Confession Point

When you must confess!

omfg!!! last knight i went to my boyfriends house and he was watchig a porn and he was jacking off and i got turned on so i ripped off my clothes and a jumped on his dick and we fucked so hard and we were trying some cool stuff we did a 69 and that was my first time doing that and if was soooo good then after that he fucked me in the ass and this morning i took a shit and a buch of cum came out it was kind of cool actually 🙂



  1. careless wanker
    7:53 am on February 3rd, 2006

    #736: Fantasies are fine but grow up asshole. This is bullshit and you know it. You’re probably gay anyway.

  2. responsible monkey
    12:36 pm on July 6th, 2006

    #1134: it was cool until you talked about taking a shit. you are a girl right?

  3. chemical hunter
    6:00 am on October 5th, 2006

    #1281: the ass hole is soooo goood.can itry it on u?

  4. public printer
    11:23 am on January 18th, 2007

    #1586: wrong….you asss

  5. Maddox
    4:34 pm on February 6th, 2007

    #1775: when storytelling in future, please try and keep shit out of it. it’s a huge mood killer. other subjects likely to cause this reaction include: Vomit, Syphilis, Oozing sores, insects, Meg Ryan movies.

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