Confession Point

When you must confess!

im 13 but i have liked porn since young and i masturbate almost everyday. i try not to masturbate as it seems wrong but sometimes i just cant help it. i’ve tried not looking at porn but i just can’t help it and kept looking instead. i really want to stop as this might desensitize me and give me the wrong impression of life.



  1. Tattva
    3:09 pm on December 7th, 2008

    To quote Keanu Reeves from the 1989 film Parenthood

    “A few months ago, Garry got his first boner…
    since then he´s been–
    Slappin´ the salami.
    No offense.
    Apparently he´s goin´ for
    a world record.
    Anyway, he was afraid there was
    something wrong with him.
    Like he was a pervert or something.
    l told him that´s what little dudes do.
    l mean, we´ve all done it.
    That made him happy.

    – Garry was happy?

    – Yeah. He even smiled.”

  2. asdf
    3:03 pm on December 10th, 2008

    yea when i was about 13 i thought it was wrong too – everyone always makes fun of everyone else and says they jerk off. lol then I went to an all boys boarding school at about 15 and realized that everyone does it cause everyone would admit it and joke about doing it – actually guys that dont do it at least when they are young are in the minority. Hell at 13 i prob jerked it 4 times a day sometimes.

    Go ahead dude i swear everyone does it and your prob gonna get worse over the next few years. When you get to college join a frat and see how much people joke about it – hell half my frat brothers will tell you that they are going to go JO when they do. I’ll shock you even worse – Im str8 but Me and my best friend used to jerk off together at about 14 – that will screw with your head for about a year lol.

    For now at 13 just lie about it along with everyone else do it as much as you need cause everyone else is either doing it or just starting to. Doctors say its even healthier for your prostate and penis than not doing it and you will have a better sex life later. At 13 you really cant do it too much because eventually nothing comes out the end (if it does at all yet) and if you do JO too much it hurts too much to continue. I remember mine being raw for a day or 2 at that age. 😉

    So just relax and if your religious dont let it screw with your head – i grew upin a strict southern babtist home. oh let me gross you out a little – im about 99% sure your parents know your at “that” age and your doing it in secret lol – its totally natural. Im 99% sure my dad did and hes a strict southern babtist although i never want to talk or think about him about that. gross Oh and dont get caught – my mom walked in on me when i was about 17 – you dont really want to jerk off for about a week or 2 after that. Women do it less and they probably need to do it more however all the girls i hang out with admit they do it too.

  3. asdf
    3:19 pm on December 10th, 2008

    oh one other comment – They say porn can screw up your sex life. At least I have heard that lol. I never had access to porn at 13 but I did by 17 or so. I think the problem is if your butt ugly or really fat your not gonna have the same sex you see in porn.

    lol but I can say everytime i have sex now its like a porn haha. but your very first experiences having sex are not gonna be that good unless you are lucky.

    All kidding aside they do say it can make it hard to form relationships later in life however I do not know the reasoning for that. I think they are looking at homely people or people with existing phsycho issues already and dont socialize much.

    Some people dont like to have sex that much – I know a lot of women who are very tense about it or they like to have boring 1 position sex or they have existing issues where they dont trust men … I like to be with someone that is outgoing and loves to explore sex as much as me – thats when you get confortable and have crazy hot sex like a porn.

    I will say the hottest sex you will have will be when you are working to satisfy the other person and they are doing the same to you – thats when its like magic.

  4. brave goldfish
    6:33 am on January 9th, 2009

    It’s natural for boys your age to masturbate. Even if you were young when you first started, it’s ok. if you chose to keep doing it though don’t let it effect you in the way you are afraid of. You have self control and it shouldn’t effect you that much if you don’t let it. I don’t know what kind of fear you have so I can’t help you that much, but you should be ok from what I see.

  5. BIG D
    6:58 pm on January 19th, 2009

    youll go blind (gasp) lol

  6. slow watchmaker
    12:15 pm on February 13th, 2009

    it will. im 23. i wasted alot of the last ten years…. trust me, just stop.

  7. Hey Hey Hey
    9:53 pm on May 17th, 2009

    The best way to stop is to get rid of any porn stash you have. Try to be alone as little as possible. If you’re home alone and you have the urge, go out for a walk. Do not touch your genitals unless you’re washing them or peeing.

  8. optional
    6:25 pm on September 11th, 2009

    you’re just like everyone else

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