I have fallen in love with my brother in laws best best friend who is very straight, we all got very drunk the other night and I was all over him but in a playful way! my girlfriend asked the question. Are you gay? “Err no” I said, but deep down I wanted to say YES! but I know if I did I would lose my friends and family, they are very homophobic!
8:21 pm on September 4th, 2007
My Great-Grandmother wears a TON of lipstick and gives me 2 or 3 blowjobs every day.
My cock is ALWAYS bright RED !!!
8:22 am on August 28th, 2009
bad situation. u should secide what should u give up in your life to be yourself. and it’s worse. in fact u cant be really happy with people they like u because of u obey their moral rules. u should have people they like u whatever u are. despite they are not your family. u wait useful time to say.but u courage and honest your side.