Confession Point

When you must confess!

My cousin used to stay over at our place when her mom was away.. her mom was kind of a druggie hooker type. When I had the chance I went to the laundry room and sniffed her knickers and clothes. I guess its kinda fucked up but the girl was 7 and I was about 15. I didn’t touch her but often I went downstairs and sniffed and licked them, especially if they had shit streaks in em.



  1. panty lvr
    9:24 pm on December 11th, 2007

    #3981: did you ever wrap them around your cock and jack off into them while having another pair in your face?

  2. angry wasp
    9:45 pm on March 30th, 2008

    #4371: Nice! Nothing like a sweet pair of little girl panties with skiddies in them! Their little butts smell sooo good 🙂

  3. knickerboy
    6:51 am on June 25th, 2008

    #4862: You can’t beat a pair of soiled school knickers just removed after 3 days full of skids and piss stains.

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