I love my good friend. i’m a guy, and she is really cute. we are hang out friends and kind of personal advisor for each other, i’m afraid to make a move on her. I have been a gentleman to her for a while but still, i’m a bit afraid…. my heart ache every night when I miss my chance

6:40 am on June 22nd, 2006
#1102: I know just where you’re comming from. I have had a lot of female friends throughout my life and most of them were really hot. It was hard to not try to make a move on them sometimes but in the long run it was the best thing. It turned out that our platonic friendship was more important because there was no restrictions on our conversations and personal issues. All I can say is cherish your friendship and enjoy the fact that you two don’t have to deal with the emotional baggage that most couples have. Good luck!
8:00 am on July 7th, 2006
#1156: Man just make your move maybe she feels the same way but she is afraid to tell you. You only live once and besides if she doesnt work out you can stil b friends and if not then you very good friends to start with.