Confession Point

When you must confess!

I think I’m a homosexual. I had an encounter with a man and I think it felt right.Also, I have been drinking a lot and getting drunk to try and get away from some pain from a recent family death.



  1. u r a fag
    6:37 pm on December 3rd, 2005

    #250: fag, god hates fags.

  2. waiting step-grandmother
    4:47 pm on December 8th, 2005

    #299: To whoever posted the last comment:
    Oh, the wonderful contradiction that is the bible.
    "Love thy neighbor, unless he’s gay or of another religion."
    How do you know "god hates fags"? Have you asked him yourself? Can you quote the exact passage in the bible that says "And God says, I hate homosexuals." Please, it would be wonderful to hear.

  3. snakekiller
    8:43 am on December 11th, 2005

    #366: It does say in the Bible that God hates for man to lay with man and women to lay with women, because this is not natural.Maybe you should look these thing up in the Bible for yourself.You might be very surprised at what God has to say about many such things.People don`t like to read things that make them feel wrong about what they are doing.

  4. gay ladybug
    10:40 am on December 16th, 2005

    #419: Of course, the Christian Bible doesn’t say anything about going online and making an ass of oneself (as post #250 does). But it does say not to eat shellfish, or spit on the floor, or "mar the corners of thy beard", and goes into great detail about how to provide burnt sacrifices to god, and how women who have just given birth are unclean and must be kept away from holy objects… Basically, there are a host of other things that most idiots who rant and rave about the evils of homosexuality conveniently ignore in the Old Testament. I guarantee that 99% of the people who say "God hates fags" have never even read Leviticus! And of course some people will say "Oh, but those rules don’t apply thanks to the New Covenant with Jesus." Well, then that means you have to ignore the whole thing, not just the parts we disagree with.

    Personally I don’t like to read the Bible at all, because as far as mythologies go it’s pretty dull, not to mention self-contradictory.

  5. laughing at you faggy bible quoters
    1:07 pm on December 17th, 2005

    #455: bible fag bible fag bible fag. good vs. evil. you both suck. kill yourselves or marry eachother. fags. P.S. God hates fags.

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