I keep having cybersex with guys online. It’s so much fun! Last night I was cybering with two guys at once – a married man in his 30s and a horny 14 year old boy. Wow my fingers got sore! (from typing).

I keep having cybersex with guys online. It’s so much fun! Last night I was cybering with two guys at once – a married man in his 30s and a horny 14 year old boy. Wow my fingers got sore! (from typing).
2:43 am on May 5th, 2007
#2768: shit now a guy in his 20s has joined in. why do they all get horny at the same time? is there some rule that at 9 pm all guys get horny simultaneously or something? i don’t know if I can handle 3 at once.
6:57 pm on May 8th, 2007
#2781: Did you ever notice how your pussy looks like the traditional valentine heart symbol ? Especially when aroused.
10:27 pm on May 8th, 2007
#2782: um no i don’t really look at my pussy while i’m aroused actually.
6:54 am on May 9th, 2007
#2783: check it out, it is pretty
5:20 pm on June 10th, 2010
we should cyber sometime? (: