Confession Point

When you must confess!

I had sex with my boyfriends when I was 17. We usually get laid every month and i got pregnant two years later. It’s all because of our future and an opportunity for me to study overseas, i gave it up nad went for an abortion when our baby was only 1 month old. I am very sad and regretful still .



  1. teen
    2:28 am on April 27th, 2006

    #921: it must be really hard for you but it’s a good thing you realized that what you did was wrong. even though i don’t know you, i can say that i’m proud of you for knowing and admitting that you’ve done wrong. try talking to a pastor or a priest about what you did. pray and ask God for spiritual guidance, God forgives. You should also forgive yourself and your boyfriend. there are also other support groups you might find on the internet or in your area of women who have had abortions. learn from the past and start a new life. good luck to you and God bless!

  2. yugoslavian undertaker
    10:53 am on May 6th, 2006

    #941: I don’t think I can understand the kind of pain u went through since I’ve never been there, but I just want u to get over it and in future if u ever feel like having sex again pls. use a condom..

  3. romanian head teacher
    10:22 pm on May 14th, 2006

    #974: yeah use a condom next time even the pope says theyre cool so there’s no excuse, abortions? they’ve existed since the start of time, not a nice thing but its over & done now

  4. conscious butcher
    10:50 pm on November 12th, 2009

    wait, you killed a one month old infant? or you mean you were a month into the pregnancy?

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