Confession Point

When you must confess!

one time in grad school I slept with a married man for money to pay the rent. I felt both empowered and ashamed…



  1. Oprah
    6:35 pm on December 3rd, 2005

    #248: You go girl! You dirty slut.

  2. straight rattlesnake
    3:36 am on December 4th, 2005

    #261: I’ll sleep with you if you pay my rent, and are a chic.

  3. Deep
    9:47 am on December 5th, 2005

    #268: sleeping for money, thats not kewl…….

  4. happy cunt
    12:46 pm on December 30th, 2005

    #590: I would more blame the degrading and abusive graduate school system that keeps smart twenty-something in indentureship.

    Sooo, are you hot?

  5. silly dragon
    6:11 pm on February 25th, 2007

    #2093: How much do you charge ?

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