Okay! Is this wierd? I love my boyfriend and am very attracted to him, however I hate having sex. I just don’t enjoy it? I still don’t know why that is and I can’t figure it out, I know it really hurts him when I’m “not in the mood” or I’m “too tired” all the time. What do I do?

4:06 am on December 7th, 2005
#280: is it painful for you? are you a lesbian?
12:19 pm on December 9th, 2005
#336: Are you this guy’s girlfriend?
12:44 pm on December 30th, 2005
#589: Check out some books on sex. (Serious ones.) If you love your boyfriend, the two of you might see a therapist.
1:34 am on March 24th, 2006
#813: Since you seem to care i doubt that it is not relationship problems, you probably have a lack of estrogen or somethin cahmical along those lines and should get it checked out. and if you care you should care enough to satisfy the urges you give to your man.
7:34 pm on June 27th, 2006
#1109: try some sex toys!!maybe he is just not pleasing u the way he should be.
12:45 pm on July 7th, 2006
#1162: You need help and he needs to leave for his own sake. The man needs pussy. Sorry, if you aren’t giving it to him when ever, where ever he wants then it’s time to leave.
11:51 am on September 26th, 2007
#3614: ?
7:09 am on October 2nd, 2009
Maybe he’s lousy in the bed? If so, you can teach him how you like it. 🙂