Confession Point

When you must confess!

I love my girlfriend, but I don’t love her that much.

I only think about her about 10% of the time when I masturbate, and I like to talk dirty to girls I meet on myspace and send them naked pictures (they love those).

Anyway, I managed to seduce a girl who lives in my building and I think I might have a chance to fuck her. The problem is she doesn’t know I have a girlfriend, so if my girlfriend comes for a visit, then I’m afraid she’s going to find out!

If I AM going to get caught by my GF, I won’t cheat on her, but if I won’t, then I think I would love to!



  1. black grandmother
    12:51 am on January 20th, 2009

    Tell the girl you like you have a girlfriend but be mature about it. This other girl is only a girlfriend. you’re not married. Life is to be lived. If your ‘Girlfriend’ is in Love with you then you do whatever possible to protect her feelings. It sucks to be heartbroken. Maybe you should break up if your not feeling it anymore. Life is short. Move on so that she can heal and move on as well. Live Life.

  2. humorous dog
    4:37 pm on January 20th, 2009

    Lol… Man-whore.

    You’re scum.

  3. slimy king cobra
    1:08 am on January 21st, 2009

    You don’t love her. So stop saying you do, your just a big liar.

  4. Scribble Buiscunty Sauce
    2:30 pm on January 22nd, 2009

    You don’t love her, you’re just addicted to pleasure. If you did, you wouldn’t be so interested in fucking other girls, or flirting even. It’s what happens when you play the dating game too much in grade school and lose sight of the value of people in a relationship, and only care about them for the way they make you feel, rather than pure interest in them themselves.

  5. romantic uncle
    11:46 am on January 23rd, 2009

    Hit it and quit it brah!

  6. Athiest Forever
    7:52 am on February 7th, 2009

    You do not love her, and if you did, you wouldn’t want to do this to her.

    Just break up with her if you want to enjoy casual sex, this kind of bullshit will hurt her more in the longrun.

    Christ, think of someone else beside yourself for like two seconds, eh?

  7. popular professor
    6:57 am on February 4th, 2010

    your a senseless bastard for even saying that you love her, how can you when you cant even commit to the physical elements of your relationship with her. your irresponsible behavior will hurt her and eventually yourself

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