i jack off at work. i work in a hospital. im in the military. i do it because im bored. theres downtime on the week end. somtimes i do it and think of a patient ive seen. ill cum on my hand and and purposly touch other patients(that are hot) so that way theyll have a little piece of me on them. useally its the prenatal patients. we have to take there temperature… guess what i wipe my hand on.
3:02 pm on September 8th, 2007
#3345: HEY, MT DIDDLES !!!
I’ve got a BIG Strap-On here with YOUR name on it !!!
Now, bend over and take it like a MAN !!!
12:35 pm on February 8th, 2008
#4206: i an 12 year old my mother is 39 year old she don’t look that old
we are into incest some of you are wonder how did it start.
well let me tell you one night i tip toe into my mother ber roomshe was a sleep on her back she sleep nude i ease in bed with her i ease the cover down to the foot of the bed those big tits really look nice i ease her legs apart i work my head down between her legs i start lick her pussy she woke up saw me between her legs try to push me off i heard tell me to stop i did not stop i lick faster now she was having orgasm after ogasm
she grab my head pull it close to her pussy i head say baby eat mom pussy real good to this day we have sex now my mother told me she was pregnant i was the father she so happy that she going to have a baby i told my mother i love her.
4:07 pm on April 29th, 2008
#4529: I jack off in my sleeping granddaughter’s open mouth.
9:15 am on June 12th, 2008
#4819: when my parents come home from a drunken night out they always end up passed out in bed, and i always take the opportunity to fuck my mother while she’s passed out. it’s always so exciting to dump 3 or 4 loads of my incestuous seed deep in my mothers hairy cunt with my dad passed out and snoring only inches away !!!.
9:24 pm on March 21st, 2011
i love to jack off in front of girls…
9:25 pm on March 21st, 2011
i love licking girls feet and sucking on their toes…
12:53 am on December 19th, 2012
I love how you fuckers will believe anything.