Confession Point

When you must confess!

A friend of mine is in love with me,,,,i didnt accept him but still we are good friends. But i am in love with his best friend who already has a girlfriend(a very serious one).I cant tell anyone(not my friend&not the guy i like coz ill lose them both if i do).What should i do??plzz help.Confessing to the guy that i like him wont help.



  1. monkey's pink
    9:30 pm on November 24th, 2005

    #227: very confusing :-S

  2. famous dog
    6:43 pm on December 3rd, 2005

    #254: no, your not in LOVE, you have a crush, its different.

  3. careless wanker
    7:56 pm on January 30th, 2006

    #702: Time for a foursome

  4. acid tropical fish
    11:06 am on November 22nd, 2007

    #3915: My little sister is in love with me, but I’ve convinced her that it’s just her hormonal urge to have sex. Now she gives me blowjobs twice a day to prove how much she "loves" me. She may be a little stupid, but she is a GREAT little cocksucker!

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