Confession Point

When you must confess!

i am not attracted to men..i am more attracted to females….i been interested in women since i was 13 years old…YES..I AM A LESBIAN



  1. humorous dog
    6:24 am on January 26th, 2009

    You think that makes you special? Get over yourself.

  2. Jesus_Is_The_Answer
    5:07 pm on January 26th, 2009

    Actually “humorous dog” I think “rainbow84” was probably just confessing, taking into account it’s a confession website, ironically you are here not only confessing nothing but trying to belittle the feelings of those that want to heal or feel better. Have you ever heard the saying “It’s wrong to kick someone that is already down”. Just a thought…. God Bless

  3. darkinthecloset
    4:38 pm on January 31st, 2009

    I am too.
    But i dont think ill ever have the guts to come out with it.

  4. acid step-mother
    11:53 pm on February 3rd, 2009

    love yourself

  5. L
    1:26 am on February 4th, 2009

    Amen sister!

  6. Rev.
    1:12 am on January 27th, 2011

    I am the founder and head of NEW LIGHT WW MINISTRY. Or no bull Electronic Missionaire Ministry
    This church endorses incest, including mom and daughter. Assuming God is unprejudice, I couldn’t put any minimum age limit on it. because if i did, it would seem like i was thinking God is prejudice against ages. So if that be the way he is, well it should be fine for mother and son and dad and daughtger to engage in intercourse with each other. I am not really into the Jesus religion and neither the bible. But fantisized what God endorses and set up my church on that belief. Hallilugah praise his name.

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