he’s gonna kill you RIP

  4. confident crackhead
    11:49 am on December 12th, 2006

    #1367: sounds like me :]

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