I’ve been on my guy about being honest but the reason I know he isn’t is because I snooped into his email. I plan to come clean and I’m scared to death, but we truly love each other and I need to tell him to change his password and what I did.

I’ve been on my guy about being honest but the reason I know he isn’t is because I snooped into his email. I plan to come clean and I’m scared to death, but we truly love each other and I need to tell him to change his password and what I did.
2:30 pm on January 3rd, 2007
#1518: Hell NO! This is a bad idea. If you want to have problems with relation to trust then tell him that you are a snoop-dog. We always feel better when we confess but it isn’t always the something that will stringthen a relationship. Save this for when you are mad at him and you want to break up.
7:30 pm on February 19th, 2007
#1883: absolutely agree with FDave….this sort of confession is what death beds are made for
4:34 am on July 13th, 2009
dont do it
9:21 am on September 1st, 2009
did you did it?