I’m a 38 yo woman and I’m seriosuly attracted to boys aged 12-16. I see them at the mall, and they are all so cute and sexy. I love their voices, the way they smell, their bodies, their faces and the way they look at me like they just came in their pants. I can’t stop flirting with them and I’m scared one day I’m going to touch one.

8:18 pm on February 25th, 2007
#2109: if you’re hot, fuck an 18/19 year old who looks younger.
8:20 pm on February 25th, 2007
#2110: Best only flirt, society will frown on any more than that.
9:31 pm on February 25th, 2007
#2113: Find yourself a hot 18 year old!!!!! I agree with the top comment!! If you can go for it!
9:38 pm on February 25th, 2007
#2114: Yeah um I had a 17 nearly 18 yo who looked 15, but it’s not the same. He doesn’t smell as good, and he’s really perverted in bed. The young ones look so sweet and innocent …
11:11 am on March 4th, 2007
#2260: Don’t do it. These thoughts are not normal and you really should seek professional help. Don’t abuse a child to satisfy your own selfish, demented sexual satisfaction.
5:17 am on March 9th, 2007
#2383: You go girl..
1:52 pm on March 26th, 2007
#2559: 16+ at least kay x
11:23 pm on March 30th, 2007
#2608: Popping a 15-year old boy’s cherry is not abuse…it’s fun for both parties! I wish I’d had an aggressive 38-year old woman to enlighten me at 15.
9:38 pm on July 11th, 2007
#2928: I’m 34 and I have three teenage sons (17, 16, and 15) by my own Father, who has since passed away. Every other weekend I bring a bunch of booze home and get them drunk. After 3 or 4 drinks i whip a up a "special" smoothie with some viagra mixed in.
It’s amazing how teenage boys act when they’ve have some alcohol and viagra in them. Add a curvy Mom who’s not wearing a bra or panties and a VERY revealing short skirt and skimpy halter top and, Voila!
You have an all-night family fuckfest!
The boys record for fucking me now stands at 23 times in one night.
What can I say?
4:28 pm on August 18th, 2007
Go ahead and touch them. They won’t break. Go ahead. I dare you!
Go ahead and touch them. They’re only sex-crazed boys. they won’t mind a bit. honest!
Go ahead and touch them. Touch them "down there"!
Come on. You know you want to!
3:09 pm on September 4th, 2007
#3222: When you get older, you’ll be AMAZED at how many times your Grandsons will be able to ejaculate their incestuous seed into ALL of your orifaces!
3:39 pm on December 12th, 2007
#3991: nothing ventured, nothing gained !
12:16 am on January 7th, 2008
#4092: blue motherf***** u are so right. demented persons out there. Go to a pshychyatrist or something. Thats really NOT normal.
5:57 pm on April 3rd, 2008
#4398: I was a 35 year old single Mom (divorced) who was constantly horny (think of me as over-sexed and under-supplied) who found the PERFECT way to satisfy my needs.
You say you’re 38 and horny for teenage boys ?
Do what I did. Volunteer to be a Boy Scout Troop Leader. Plan a 3-day camping trip for you and your Scout Troop. Wear the shortest loose-legged shorts you can find underneath your "camping" trousers. As soon as you’re all underway (away from the parents), complain about the pants being too hot and take them off. Do NOT wear underwear! Do NOT wear a bra. If you wear the "traditional" uniform shirt make sure it’s always half unbuttoned. This will make it easier to see down your shirt and up your shorts. Make sure you move around alot so the boys in your Troop will be able to easily tell that you’re bra-less and panty-less. Give them ALL lots of hugs!
All that will make their testosterone-fueled teenage imaginations go into overdrive! They’ll ALL be thinking about only ONE thing! (In fact, don’t be surprised if some of them are whispering to one another all the dirty details of EXACTLY what they’d do to you if they snuck into your tent in the middle of the night!)
BUT, you’re not done yet…..
The first night out, make up a batch of your "special" Kool-Aid for the boys. Use whatever flavor you want, but make sure that you’ve added at least THREE crushed up Viagra tablets for each boy present. (That’s what makes it SO "special"!)
OK. You’ve set the stage, you’re in your "peek-a-boo" camping costume, and your audience is in the correct "mood". Now’s the time to get things rolling!
When you’re all sitting around the camfire roasting weiners (VERY suggestive imagery!) and the boys are all working on their 2nd or 3rd cup of Kool-Aid, now’s the time to let them know that your willing to talk openly and honestly with them about whatever it is that they want to know, As in, "Anything at all, guys. Camping? Scouting? The Forest? How about Sex-Ed?"
YOU just KNOW what’s upper-most on their minds, don’t you? So you know what you’ll be talking to them about!
I leave up to you to figure out how you’ll translate words into actions. I guarantee, it won’t be "hard" to do !
So what happened to me that first camping trip with my Troop ?
Eight "boys", including 3 virgins, fucked me (anyway they wanted) 127 times in three days !
My cunt, ass, and mouth were sore for over a week (but in a "good" way) !
That was three summers ago. There are now over 70 boys in my Troop !
It really PAYS to VOLUNTEER !!!
8:53 pm on October 30th, 2008
Personally as a teenage boy i think it would be an enriching experience to have an older women show me the ropes. 😛
Make a young boy happy 😉
12:20 am on December 15th, 2008
shit touch me….
8:17 pm on March 19th, 2009
you are FCKING SICK! PERVERTS like you should be hanged! I will shoot yo ass myself if i see ya in the streetz
sick fuck
4:05 am on September 21st, 2009
If ur in Australia eva i could help u with want ur looking for.
11:42 am on September 26th, 2009
If a woman touches a boy: Ok. If a man touches a girl: Not ok. So you’re on the safe side.
12:54 am on December 20th, 2009
hey im 13.. if u give me ur email or full name we can talk. do u have a acebook?
4:23 pm on January 30th, 2010
“””Scout “Mistress” Lois
5:57 pm on April 3rd, 2008
#4398: I was a 35 year old single Mom (divorced) who was constantly horny (think of me as over-sexed and under-supplied) who found the PERFECT way to satisfy my needs.
You say you’re 38 and horny for teenage boys ?
Do what I did. Volunteer to be a Boy Scout Troop Leader. Plan a 3-day camping trip for you and your Scout Troop. Wear the shortest loose-legged shorts you can find underneath your “camping” trousers. As soon as you’re all underway (away from the parents), complain about the pants being too hot and take them off. Do NOT wear underwear! Do NOT wear a bra. If you wear the “traditional” uniform shirt make sure it’s always half unbuttoned. This will make it easier to see down your shirt and up your shorts. Make sure you move around alot so the boys in your Troop will be able to easily tell that you’re bra-less and panty-less. Give them ALL lots of hugs!
All that will make their testosterone-fueled teenage imaginations go into overdrive! They’ll ALL be thinking about only ONE thing! (In fact, don’t be surprised if some of them are whispering to one another all the dirty details of EXACTLY what they’d do to you if they snuck into your tent in the middle of the night!)
BUT, you’re not done yet…..
The first night out, make up a batch of your “special” Kool-Aid for the boys. Use whatever flavor you want, but make sure that you’ve added at least THREE crushed up Viagra tablets for each boy present. (That’s what makes it SO “special”!)
OK. You’ve set the stage, you’re in your “peek-a-boo” camping costume, and your audience is in the correct “mood”. Now’s the time to get things rolling!
When you’re all sitting around the camfire roasting weiners (VERY suggestive imagery!) and the boys are all working on their 2nd or 3rd cup of Kool-Aid, now’s the time to let them know that your willing to talk openly and honestly with them about whatever it is that they want to know, As in, “Anything at all, guys. Camping? Scouting? The Forest? How about Sex-Ed?”
YOU just KNOW what’s upper-most on their minds, don’t you? So you know what you’ll be talking to them about!
I leave up to you to figure out how you’ll translate words into actions. I guarantee, it won’t be “hard” to do !
So what happened to me that first camping trip with my Troop ?
Eight “boys”, including 3 virgins, fucked me (anyway they wanted) 127 times in three days !
My cunt, ass, and mouth were sore for over a week (but in a “good” way) !
That was three summers ago. There are now over 70 boys in my Troop !
It really PAYS to VOLUNTEER !!!
You will die bitch!
7:37 pm on January 30th, 2010
@Dude, We all will die some day..
2:31 am on February 5th, 2010
you are a sick fucker who needs to be hanged you sick bitch. go die.
6:03 pm on June 10th, 2010
Hey im a 16 year old boy, ill help you out (:
12:06 pm on June 17th, 2010
Viagra in the the kool aid hahaha that is freaking hilarious. That’s going a little to far though we’re guys we have boners 24/7 . all this time I thought boy scouts was all lame out doors crap so in my Opinion this lady turned boring camp outs into a good time I remember the last time I went camping all I could think if is where are the girls….I’m 17 and not saying this scout lady doesn’t have issues but the way she is revolutionizing the boy scouts sounds much more fun than nature walks and rope making and what ever else boy scouts do and this scout lady is most likely gonna get caught once the parents get their thumb out their ass and ” AND ALL JOKING AND LAUGHING ASIDE WHAT SHE DID IS PRETTY FUCKED UP”
1:22 pm on June 18th, 2010
am 21 and i hope fuck any older granny or mom
1:56 am on June 24th, 2010
TO I Luv Boyz where r u located? I’m seriosuly attracted to older women too. And I’m also scared one day I’m going to touch one too and get arrested.
9:19 pm on August 21st, 2010
hell ill fuck you im thirteen
11:02 am on August 22nd, 2010
illox: I agree.What the hell would she need the viagra .Those boys wooda been hard already anyway.I just wish she would of been my scout leader. Motto:Do onto others as you would have them do onto you!
6:29 pm on February 13th, 2011
id love to talk to you im 15 and love older women